
杀气腾腾  shā qì téng téng








  • 而先头部队不是杀气腾腾的火星人,而是老人。
    And spearheading the invasion are not homicidal Martians, but old folk.

  • 一个戴面具的人杀气腾腾地闯进了市政广场。
    A masked man ran amok in the town square.

  • ‘不要侵犯我的财产。’邻居杀气腾腾地吼道。
    Don't trespass onto my property, ' the neighbor shouted combatively.

  • 杀气腾腾的碾过乡下,屠戮了成百上千的忠诚国民。
    It ran amok over the countryside, killing hundreds of the king's loyal citizens.

  • 他们一定都是杀气腾腾的,那个会议得有防暴小组才行。
    They'll all be foaming at the mouth and that meeting will need a riot squad to handle it.

  • 如果一只英国球队有攻击的质量,他们将会变得非常杀气腾腾
    If a team in England has quality in attack, they can be very a combative team.

  • 弗朗西斯小时候曾在这里看见加斯·罗兰杀气腾腾地从街角走过来。
    Francis was a kid when he saw Gus Ruhlan come out of the corner in bare knuckles.

  • 标志为一个人脸,和一个身字,暗喻身首分离,杀气腾腾,应为日货。
    The mark is a face and a body of human, metaphorizing the discerption of head and body, seems to be a Japanese sword.

  • 杰森:本,用不着说的这么杀气腾腾的,这只不过是场保龄球的友谊赛。
    Jason: Now Ben, this is a neighborly little game of ten pins. Let's not turn it into bowling for blood.

  • 那人一张脸红得像猪肝,两条浓眉像是两把尖刀,目光炯炯,杀气腾腾
    The man's face was liverish red, much like a pig's liver, and his thick eyebrows were like two sharp knives. His eyes glistened with a murderous light.

  • 在利己主义和杀气腾腾的拜金主义之精神土壤上,是孕育不出理想或希望的。
    But neither hopes nor dreams will grow in a barren spiritual soil that is dominated by violence and greed.

  • 就在今天晚上,一百个杀气腾腾的獾,提着来复枪,要从马场那边进攻蟾宫。
    A hundred bloodthirsty badgers, armed with rifles, are going to attack Toad Hall this very night, by way of the paddock.

  • 他们都是些倔强的孩子,但是看到桑儿那种杀气腾腾的样子,都吓得鸦雀无声了。
    They were tough kids but the sight of Sonny in his rage silenced them.

  • 乌里韦总统的反应是他性格使然的杀气腾腾,他要求国会在他的任期举行合法公投。
    Mr Uribe's reaction was characteristically combative. He asked Congress to call a referendum on the legitimacy of his term.

  • 它体现在我们斤斤计较的为人处世哲学里、更体现在杀气腾腾的地产运营“智慧”中。
    It is embodied in our philosophy of putting the weak and more embodied in instigating estate operation "wisdom".

  • 他的脸上仍然杀气腾腾。他说:“放心吧!我不会让你的孩子在出生之前就变成孤儿。”
    His face was cruelly intent when he said, "Don't worry, I won't make your kid an orphan before he's born. ""

  • 一方面是十五名杀气腾腾的水手,另一方面呢,只是一个成人和一个还没有长成的小子!
    There are fifteen tarry sailors upon the one side, and a man and a halfling boy upon the other!

  • “无论有病还是无病,他可不要碰见我——我会杀死他的!”杰尼索夫杀气腾腾地吼道。
    "Whether it's illness or whether it's not, he'd better not cross my path—I'd kill him, " Denisov shouted bloodthirstily.

  • 大家都还记得当时有些右派分子那种杀气腾腾的气氛吧,现在有些人就是这样杀气腾腾的。
    You will certainly all remember how aggressive some Rightists were. So are some people today.

  • 当她回头对她的一个哥哥微笑时,迈克尔就莫名其妙地朝那个年轻人杀气腾腾地瞪了一眼。
    When she turned to smile at one of her brothers Michael gave that young man a murderous look without even realizing it.

  • 你可以前一秒还勃然大怒,后一秒就眉开眼笑,你可以在同一时间既慈眉善目又杀气腾腾
    You can be totally angry one second and then totally happy another second, and you can be delightful and murderous at the same time.

  • 在黑暗的天地之间,船在熊熊燃烧,周围海面在血红的火光的照耀下呈紫色,闪闪发亮,杀气腾腾
    Between the darkness of earth and heaven she was burning fiercely upon a disc of purple sea shot by the blood red play of gleams; upon a disc of water ittering and sinister.

  • 在黑暗的天地之间,船在熊熊燃烧,周围海面在血红的火光的照耀下呈紫色,闪闪发亮,杀气腾腾
    Between the darkness of earth and heaven she was burning fiercely upon a disc of purple sea shot by the blood-red play of gleams; upon a disc of water glittering and sinister.

  • 整个文件杀气腾腾,从开发资金和个人住房贷款两方面出手,从供给到需求整个流程卡住房地产商的资金链。
    entire document instigating, and individual housing loans from development funds both hands, choking off the flow from supply to demand the real estate business funding chain.

  • 南方网讯在黑暗的天地之间,船在熊熊燃烧,周围海面在血红的火光的照耀下呈紫色,闪闪发亮,杀气腾腾
    Between the darkness of earth and heaven she was burning fiercely upon a disc of purple sea shot by the blood-red play of gleams; upon a disc of water glittering and sinister.

  • 它犹如一头庞大的、狡诈的、杀气腾腾的猛兽,极有耐心地缓缓进逼过来,张开血盆大口,要把我们吞下去,难以幸免。
    It came toward us slowly and patiently, like some enormous, cunning, and murderous beast, ready to devour, impossible to escape.

  • 但现在这个星球上充满了杀气腾腾的僵尸,她的教授也都死了,佐伊至少可以倒吸一口凉气庆幸自己当时学习的科目还算正确。
    Now that the planet's overrun with murderous zombies, and all of her professors are dead, Zoey at least has the cold comfort that she's been studying up on the right subject after all.

  • 每一双眼睛又转向了五位法官和公共检察长,今天这里完全没有偏私,只有一片凶残暴戾、不讲情面、杀气腾腾、公事公办的神气。
    Every eye then turned to the five judges and the public prosecutor. No favourable leaning in that quarter to-day. A fell, uncompromising, murderous business-meaning there.

  • 迫于愤怒和杀气腾腾的群众的压力,出于恐慌和无奈,彼拉多释放了另一个名叫巴拉巴的囚犯,又把耶稣交给群众,任由他们残酷鞭打和钉十字架。
    Motivated by fear and frustration and pressured by the murderous, angry crowd, Pilate freed another prisoner, Barabbas, and handed Jesus over to be brutally flogged and crucified.

  • 杀气腾腾造句相关
