
格杀勿论  gé shā wù lùn








  • 任何人反对我们的组织格杀勿论
    Anyone who opposes our organization will get rubbed out.

  • 英国是否对爱尔兰共和军格杀勿论
    Did Britain adopt a shoot-to-kill policy against the IRA?

  • 犯人严禁接近围栏,违者格杀勿论
    Prisoner is forbid to approach the fence under pain of death.

  • 因此贾巴一见到绝地就会格杀勿论
    Jabba will slay the Jedi on sight!

  • 犯人严禁接近围栏,违者格杀勿论
    Prisoners were forbidden to approach the fence under pain of death.

  • 而“公司”如果找到他将会格杀勿论
    And the Company will shoot him on sight if he's found.

  • 小巧玲珑的柳老师挥汗如雨,将整个办公室的桌椅旮旯里的尘垢格杀勿论
    elegant and little Teacher Liu is so tired to clear off the dust amidst the chairs and desks;

  • 该小组指责在政府“格杀勿论”的政策下发生的暴力是基于于错误的黑名单。
    The panel blamed the violence on a government "shoot-to-kill" policy based on flawed blacklists.

  • 他的政权曾下令对伊拉克北部一些库尔德人村庄15至70岁的村民格杀勿论
    His regime once ordered the killing of every person between the ages of 15 and 70 in certain Kurdish villages in northern Iraq.

  • 游戏介绍:痞子逛大街啦,可是挡路的警察怎么这么多呢,哼,挡路者格杀勿论
    Rascal Guangdaijie illustrate : No problem, but how many police officers blocking our way?Humph, blocking our way who shoot to kill.

  • 精灵们对这些恶毒的巨魔逐渐感到深恶痛绝,无论在哪里看到他们都会将其格杀勿论
    The elves developed a deep loathing for the vicious trolls and killed them on sight whenever they were encountered.

  • 敬告各位,此地归本人所有——峡谷50英尺地带。清溪区法律批准,违者格杀勿论
    All and everybody, this is my claim, fifty feet on the gulch, according to Clear Creek District Law, backed by shotgun amendments.

  • 这一天,他颁布了一项命令:收缴全国的所有书籍,谁敢私藏半张纸,一律格杀勿论
    This day, he promulgation an order:The havings accepted to pay a whole country book, who dare to keep illegally half Zhang Zhi3, all shoot on sight.

  • 科罗拉多州野生动物部门发言人泰勒.贝斯克菲尔德说,如果他们再抓到牠,将格杀勿论
    Authorities would have killed the bear if they had caught it, said Tyler Baskfield, spokesman for the Colorado Division of Wildlife.

  • 这是一个穿透迷雾,索解真相的故事:桑慕麟立有家规,桑家人不准贩毒,否则格杀勿论
    This is a penetrating fog, the truth of the story-solving: Regulation桑慕home-lin Li, Sang family members are not allowed to drug trafficking, or shoot to kill.

  • 因为牛头人在地下城中的尴尬外表,守卫将不允许他们进入,对他们格杀勿论。牛头人,你们被警告了。
    Due to the awkward look and feel of Taurens in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Taurens, you've been warned.

  • 莉莎向“将军”递交了辞呈。“公司”的技术人员发现了赛尔夫和格雷琴在街上的踪迹。“将军”命令手下对他们俩格杀勿论
    Lisa gives Pad Man her resignation. The Company techies find Self and Gretchen on the street. Pad Man orders his men to shoot them on sight.

  • 格杀勿论造句相关
