
没没无闻  mò mò wú wén








  • 美丽的脸庞,却甘于没无闻
    A beautiful face without a name, for so long.

  • 你知道没无闻这句成语吗?
    You know this word, "oblivion"?

  • 她偶遇他,知道他仍过着没无闻的生活。
    She met across him and know that he had been living an inglorious life.

  • 他们工作很努力,只因为人知晓而没无闻
    They are very hard-working, and they are unsung because nobody knows what they are doing.

  • 他们是胆小温和的种族,有知识,是没无闻、神的异教崇拜者。
    They were a timid, gentle race, but ignorant, and heathenish worshippers of unknown gods.

  • 约翰逊说,在没无闻了多年之后,地热又再度引起人们的兴趣,一部份原因是地热比其他能源便宜30%。
    Johnson says that after languishing for years, the geothermal service is drawing renewed interest, in part because it's up to 30 percent cheaper.

  • 现在他们使用其他国家冲浪好手捐赠的二手冲浪板乘风踏浪,虽然在全球冲浪界中没无闻,却是最团结的ㄧ群。
    Now they ride the waves on secondhand surfboards donated by surfers in other countries, whose solidarity is keeping afloat one of the least known tribes in the surfing universe .

  • 这许多年来,耶稣一直掩没无闻,又对他的使命露出特别的凭据来;这就令人怀疑他究竟是否所应许的那一位?
    The fact that Jesus had for so many years remained in obscurity, giving no special evidence of His mission, gave occasion for doubt as to whether He could be the Promised One.

  • 正如25美分在孟加拉那个村子的意义绝不仅止于4分之1美元,一个没无闻的个人或村庄的繁荣也有国际意义。
    Just as 25 cents in that Bangladeshi village meant so much more than merely a quarter of a dollar, the prosperity of an unnoticed individual or village has international implications.

  • 预定于二00七年上映,在挪威与南非等地拍摄,演员阵容没无闻,但由艾美奖得奖电影制作人史考特.威格纳制作。
    Due in 2007 and filmed in such locals as Norway and South Africa, it features a little-known cast and Emmy-winning filmmaker Scott Wegener at the helm.

  • 原本没无闻的水电工乔在辩论中总共被提到21次,他和像他一样的升斗小民,正是马侃说他在选战最后要极力争取的对象。
    The previously obscure Joe was mentioned 21 times in the debate, and he and folks like him are the people McCain says he's going to fight for during the rest of the campaign.

  • 没没无闻造句相关
