
桀骜不驯  jié ào bù xùn








  • 一个太像你的我:桀骜不驯、敏捷高傲。
    One too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud.

  • 桀骜不驯的曾祖父曾被驱逐至西伯利亚;
    A rebellious great-grandfather was deported to Siberia.

  • 父母对儿子的桀骜不驯示以了极大宽容。
    The parents showed remarkable forbearance toward their defiant and unruly son.

  • 那是一种桀骜不驯、恼怒而又严厉的目光。
    It's a kind of furious pride, very passionate and stern.

  • 他们曾经是桀骜不驯的旷野英雄,像刀像戟。
    They used to be rebellious hero of the wilderness, like a knife like a halberd.

  • 妒忌,其实是思想上的杂草,桀骜不驯,难以屈从于哲理。
    Envy is, indeed, a stubborn weed of the mind, and seldom yields to the culture of philosophy.

  • 但是桀骜不驯的舌头是蠢蠢欲动的魔鬼,充满着致命的毒药!
    But the tongue no man can tame, is restless evil , full of deadly prison.

  • 对于傲慢自大和桀骜不驯的人来说相爱和赢得爱情都是困难的;
    Falling in love and winning love are often difficult tasks to overbearing and rebellious spirits;

  • 隋朝统一全国后,强盛的中原王朝不能容忍高丽桀骜不驯的表现。
    After Sui dynasty unified the whole country, the strong China couldn't tolerate the arrogant attitude of Gao Li regime.

  • 在米兰市的社会圈子里,一些人指责他是个桀骜不驯,高高在上的人。
    In Milanese circles, some accuse him of being a prima donna.

  • 新校长为求学生守秩序, 实行快刀斩乱麻, 把最是桀骜不驯的开除。
    To bring the students under control, the new headmaster cut the Gordian knot by expelling the most unruly ones.

  • 在西方人看来,显得似乎衣着寒碜,不修边幅,桀骜不驯(彼得刘易斯)。
    To a Western eye, [ they ] seem poorly dressed, ill - groomed, dour and preoccupied (Peter Lewis).

  • 他没戴帽子,树叶搅乱了他那桀骜不驯的卷发,叫所有那些发丝都纠结起来。
    He was bare-headed, and the leaves had tossed his rebellious curls and tangled all their gilded threads.

  • 不服管束,桀骜不驯:难以控制,如上嚼子的马紧咬着嚼子;释放或摆脱束缚。
    To be uncontrollable, as a horse is when it clenches its teeth on the bit; to cast off or refuse restraint.

  • 他尖刻的提示目标直指桀骜不驯的伊拉克政府,英美联盟以及四分五裂的安理会。
    The defiant Iraqi government, the Anglo-American coalition and the splintered Security Council itself all have been on the receiving end of his pointed reminders.

  • “在西方人看来,显得似乎衣着寒碜,不修边幅,桀骜不驯”(彼得·刘易斯)。
    To a Western eye, [they]  seem poorly dressed, ill-groomed, dour and preoccupied?

  • 曾经那是桀骜不驯,现在这是心如止水,经历了多了,想法不一样了,自然会如此!
    Once it is defiant, it is now Xinruzhengshui, experience many, not the same idea, of course, would be so!

  • 这句话,多次从这个曾经桀骜不驯的印尼小子口中蹦出,只是很少有人愿意相信和接受。
    These words, once in the unruly Indonesian small spigot jumped many times from this, is only the very few some people are willing to believe and to accept.

  • 拉拉拉…第一段… 周杰伦一出场给人一种爱耍酷,桀骜不驯的感觉,不喜欢对媒体亲近。
    Lalala …the first paragraph…The first appearance of Jielun Chou impresses us with showing off coldness and unruliness!

  • 他的孤独寂寞以及桀骜不驯来自他对包围着他的谬误虚伪的常规和实利主义价值观的被动抗争。
    His loneliness and rebellion come from his passive rejection of the false conventions and materialistic values that surrounded him.

  • 有时候他们只是在一起大餐,毫无拘谨,有时候专注于优雅的剑术比赛,或者骑上桀骜不驯的烈马。
    Sometimes, they would simply feast together, without restraint, or engage in elaborate swordplay, or ride difficult, spirited horses.

  • 而火箭队得到野兽的目的也跟这名桀骜不驯的出色防守能力有关系,当然阿泰斯特在进攻上也是好手。
    The Rockets are beasts, with the purpose of this rebellious excellent defensive ability, of course, Artest is on the offensive players.

  • 现在,你可以身临其境,自由出入于多愁善感的黛玉的闺房,也可认真探索桀骜不驯的宝玉的生长环境。
    Now, you can feel, free access to DuochouDaiyu sense of the Guifang, but also seriously explore the growth of rebellious Baoyu environment.

  • 出色的法国足球运动员埃里克·坎通纳的辉煌足球生涯和他那桀骜不驯的性格一起构成了一幅令人迷惑的画面。
    The brilliant career of the great French footballer Eric Cantona, and the unruly nature of his character, together present a bewildering picture.

  • 我承认这种生活有社会价值,我也看到了它那井然有序的幸福,但我血液里的冲动却渴望一种更桀骜不驯的旅程。
    I recognized its social value. I saw its ordered happiness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course.

  • 倘若我有后悔之意,如果我想我本能把有些事情做得更好,假如我希望我本该对一只年轻、桀骜不驯的小狗多些理解的话。
    If I had any regret, if I thought I could have done certain things better, if I wished I'd been a little more understanding with a young, rambunctious puppy.

  • 当下,政府正充分调动行政、金融、财务、税收等综合手段,可谓是从陆海空各条战线对桀骜不驯的房价以及投资客进行围剿。
    present, the government is fully mobilize the administrative, financial, financial, tax in a comprehensive way, It is from the house and remained on the ground on all fronts - investment for him.

  • 她也不像女劳工领袖那样显得桀骜不驯,”用埃德蒙。威尔逊的话来说:“她是一位来自波士顿的迷人女士,衣着打扮相当高雅。”
    nor is she the type of fighting woman labor leader , " Edmund Wilson observed. "She is an attractive lady from Boston, who dresses with considerable elegance.

  • 但是在坎坷的一生中,他始终在张扬个性与顺应社会世俗之间徘徊,其生存充满着困惑与矛盾,他“指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯”,表现出桀骜不驯的个性;
    He ridiculed the unfair society, which expressed noble and unsullied society. In his lifetime of frustrations, he always wandered from a strong character to common customs.

  • 另一方面,用希腊神话中描述的爱的原形对比研究,展示了希刺克利夫桀骜不驯的性格,异乎寻常的爱、恨和复仇意识,提出了希刺克利夫就是希腊神话《美狄亚》中美狄亚的“移用”。
    Based on detailed analysis, it draws the conclusion that both Heathcliff's and Medea's revenge is the result of hatred and the loss of love and that Heathcliff is a "displacement" of Medea.

  • 桀骜不驯造句相关
