
沾沾自喜  zhān zhān zì xǐ








  • 不要沾沾自喜于一得之功。
    Don't be complacent over occasional success.; Don't feel self-satisfied over a minor success.

  • 他很可能因他的成功而沾沾自喜
    He could have hugged himself at his success.

  • “你看看我”,她沾沾自喜地说。
    "Just look at me", she said smugly.

  • 沾沾自喜时,我牢记竞争对手。
    If I feel complacency I will remember my competition.

  • 约翰对自己的成就沾沾自喜
    John is delighted with his achievement.

  • 沾沾自喜,我等待着答案。
    Complacently, I waited for the answer.

  • 布什说,“切特夫知道我们不能够沾沾自喜
    Mike Chertoff knows we can not afford to become complacent.

  • 他们意识到不能因为国内市场的成功就沾沾自喜
    They realized that they shouldn't be content with the success in the domestic market .

  • 若得胜了邪魔,小心著不要沾沾自喜,发出骄傲。
    But beware of vain complacency and pride.

  • 与此同时,国王却在因为他的审判系统而沾沾自喜
    At the same time, the king grew more and more pleased with himself and his system of justice.

  • 北方局势如此危险,我认为政府毫无理由沾沾自喜
    With the state of affairs in the North so dangerous I see no reason for the government's complacency.

  • 当我们有所成绩时,不要只为今天的成绩而沾沾自喜
    When we have a result, do not be only pleased with oneself for today's result.

  • 它们确实是松散和骄傲,他们不阻碍就沾沾自喜意见。
    They are really loose and cocky and they don't hold back on the smug comments.

  • 他从最初的沾沾自喜,走向否定自我,继而认识真我。
    The protagonist Gabriel changes from his primary complacence, to the later denial, and to the final real evaluation of himself.

  • 我有时沾沾自喜,可不经意之间,我发现河水竟流尽了。
    Sometimes I feel, can be inadvertently, I found that the river flow was done.

  • 好友却为此沾沾自喜,这是他惟一不听从设计师意见的地方。
    But strangely, when my friend heard such comments, he was so excited for that is the only place he didn't follow the suggestion from designer.

  • 随着即将到来的十月大选,这成为了本届政府沾沾自喜的原因。
    With an election due in October, this is cause for much official self-congratulation.

  • 虽然神灵论者为此沾沾自喜,但我们不应忽视这一缺失的事实。
    The fact that creationists gloat over it should not tempt others to ignore it.

  • 和我交谈过的许多女性似乎都对她们高明的扯谎技巧感到近乎沾沾自喜
    Many women I spoke with seemed almost proud of the cleverness of their shams.

  • 去年他对美国新闻报纸编辑社团说:“在这个行业,我们很多人都毫无原因地沾沾自喜”。
    Last year he told the American Society of Newspaper Editors that "as an industry, many of us have been remarkably, unaccountably, complacent".

  • 错!现在还不到时间。在经济状况方面当前存在沾沾自喜不但是愚蠢的,而且也是非常危险的。
    No, it isn't. And the complacency now setting in over the state of the economy is both foolish and dangerous.

  • 今年国庆,欣逢经济逐渐复苏,但我们不应因此沾沾自喜,世局的变化,往往是很难预料得到的。
    Despite the initial recovery in economy coinciding with the National Day celebrations, we should keep clear of smugness, as things are hardly predictable after all.

  • 他时而回想这个沾沾自喜的波拿巴,他那洁白的小手,他如今正是亚历山大皇帝所喜爱和崇敬的皇帝。
    Then he thought of that self-satisfied Bonaparte, with his white hands—treated now with cordiality and respect by the Emperor Alexander.

  • 因为季后赛就是这样,每一场比赛你都必须提升自己的水平,而不是仅仅是打好一场比赛后就沾沾自喜
    Because this is the playoffs, every game you have is necessary to improve the level of their own, rather than merely complacent after a good game.

  • 韩增与诸家相比,显然根底浅薄,但他那优美的唱腔却时时获得台下观众的热烈掌声,使其有沾沾自喜之感。
    Han by comparison with the from home, apparently shallow foundation, but his singing is beautiful at all times access to the warm applause from the audience to have a sense of complacency.

  • 好评既可以是发自内心,也可能是礼貌客套。面对潮水般的好评,我们收获着欣喜和感动,但切不可为此而沾沾自喜
    Both praise is heartfelt, may also be polite courtesy. Faced with tidal wave of praise, we are delighted and impressed harvest, but for this purpose must not be complacent.

  • 从早期预警评估和战略规划的角度来说,决策者们不应该盲目沾沾自喜,仅仅凭着历史纪录就夸大水源冲突的可能性。
    From the perspective of early warning assessments and strategic planning, policy-makers should not be complacent about the potential for water conflicts based simply on the historical record.

  • 其次,一个人要学会遗忘自己的成绩,有些人稍微做了一点成绩就骄傲起来,沾沾自喜,这显然是造成失败的一个原因。
    Secondly, a person to learn how to forget their own success, some people do a little a little pride on the accomplishments, complacent, this is one of the reasons for the failure.

  • 答:因为这个驴子没有弄清楚事实的本质,以为人们在崇拜它自己,对于自己的本职工作做出更高于实际的估计而沾沾自喜
    Answer: The donkey hasn't cognizance of the essential of fact and mistake that people adore it. It higher evaluated the its essential work and happy.

  • ——有很多的美好生活在向我们招手,但只能去努力奋斗,那就是拼搏有很多的缘分能相遇在一起,但只能相互在心里沾沾自喜,那就是默契。
    There are many wonderful life -- in waved to us, but only to struggle, it is hard to meet the fate of many together, but only in the heart, that is the smug.

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