
比肩而立  bǐ jiān ér lì








  • 素以三山比肩而立、八刹、十二景著称。
    The element side-by-side stands by three mountains, eight checks, 12 scenery to be famous.

  • 破旧的农舍与崭新的别墅比肩而立,很不协调。
    Old farmhouses and new villas stood together in uneasy proximity.

  • 19世纪上半期,施密特、比丘林等人的翻译和著述活动使俄国藏学赢得了与欧洲藏学比肩而立的地位。
    In the first half of the 19 th century, I·Y·Schmidt and Bichurin, through their translation and writings, made the study of Tibet in Russia as important as that in Europe.

  • 对岸,香港本岛比肩而立的数百幢摩天大厦,灯火闪烁,将五颜六色的光辉泼洒在涛声阵阵的海水之中。
    On the other side, standing shoulder to shoulder on the island of Hong Kong's skyscrapers hundreds of buildings, lights flashing, brilliant colors will be thrown in the sea water off in Taosheng.

  • 有思想,也就是有想法的人不少,比如小农思想,但某媒体冠之为“者”与那座着名的雕像比肩而立恐怕要适当考证一番了。
    A thinking that is a lot of people who have ideas, such as small farmers thinking, but a number of media as "persons" and the famous statues And I am afraid to sleep properly research a step.

  • 作为一名“女性主义的先知”和现实主义作家,伊迪丝•华顿的成就不仅可以与同时代的男性作家比肩而立,并且是独一无二的。
    As a prophet for feminism and a realist writer, Edith Wharton can match with anyone of her contemporary writers with regard to her achievements, and she's unique.

  • 虽然我以前就听过这样的说法,但是现在的我还没办法和Bisu,stork这样的选手比肩而立。所以我还没想过成为下一代的神族领袖。
    Although I have heard this before, I am definitely not as good as Bisu or Stork, so Ihaven't thought about the next generation of protosses.

  • 商代中叶,古蜀三星堆文明走向极盛,与商文明比肩而立。古蜀国因控制了南中而拥有富足的铜、锡、铅资源,而商王朝对云南的关系不是直接而是间接的。商王朝要获取云南的青铜原料,只能通过古蜀国。
    The ancient Shu-Sanxingdui Civilization was growing powerful and prosperous, which held the rich resources of copper, tin and lead owing to control of Nanzhong in the middle of the Shang Dynasty.

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