
正大光明  zhèng dà guāng míng








  • 我们将为正大光明而战斗到死!
    We'll fight to the death fair and square!

  • 这笔交易完全是正大光明的。
    The deal was completely open and above board.

  • 他怎麽可能会正大光明的跟妳承认咧?
    but… big bro said he didn't recognize you??

  • 十天之后,他便要正大光明的迎娶姜立。
    Ten days later, he will have to marry Jiang's above board.

  • 他在此事中所做的一切都是正大光明的。
    His part in the affair was quite open and aboveboard.

  • 称颂正大光明行为的人多,做到的人少。
    Plain dealing is praised more than practiced.

  • 我们就可以正大光明的把一个下载键放在用户面前。
    We are OK a key of conscientious a download put before the user.

  • 正大光明睡懒觉:过度睡眠真的会让人感觉更加疲惫?
    Does oversleeping make one feel more tired than sleeping a normal seven to eight hours?

  • 尽管他有这样或那样的缺点,他与人相处时还是正大光明的。
    Whatever his shortcomings are, he's always fair and square in his dealings with people.

  • 我觉得我也要感冒了。不过感冒了就可以正大光明地赖在床上了。
    If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other, then I wish we had never encountered .

  • 每个人不可能都成为英雄,但每个人都可以做一个正大光明的人。
    One can not always be a hero, but one can always be a man.

  • 思想-每个人都有自己的思想,不管你想做什么,为了什么,请正大光明
    Mentality – Every body has their own way of thinking. No matter of what/why you want to do, please keep your communication channel open.

  • 与此同时,我们会深受鼓舞地看到资本市场的某些活动能够正大光明的进行。
    In the meantime, it is heartening to see some of this capital-markets activity coming out of the shadows.

  • 我们似乎要给彼此一个理由可以正大光明地握住手,因为那是我们最后一次相见。
    We seemed to give a reason to each other for handholding in a just way, because it was our last meeting.

  • 我们理应尊重财富,正大光明地追求财富,拥有财富应当被视为成功的标志之一。
    Our behoove respects money, seek money conscientiously, have fortune to ought to be regarded as one of successful marks.

  • 只有让设计师付出的劳动,能正大光明收取相应的报酬,才能脱离这种“潜规则”的干扰。
    Let the work that stylist gives only, the pay with can conscientious corresponding collection, ability breaks away from this to plant " go regular " interference.

  • 不只这样的日子才会想起你,而是这样的日子才能正大光明地骚扰你,告诉你,圣诞要快乐!
    Some would say that money is the most important aspect of a job, but I do not believe this is true.

  • 麦肯尼认为,中国政府正大光明地利用因特网促使其人民与其连手,没有多党合作与民主体系。
    MacKinnon sees China as potentially using the Internet to enable citizens to engage with government without a multi-party system or democratic institutions.

  • 多回头看看,检点一下自己的思想行为是否正大光明,乃孔老夫子所提倡的“吾日三省吾身”。
    Look round more look, be cautious oneself thought behavior is conscientious, the " that is place of aperture old master to advocate I day of 3 provinces my bodies " .

  • 毁灭世界对我有好处吗?少蠢了,正大光明准备制造世界末日的傢伙就是那个叫做耶和华的人。
    to destroy the world got any good for me??dont be silly, the guy who trully prepare the amagadon is jesus.

  • 当瓦特进行研究的时候,市场人士正逐步相信流行趋势是正大光明而不是阴暗卑鄙的推广方法。
    Yet even as Watts was conducting his research, marketers were becoming increasingly convinced that trends were the product not of murky social forces, but of charismatic, connected social alpha s.

  • 而女性裸体画在中国除了作为秘密相传的《藏春图》之类,在正大光明的美术作品中则非常鲜见。
    And female nude is in China besides what serve as secret according to legend " Cang Chuntu " and so on, very rarely seen in conscientious art work.

  • 麦肯尼认为, 中国政府正大光明地利用因特网促使其人民与其连手, 没有多党合作与民主体系。
    MacKinnon sees China as potentially using the Internet to enable citizens to engage with government without a multi- …

  • 小杜说,“禁租令”并没有对大学生产生多少实际约束,但取消它终于使校外租房可以正大光明了。
    Xiaodu said, "cut the rent" and not binding on the actual number of students have, but it was finally cancelled the lease can appear outside.

  • 在十八世纪末,这种危险也许已迫在眉睫,法国革命——这一正大光明的行动——却一下子截住了它。
    It is this peril, possibly imminent towards the close of the eighteenth century, which the French Revolution, that immense act of probity, cut short.

  • “工作室”同时也是“游戏室”,无论对老板还是员工来说,这里不仅可以赚钱,更可以正大光明的玩游戏。
    The "Studio" was also a playroom. For both the owner and the employees, it was not only  to make money, but also could play the game without feeling guilty.

  • 然后你就可以正大光明地挖泥巴了。当然,你不能把所有挖出来的好玩的东西都留下来——这些是要送到伦敦博物馆去的。
    That entitles you to dig in the mud, though you don't get to keep anything interesting that you find - it has to be taken to the Museum of London.

  • 直到2007年7月19日,谷歌、赶集网共同组建合资公司,才取得属于自己的牌照,此后的推广活动才“正大光明”。
    Until July 19, 2007, Google, Go Network jointly set up joint ventures, only made their own licences, then the only promotional activities, "Zhengtaiguangming."

  • 我想看看,贴上“艺术”的标签后,禁忌是如何被打破的,非法的色情图片如何能转变成合法的,可供人正大光明地欣赏的作品。
    I wanted to show how something illegal can be turned into something legal simply by labeling it as 'art.

  • 长期以来,我们印象中的匪无非是在官府与民众的夹缝中艰难的生存,一方面要躲避官府的打击,另一方面,要从正常的生活状态中脱离出来,断绝与社会的正常交往。所以他们很少能正大光明的生活在这个社会中。
    For a long time, bandits live between government and the masses, on one hand, they hide themselves from army, on the other hand, they completely cut off contact with other normal people.

  • 正大光明造句相关
