
死而后已  sǐ ér hòu yǐ








  • 他真是鞠躬尽瘁死而后已
    He really gave his all till his heart ceased to beat.

  • 在那之后你就必须热爱这个俱乐部,死而后已
    After that you must love that club until you die;

  • 他希望他总会象那样,而且“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”。
    He hopes he will always be like that and "die in harness".

  • 在那之后你就必须热爱这个俱乐部,死而后已;没有余地可言。
    After that you must love that club until you die; no excuses.

  • 战台风:知道。先生在《出师表》中说过鞠躬尽瘁死而后已之话。
    War stage manners:Know. The Sir once said in 《 the model 》 that spare no effort no release until death words.

  • 和珅:皇上圣明!服了!和珅愿为大清江山呕心沥血死而后已
    With 珅 :Emperor's saint is clear! ! With 珅 the wish take infinite pains for big and pure river's mountain, no release until death!

  • 我想起亚伯拉罕林肯曾经说过的那个警句:“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。”
    I recalled a phrase that Abraham Lincoln had once used: "the last full measure of devotion."

  • 我倒愿意工作不息,死而后已,因为我知道别人会继续我未完成的事业。
    I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do .

  • 我倒愿意工作不息,死而后已,因为我知道别人会继续我未完成的事业。
    I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do (B. Russell).

  • 只是说,只要我活着,还有一口气,我就要为人民鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已
    I only want to say that as long as I am alive and have one more breath, I will "work hard and will not cease till my death".

  • 为了我们的今天,他们奋起反抗、死而后已,从康科德到盖茨堡,再从诺曼底到济山。
    For us, they fought and died, in places like Concord and Gettysburg; Normandy and Khe Sahn.

  • 为了我们的今天,他们奋起反抗、死而后已,从康科德到盖茨堡,再从诺曼底到济山。
    For us, they fought and died, in places like Concord and Gettysburg; Normandy and Khe Sanh.

  • 在新罕布什尔州竞选活动最后几天,“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”成了我们竞选队伍的战斗口号。
    Till the last dog dies became the rallying cry for our troops in the last days of the New Hampshire campaign.

  • 我永远不会忘记给我第二次机会的你们,我会在你们需要的时候支持你们,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已
    I'll never forget who gave me a second chance, and I'll be there for you till the last dog dies.

  • 雅各和约翰全力支持母亲提出的要求,向耶稣保证他们愿意为主和祂的国度作战到底,死而后已
    James and John, who fully supported their mother's request, assured Jesus that they were willing to fight and even die for the Lord and his kingdom.

  • 不过请大家不要误会,死而后已不是说我要是不死就老赖在这个总理位子上,这不是这个意思啊!
    However you should not misunderstand me. "Not cease till my death" does not mean that if I am not dead I will stick to this chair of premiership. This is not what I mean!

  • 中国领导人全心献身于他们的国家,鞠躬尽粹,死而后已。向他们扔鞋的来出风头的人是十足的废材。
    These Chinese leaders, dedicated for the country, living for the country they also like to die for their country. the people whoever thrown the shoe to become fame is just useless fellows.

  • 布什倒是挺和蔼,说;“我们努力工作,为国家鞠躬尽瘁死而后已!”据我观察他已经忽略这些建议。
    Bush was very gracious, said we've worked hard and did this great service for the country—and he ignored it so far as I can see.

  • 我们胸中都有一个坚定的信念,改革的道路虽然崎岖艰险,但深爱着这个国家的人民必将为它殚精竭虑、死而后已
    You did this-you did this because you believed so deeply in the most American of ideas - that in the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it.

  • 这正如诸葛亮“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”的老臣心,是李贺“提携玉龙为君死”般感恩,是苏轼“为报倾城”的感动。
    It is like Zhuge Liang, "spared no efforts in dying, " the veteran heart, Li "cultivate the Jade Dragon King and die" like Thanksgiving, is Su Shi "as reported Allure" moving.

  • 蜡烛告诉我,幸福就是鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已,尽自己的一点热来温暖人们,尽自己的一点光来照亮人们前进的道路。
    Candle told me, happiness is dedicated, died, to do their bit hot to warm people and make their own light to illuminate the people that the way forward.

  • 明知别人将继续我未竟的事业,可我倒愿意工作不息,死而后已,同时想到凡是可能做到的事我都已做了而心满意足。
    I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.

  • 死而后已造句相关
