
洁身自好  jié shēn zì hào








  • 避免有多个性伴侣,要洁身自好
    How to avoid sexual partners, to Clean.

  • 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
    It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean.

  • 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
    It's very important for a fresher to keep his nose clean.

  • 洁身自好,常在河边走,也要不湿鞋。
    To abstinence, often in the river walk, we must not wet shoes.

  • 而是因为它象征着在污浊环境中仍能洁身自好的人;
    But because it symbolizes the environment, still keeping oneself clean in a filthy person;

  • 我一直洁身自好,感染艾滋病的几率并不高,为什么偏偏是我呢?
    I have been Clean living, the probability of HIV infection is not high, why are me?

  • 在人生道路上,你洁身自好,不懈追求,挑战自我,追寻心灵的恬静。
    In your life experience, you intend to purify and challenge yourself while striving continuously and seeking for inner peace.

  • 因为它们有不同凡俗的精神:勇敢、坚贞、顽强、不怕困难、洁身自好
    Because they have different secular spirit: courage, steadfast, strong, not afraid of difficulties, Clean living.

  • 话虽然这么说,但隋雪英还是告诫大家:最保险的办法是远离毒品、洁身自好
    Having said that, then, but still warned Sui Xueying you: the most secure way is to stay away from drugs, Clean living.

  • 他认为结婚以后就该洁身自好:“从结婚以后,要清理的是你的心,你的思维。
    He thought that the marriage later should remain pure and incorruptible: "after marriage, what must clean up is your heart, your thought."

  • 所以,性病治疗不要存在侥幸心理,最重要的还是要洁身自好,注意卫生和感染。
    Therefore, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases do not exist idea of trusting to luck, the most important thing is to Clean living, pay attention to hygiene and infection.

  • 洁身自好,也许不能颐指气使做领军人物,但满庭芬菲怡人,自是悠然南山采菊东篱。
    Clean living, she may not be so insufferably arrogant leader, but people, of course, a leisurely nanshan Dongli Picking chrysanthemums.

  • 其次,要做到不吸毒,避免共用注射器等高危行为;在生活中避免有多个性伴侣,要洁身自好
    Second, we should not do drugs, avoid sharing syringes, and other high-risk behavior in life how to avoid sexual partners, to Clean;

  • 为了避免在大众中产生误解,他解释说,“洁身自好”这一概念并不是要禁止人们参与社会活动。
    To avoid the misunderstanding among the public, he explains that the concept of "preserving your purity" has nothing to do with stopping people from taking part in social activities.

  • 你们当中有多少人愿意洁身自好,对伴侣忠实,并希望伴侣也能和你一起维护一夫一妻的关系呢?
    How many of you would love to have a totally one-on-one committed relationship with someone totally focused and monogamous?

  • 以下是全文,真希望没看过的能看一遍全文,哪怕不能拍案而起,在将来也至少做一个洁身自好的人。
    Maybe we are not brave enough to stand up. At least we can behave ourselves and be a good person.

  • 然后你就可以离开了,留下你的首饰,放弃你法定的继承权,每一个人都会赞美你,称赞你洁身自好
    Then you can quit your house, leaving your jewels and giving up your jointure , and every one's mouth will be filled with praises of your disinterestedness.

  • 不要随便和别人上床,否则将来遇到一个真爱但他是洁身自好有原则的男人,你会后悔当年的所作所为。
    Do not go to bed and others, it will encounter a Clean love but he is a man of principle, then you will regret it done.

  • 应用:为了避免在大众中产生误解,他解释说,“洁身自好”这一概念并不是要禁止人们参与社会活动。
    To avoid the misunderstanding among the public, he explains that the concept of "preserving your purity" has nothing to do with stopping people from taking part in social activities.

  • 但公司“洁身自好”不肯接受施舍,却使得资产负债表更加疲软,可能在全球十大汽车制造商中最为不堪。
    But its noble abjuring of handouts has left it with a weaker balance-sheet than perhaps any of the world's top ten carmakers.

  • 如果单纯从控制该类人员的流动性方面来讲,卫生部门能做的事情很少,关键还是要广大市民能够洁身自好
    If such a simple control from the staff in terms of liquidity, the health sector can do little things, the key is to the general public to abstinence.

  • 不要随便和别人上床,否则将来遇到一个真爱,但他却是个洁身自好、有原则的男人,你会后悔当年的所作所为。
    Don't make love with others easily otherwise you will regret your imprudent doings when your lover is a man of high principle who leads an honest and clean life.

  • 你们当中有多少人愿意洁身自好,对伴侣忠实,并期望伴侣也能和你一起MAIntenance一夫一妻的联系呢?
    How a lot of you will love to HAs a totally one-on-one committed relationship with someone totally foreplay and monogamous?

  • 玻璃板背答包管绝差纯洁,擦拭时答用脱脂棉、纱布及无水酒不粗擦肮脏,包含不面平流、反平罩也答保留洁身自好
    Glass plate surface shall ensure clean, wipe the cotton wool, gauze that is applied when and clean alcohol, including point lights, reflectors should keep spotlessly clean.

  • “宽以待人、洁身自好”是我的处世原则;“精益求精、勇于进取”是我的精神信念;“兢兢业业、不断创新”是我的工作方式。
    "Live and let live" is my JieShenZiHao, principle, "Excelsior, enterprising spirit" is the spirit of my faith, "Conscientiously, continuous innovation is the way I work.

  • “我一生只吻过一个女孩:那就是我的妻子桃乐丝,”他说道,“我在前线作战时一直洁身自好,虽然我知道很多人不是这样的。”
    "I've only ever kissed one girl: my Dorothy, " he said. "I never gave my cherry away when I went to the front. I know a lot of men who did.

  • 特别是一些身居“官位”而不洁身自好者,常因各种违心之事,辗转反侧、夜不能寐,以至于患上忧郁症等各种心理病那也是有的。
    In particular, some Are its "Guanwei" without Clean, often for a variety of things Weixin, Zhanzhuanfance, Yebunengmei, even suffering from depression and other mental illness that is some.

  • 当时的科学界的道德状况是如此糟糕,科学家在这种环境中进行研究.能抗拒怍弊的诱惑是不容易的,要做到时刻洁身自好是很难的。
    The moral state of scientific community then was so bad that it was very hard of resist the tempt of cheating and keep out of it.

  • 诚然,我们无法罗列避免谎言的所有可能且必要的方法。但是一个洁身自好的堂堂君子,应当能够坚持心中的准绳,清楚地辨别其他事例。
    Of course we have not listed all of the possible and necessary deviations from falsehood. But a person who purifies himself will easily distinguish other instances with his purified outlook.

  • 这些印石色泽多样,黄、红、白色均有,见光微透,石质柔细,光滑洁净,清白明莹者,正如洁身自好,不入俗世君子之风范,备受文人雅士的器重。
    Since then, it has attracted many sculptors, collectors, and enthusiasts who appreciate the stone on many different levels, creating a cultural atmosphere and further enriching the stone's value.

  • 洁身自好造句相关
