
求同存异  qiú tóng cún yì







  • 在这个问题上, 我们应当求同存异
    We should seek common ground and reserve differences on this issue.

  • 求同存异,变革图强是我们永远的追求。
    It is our everlasting pursuit to seek common ground while accepting the existing differences .

  • 求同存异,共同发展”。
    Common ground while reserving differences and common development.

  • 我们应该求同存异,增进相互理解和信任。
    We should seek common ground while putting aside differences and enhance mutual understanding and trust.

  • 两名放射学家对MR显像进行了分级,求同存异
    Two radiologists qualitatively graded each MR image, with consensus for disagreements.

  • 用“求同存异”的思想分析组织间的竞争与合作。
    Use the competition and the cooperation of the thought analysis organization of"beg to save a difference together".

  • 当前,全球文化的发趋势则是和而不同、求同存异
    Today the global culture's developing trend is conexisting harmoniously, and maintaining difference while seeking common ground.

  • 他们求同存异,而不是把分歧作为成见或者争执的理由。
    They appreciate differences instead of them a cause for prejudice or fighting.

  • 但是我希望我们可以至少在互相尊重精神的前提下求同存异
    But I hope we can at least agree to disagree in a spirit of mutual respect.

  • 本着相互尊重、求同存异、循序渐进的原则,妥善处理彼此的分歧。
    Differences should be handled properly in line with the principles of mutual respect, seeking common ground while putting aside differences and making steady progress.

  • 他觉得所有的人都是不同的,但是他们也有共同点,可以求同存异
    He feels that all people are different, but they may share something in common.

  • 从早期开始,“和平是首要的”“求同存异”就是中国一个主要原则。
    Since the ancient times, China's prevailing philosophy has been one that preaches "peace is most precious", "harmony without uniformity".

  • 我们言行一致,负责任,讲道德,鼓励诚实正直,开诚布公求同存异
    We act in accordance with our words and Values. Inspiring trust by taking responsibility, acting ethically, and encouraging honest and open debate.

  • 要通过平等协商、求同存异,建设开放的以规则为基础的多边贸易体制。
    We should build an open and rule-based multilateral trading regime through equal-footed dialogue in the spirit of seeking common ground while putting aside differences.

  • 至此,人们清晰地看到一种结合,无疑是一个在文化上求同存异的过程。
    Now, it is clear to all that the merging is a journey of seeking common ground while shelving differences.

  • 成人真应该向小孩子学习,求同存异,关爱他人,要知道:爱让人幸福。
    Adults should learn from kids to put aside their differences and care for each other. Love creates happiness.

  • 我们应该本着相互尊重、平等互利、求同存异、发展合作的精神,推进中美关系。
    S. relations in the spirit of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, seeking common ground while putting aside difference, and developing cooperation.

  • 由于各派不能求同存异,争论不休,导致湖南新思想的传播过早地夭折,教训是深刻的。
    Because each parties couldn"t take common ground while reserving difference and debate endlessly, the spreading of the new thoughts in Hunan Province died too early. The moral was profound."

  • 归化是一种重要的翻译策略,它认为不同的语言和文化是相通的,提倡在翻译时求同存异
    Domestication is an important translation strategy, which holds that different languages and cultures have similarity, and advocates seeking common points while accepting differences.

  • 求同存异是必需的,他不会强求你接受他的观点,他也不希望你把自己的观点强加给别人。!
    Seeking common ground is necessary, he would not insist that you accept his point of view, he does not want you to impose their views to others. !

  • 欢庆槟州不同而和,求同存异,追求相互尊重而不是容忍,追求友好、互爱而不是仇恨、战争。
    In celebrating unity in diversity we seek mutual respect not tolerance, friendship not hate, love not war.

  • 发扬品牌和洲际酒店集团的制胜之道,即:做对的事,体现关爱,追求卓越,协作共赢和求同存异
    Promotes the brand and IHG Winning Ways of Do The Right Thing, Show We Care, Aim Higher, Work Better Together and Celebrate Difference.

  • 麦凯恩呼吁批评右派“脱口秀”主持人和批评他本人的专家们考虑一下,大家有没有求同存异的可能。
    McCain asked right-wing talks show hosts and pundits who have criticized him to see if there are areas they can all agree on.

  • 另一个选择是携手奋斗,正如安拉喜欢我们求同存异的那样,并且把它当作相互丰富、彼此相益的要素。
    the other choice is to work together, as Allah loves for us to accept unity in diversity and accept diversity in unity and consider this as an element of enrichment and mutual benefit.

  • 通常水瓶信命,但是她们又是不服输的一群,在原则问题上不要与她们争辩,她们很习惯求同存异的生活方式。
    Order of the letter is usually water bottles, but they are Bufu Shu group, on matters of principle not to argue with them, their very way of life habit differences.

  • 我相信,我们在与外国朋友交往时一定会学习交往对象所在国的礼仪与习俗的差异性,并在了解的基础上求同存异
    I believe that we can certainly learn the etiquettes of foreign countries and the differences on the base of having learned other countries' customs and cultures.

  • 学校各项秩序井然有序,各族各地的人民齐聚于此,团结友爱,求同存异,各种不同的地方文化交融汇合,互相尊重。
    Order all schools orderly, the people of all nationalities throughout the oligomerization of this, solidarity and common various local cultures blend convergence and mutual respect.

  • 不要总是用挑剔的眼光来看,多看事物好的方面,求同存异,团结尽可能多的人力物力来做环保,环保才可能成为现实。
    So don't ask for too much. There are loads of people richer than him in China, . But disappointingly, few have the same awareness as him.

  • 在处理这个大规模的挑战时,可以毫不夸张的说,“合则存,分则亡”,如果我不得不选择一个口号,那将是“求同存异”。
    In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say "Unity we stand, divided we fall" -and if I had to choose a slogan it would be "Unity in our diversity.

  • 至于说生活习惯上,我们年轻人和父母肯定是求同存异,当媳妇与父母之间有什么误会时,我觉得责任主要在做儿子的这一方。
    As for the lifestyle, we are certainly seeking young people and parents, when parents - and misunderstanding between what, I do feel that the main responsibility in the side son.

  • 求同存异造句相关
