
水乳交融  shuǐ rǔ jiāo róng








  • 这三重意蕴内在统一,水乳交融
    These three dimensional meanings are of inner unity and in complete harmony.

  • 这幅画人物和景物水乳交融,非常和谐。
    The figure in this picture is in complete harmony with the scenery.

  • 台上台下水乳交融,歌声、掌声、笑声不断。
    Both on stage and in harmony, singing, applause, laughter.

  • 水乳交融,人球合一。太极水道理念无不体现。
    United person and ball as one like water. Taiji water concept is anytime, any where, any action.

  • 密室中与上帝水乳交融的契合,是爱最高的境界。
    The true and full blessing of the inner chamber is nothing less than a life in the abundant love of God.

  • 自古以来,圈头人以水而居,以水为生,水乳交融
    Since ancient times, circle headman water door, with water for a living, in harmony.

  • 这三位音乐家的伴奏与马晓辉的演奏水乳交融,相得益彰。
    The three stellar musicians provided a very sympathetic accompaniment for Ms. Ma. Ms.

  • 其二、“花道”上的行进式表演与舞台上的表演水乳交融
    The marching performance on the "Flower Path" and the performance on the platform matched well with each other.

  • 从这一角度看,小说的思想主题和艺术形式水乳交融,相得益彰。
    Examined from this angle, the theme of the novel and its form are…

  • 第四,教学过程应该“情”、“知”并重,做人和求学水乳交融
    Fourth, the teaching process should the sentiment, the wisdom pay equal attention to, the personhood and studies is in perfect harmony.

  • 目前,中韩两国在各个方面的合作交流愈演愈烈,成水乳交融之势。
    At present, China and Korea cooperated tightly in every field.

  • 正是通过无私的自我奉献,恋人间达到了亲密无间,水乳交融的境地。
    It is through selfless self-sacrifice to achieve the intimacy between lovers, harmonious state.

  • 车马与政治、经济、文化水乳交融,浑然一体,构成内容丰富的车马文化。
    The chariots and politics, economy, culture are bland as well as milk and water, they all constitute the chariot culture that has substantial content.

  • 在西部地区,民族体育与旅游经济的发展唇齿相依,水乳交融而密不可分。
    In west China, the development of national sports is unspeparatable from that of the tourism economy.

  • 基督教与小说这两种文化表现形式在19世纪美国小说创作过程中水乳交融
    As two forms of culture, Christianity and novels are perfectly harmonious and well-blended in creating fictions by American novelists in the 19th century.

  • 作者而相知相契,息息相通。他们的思想与作者的思想水乳交融,密不可分。
    union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favourite author. They live in him together, and he in them.

  • 三者相互补充、水乳交融,在共同思想内容的要求下结合成为一个有机的整体。
    Three each other, harmony, in the common ideological content of the request into a coherent whole.

  • 而使三家思想的结合水乳交融,浑然天成,不露痕迹,《红楼梦》便是其中的一例。
    "A Dream in Red Mansions" but the make three thought union be in perfect harmony , integral and indivisible sky is accomplished , makes no sign, be one examples among them.

  • 客厅内的每一件摆设都体现出大师的审美喜好,有一种东西文化既撞击又水乳交融的力度。
    Each decoration inside the sitting room reflects the aesthetic love that gives a master, culture of a kind of thing is bumped already harmonious strength.

  • 上帝所有其他的属性,都在爱中得以成全。密室中与上帝水乳交融的契合,是爱最高的境界。
    All the other attributes of God which have been mentioned find in this their highest glory.

  • 《白鹿原》很好地发挥了小说的艺术特性,把史与诗水乳交融在一起,成为一部史诗风格的作品。
    White Deer Plateau is a novel with heroic style for which well represents the artistic feature of the novel and smoothly combines history with poetry.

  • 像哲学家和诗人在泰戈尔身上结合得十分完美一样,在他的自然诗中,诗歌和哲学也结合得水乳交融
    Just as Tagore embodies a perfect combination of a philosopher and a poet, poetry and philosophy are well interweaved in his poems about nature.

  • 露辛迪克轻轻爬上他的身体,水乳交融的那一刹那,蓝色的电弧滑过他们的身体,在夜色中发出耀眼的光芒。
    She climbed on top of him. Arcs of electricity leapt between them: nipple to nipple, eye to eye.

  • 到处都有完美、沾沾自喜的夫妇亮相,更加令你私下怀疑别人总是比你爱得更深,做爱总做得比你更水乳交融
    All the displays of perfect, flippy-haired coupledom only serve to turbo-charge the sneaking suspicion that everyone else is far more in love and having heaps more sex than you are.

  • 我寻求着爱,还因为在我与爱水乳交融之际,我透过一个神秘的缩影,见到了无数圣人及诗人曾预示想象的天堂。
    I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined.

  • 那面包,就像长了点雀斑的天使的胸部一样浑圆,坠落到了凡间的厨房,然后是下面的芥末搭配起来犹如双人热舞一般水乳交融
    The bun, like a sesame—freckled breast of an angel, resting gently on the ketchup and mustard below, Flavors mingling in a seductive pas de deux.

  • 自然环境是人类赖以生存的基本条件,只有在良好的自然环境和社会环境之中,人衣才有可能水乳交融,达到绚丽璀璨的华衣境界。
    The environment is the basis for human to live. The dressing could be harmony with the environment and even achieve glorious state if there exist a nice natural and societal environment.

  • 笔者基于对秧歌本身的多重价值及其与人民群众水乳交融的联系,选择了“跑圈子秧歌”这一民间音乐现象作为硕士论文的研究对象。
    Based on its great values and its influence on the people, dance-in -circle yangge is chosen as the subject of postgraduate essay.

  • 我们的爱情可谓“水乳交融、合二为一的感情”。甚至当我们不断发生变化、逐步成熟以及共同走完生命的历程时,这种感情始终如一。
    And all that time we experienced a love called a " feeling of fusion, of oneness, " even while we continued to change, grow and fulfill our lives.

  • 在当代公共艺术创作中,地域文化已成为艺术工作者取之不尽的源泉,特别是特定空间的公共艺术创作,更是讲究本土文化背景与创作的水乳交融
    Now a days, the clime culture is become the source for artists in the field of public art. especially in public art for special space.

  • 水乳交融造句相关
