
民脂民膏  mín zhī mín gāo








  • 那些贪官污吏用民脂民膏养肥了自己。
    Those corrupt officials fattened themselves by drinking the people's life-blood.

  • 抗日战争胜利后,国民党反动政府发动内战,榨取民脂民膏,造成经济全面崩溃。
    After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the reactionary Kuomintang government launched a civil war, fed on the flesh and blood of the people and caused total economic collapse.

  • 换作以前,投票群体会希望新政府大肆迫害政敌、搜刮民脂民膏,而非增进国民福利。
    On past form, Bangladesh's voters might expect their new government to devote itself not to their welfare but to persecuting its rivals and looting the public purse.

  • 但是他们至今仍然逍遥法外,天天享受无尽的特权挥霍民脂民膏,甚至还抢我们的钱。
    However, they got away everytime and today they are still enjoying countless privileges at tax payers expenses. They are still robbing our money.

  • 但是他们至今仍然逍遥法外,天天享受无尽的特权挥霍民脂民膏,甚至还抢我们的钱。
    However, they got away everytime and today they are still enjoying countless privileges at tax payers expenses. Ther are still robbing our money.

  • 他滥设了许多新的官职,派了大批的官吏到这边来箝制我们人民,并且盘食我们的民脂民膏
    He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

  • 为了在全国范由内聚敛民财,他派出大批宦官,分赴各地充当矿监、税使,肆意搜括民脂民膏
    In order to the national norm within amassed by the money, he sent a large number of eunuch, as throughout the mine went to prison, so that tax, wanton Soukuo Minzhimingao.

  • 他们指责罪犯分子和腐败官员狼狈为奸,吸取民脂民膏。与此同时,恐怖分子又在破坏重建工程。
    They charge criminals and corrupt officials have been working together to siphon off wealth while terrorists are sabotaging reconstruction.

  • 不到两个月之前才通过一项有史以来最耗费民脂民膏的公路修筑法案,其中包括修建一座耗资2。23亿美元的桥,连接凯其坎(Ketchikan)的阿拉斯加城(Alaskantown)与一座住有50人的岛。
    This was less than two months after the passage of the lardiest highway bill of all time, including a $223m bridge connecting the Alaskan town of Ketchikan to an island with a population of 50.

  • 民脂民膏造句相关
