
油腔滑调  yóu qiāng huá diào








  • 他说起话来油腔滑调的。
    He speaks glibly.; He has a glib tongue.

  • 我不喜欢他那副油腔滑调的样子。
    I don't like his glib manner.

  • 三寸不烂之舌油腔滑调的伪君子。
    You are certainly blessed with a glib tongue.

  • 三寸不烂之舌;油腔滑调的伪君子。
    a glib tongue; a smooth-tongued hypocrite.

  • 油腔滑调的老奥利给油兮兮的老汽车加机油。
    Old oily Ollie oils old oily auto.

  • 油腔滑调容易看出来,但是爱意总是埋在心底。
    The best oil is on the top; the best honey is on the bottom.

  • 在下辊的两侧设有侧辊并通过油腔滑调缸驱动。
    There are side bars at the two sides of the lower roller and is driven by oil pump cylinder.

  • 他不是个油腔滑调的政客,他的话是值得信赖的。
    He is no mealy-mouthed politician. You can depend on what he says.

  • 你必须提防那些油腔滑调、挨户兜售商品的推销员。
    Be on your guard against door-to-door salesmen with a smooth line of talk.

  • 艺术变成了一种油腔滑调的点子或二流的设计产品。
    Art has become a slick idea or a second-rate product of design.

  • 凯布尔以路易斯安那州为背景的小说有些有点油腔滑调
    Some of Cable's Louisiana fiction is a little slick.

  • 一个油腔滑调的推销员在他的一种药水上给你一笔很好的交易。
    An oily salesman offers you a good deal on one of his potions.

  • 她的男友是个油腔滑调的家伙,我不明白为什么她如此地迷恋他。
    Her boyfriend is such a grease ball , I don't know why she is so crazy about him .

  • 玛丽的男友是个油腔滑调的家伙,我不明白为什么她如此地迷恋他。
    Mary's boyfriend is such a grease ball , I don't know why she is so crazy about him .

  • 凯伊揶揄道,“油腔滑调的说法是,这简直是在装饰泰坦尼克号上的座椅。”
    " triumphant Yi ridicules, "The view of glib is, this is the seat that in adornment Tai Tan Buddhist nun captures date to go up simply.

  • “有时候,”大夫油腔滑调地接着说道:“会引起腿部萎缩,弄得眼瞎,背驼的。
    sometimes there will be a withered leg or a blind eye or a crumpled back.

  • “有时候,”大夫油腔滑调地接着说道,“会引起腿部萎缩,弄得眼睛、背驼的。
    "Sometimes", the doctor went on in a liquid tone, "sometimes there will be a withered leg or a blind eye or a crumpled back.

  • 普雷斯科特虽然在日记里写“讨厌的谐音”,可是他写文章的风格还是有点油腔滑调
    Prescott's style, though in his diary he wrote "bother euphony", is euphonious .

  • 我个人认为前两部的电影有点太甜腻,太油腔滑调了,即便是对于哈利波特的书迷来说。
    I think probably the first two films were a little too saccharine and glib, even for Harry Potter fans.

  • 而比尔?克林顿则像个走家串户的推销员,满嘴油腔滑调的行径,只不过是个装满破烂货的皮箱。
    Bill Clinton as the traveling salesman with a line of smooth patter but a suitcase full of damaged goods.

  • 一名电视台驻北京记者就形容张铭清是一位「很丰富」的人,就算长期在官场上打滚,却不会油腔滑调
    A television station in Beijing reporter described that Zhang Mingqing is "is very rich" the human, even if sways back and forth for a long time in the government, actually cannot the glib.

  • 在这些外交官最喜欢的油腔滑调之中,有人小声嘀咕,对土耳其来说,“结果固然重要,过程也是并重。”
    In one of those polished phrases much beloved of diplomats, it was murmured that, for Turkey, the "journey is as important as the destination".

  • 志同道合,聪明但不邪恶,幽默但不要油腔滑调,能够让人找到精神上的平静,是两个人都能感受到的平静。
    Looking for someone clever but not evil, humour but not cynicism. Could make me feel peaceful.

  • 当柯林斯先生,一位油腔滑调的牧师,获凯瑟琳•德•鲍尔夫人之邀,坐上桌子的下首座位时,他感到心满意足,而非觉得受辱。
    When Mr. Collins, the unctuous parson, is invited to sit at the foot of the table by the grand Lady Catherine de Bourgh, he is gratified, not insulted.

  • “有时候,”大夫油腔滑调地接着说道:“会引起腿部萎缩,弄得眼瞎,背驼的。蝎子蛰人的事我太清楚啦,朋友。我能把它治好的。”
    sometimes there will be a withered leg or a blind eye or a crumpled back. Oh, I know the sting of the scorpion , my friend, and I can cure it.

  • 不过我先没有动笔写文章,而是发了几封油腔滑调的邮件,说到了前夜的经历。然后我想去喝点咖啡,吃点丹麦酥皮饼,喝一杯减肥可乐。
    Yet rather than do any, I dispatched a few glib mails about the night before and then felt the need for coffee, a Danish pastry and a Diet Coke.

  • “有时候,”大夫油腔滑调地接着说道,“会引起腿部萎缩,弄得眼瞎、背驼的。蝎子蛰人的事我不太清楚啦,朋友。我能把他治好的。”
    "sometimes, " the doctor went on in a liquid tone, " sometimes there will be a withered leg or a blind eye or a crumpled back…oh, i know the sting of the scorpion, my friend, and i can cure it.

  • “当然,这就可能会引发人们的一个问题--难道这一切过去竟然不是如此?”凯伊揶揄道,“油腔滑调的说法是,这简直是在装饰泰坦尼克号上的座椅。”
    "Of course, which may cause people to a question - Is this all the past was not so» "Kay derision Road, " Youqianghuatiao the argument is that this is the decoration on the Titanic seat.

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