
气壮山河  qì zhuàng shān hé







  • 气壮山河的《红旗颂》中,我们的演出即将结束。
    With the powerful and magnificent music Ode to the red Flag, our performance is coming to an end.

  • 有没有破碎气壮山河的轴领导到大球场,因此在柏林。
    There is no crushing monumental axis leading into the stadium as there was in Berlin.

  • 我们共和国的缔造者草拟宪法和独立宣言的气壮山河的词句时。
    When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

  • 灾难,让中华民族,让人类迸发出气壮山河、感天动地的伟大力量!
    The earthquake made Chinese and human break out the heroic and affecting force which is full of power and grandeur!

  • 我的耳边仿佛响起了“中华人民共和国成立了”这气壮山河的声音。
    My ears sounded like the "People's Republic of China has set up a" this magnificent voice.

  • 国测一大队的队史,是一部用青春和生命谱写的气壮山河的爱国诗篇。
    State testing of a group of team history, is a youth and lives to write a patriotic poem of magnificent.

  • “热爱祖国”不一定要气壮山河,但我们可以怀着敬爱,高昂地唱出国歌;
    "love the motherland" not necessarily changed, but we can with the beloved, expensive to sing the national anthem;

  • 伏尔泰发动了一场非同寻常的战争,一场以一敌众的战争,一场气壮山河的战争。
    Voltaire waged the splendid kind of warfare, the war of one alone against all; that is to say , the grand warfare.

  • 启发思考(26页)气壮山河的无限崇高的好思想,以引导和激励青年现今世界。
    Inspiring Thoughts (26 pages) Sublime and elevating noble good thoughts to guide and inspire the youth of present-day world.

  • 我们共和国的缔造者草拟宪法和独立宣言的气壮山河的词句时,曾向每一个美国人许下了诺言。
    When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.

  • 辛亥革命时期,两湖志士紧密联系,团结合作,互相支持,谱写了一首气壮山河的英雄主义诗篇。
    To the time of 1911 Revolution of China, patriots in Hunan and Hubei related closely, cooperated to unite, supported mutually, and composed the magnificent heroic poem.

  • 在深圳,你可以哭得肝肠寸断,也可以叹得气壮山河,但该往前走的脚步绝对不可以慢,更不可以停。
    In Shenzhen, you can cry so much quarrel with heart broken, but also can do a magnificent, but the move ahead of the pace should not slow, it is not stopped.

  • 我们眺望着国旗冉冉升起,耳畔回荡着气壮山河的国歌,我们为这一庄严的队礼而自豪,我们因肃然于国旗前而激动。
    We look forward to the national flag rising, echoing a magnificent ear of the national anthem, our team for this solemn ceremony and pride, we sincerely yours in the flag and excited before.

  • 这项工作的一部分,气壮山河的修改,数字化设计与制作调查的最新进展,在计算机体系结构设计和技术用于制造和测试。
    Part of this monumental revision, Digital Design and Fabrication surveys the latest advances in computer architecture and design and the technologies used to manufacture and test them.

  • 在合众国的缔造者们写下《宪法》和《独立宣言》中那些气壮山河的词句时,他们同时也向每个美国人及其子孙签出了一张期票。
    When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.

  • 气壮山河造句相关
