
本性难移  běn xìng nán yí








  • 螃蟹绝不会直著走(本性难移)。
    You cannot make a crab walk straight.

  • 豹无法改变牠的斑点;本性难移
    The leopard cannot change his spots.

  • 豹无法改变它的斑点;本性难移
    The leopard cannot change his spots.

  • 豹子无法改变它的斑点。本性难移
    A leopard can never change its spots.

  • 现在你知道他本性难移了吧。
    Now you know he won't change.

  • 豹无法改变它的斑点。(江山易改本性难移
    A leopard cannot change his spots.

  • 当然,还有谁说:“能否豹易改,本性难移?”
    sure, there were who said, "Can the leopard change his spots?"

  • 花豹永不能改变身上的斑点(指:本性难移)。
    The leopard can never change its spots.

  • 江山易改,本性难移(死猫还是猫)-刚果谚语。
    A cat goes to a monastery, but she still remains a cat. -- Congolese Proverb.

  • 人的本性难移
    You can't change human nature.

  • 狼牙可能掉,狼性改不了。②江山易改,本性难移
    The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature.

  • (狐狸会变老,却永远变不好)——江山易改本性难移
    A fox may grow grey, but never good.

  • 狐狸活到老,永远难变好。(或译:江山易改,本性难移。)
    The fox may grow grey, but never good.

  • 鲍伯:唉,小安练习又迟到了。我想是江山易改,本性难移吧。
    Bob:Well, Anne is late for practice again. I guess a leopard can't change its spots.

  • 你可以惩罚一个小偷,但他本性难改。(江山易改,本性难移。)
    You can punish a thief, but boys are always boys.

  • 也许,俗语本性难移有可信之处。但是也有另一个俗话叫有志者事竟成
    Perhaps there is an element of truth in sayings that old habits die hard, there is another saying called "where there is a will, there is a way".

  • 也许,俗语本性难移有可信之处。但是也有另唯一俗话叫有志者事竟成。
    Perhaps tITe is an element of truth in sayings those old habits die exert, but tITe is anotIT saying titled "wITe tITe is a will, tITe is a way".

  • 你总是这样不爱收拾,屡次说你,你总不听。真是江山易改,本性难移
    You can change mountains and rivers but not a person's nature.

  • 也许,俗语本性难移有可信之处。但是也有另一个俗话叫有志者事竟成。
    Perhaps there is an element of truth in sayings that old habits die hard, but there is another saying called "where there is a will, there is a way".

  • 你可以尝试改变自己,但决不要试图改变他人,因为江山易改,本性难移
    You may try to change yourself but never attempt to change others, because it's easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person's nature.

  • 尽管天崩地陷,国民党的头头们仍然本性难移,一心想的就是保住自己的家产。
    With a whole world collapsing, the Kuomintang leaders, true to their nature, think only of saving their property.

  • 卑鄙的鞋匠借此机会第四次在国王面前使坏,说:“国王陛下,裁缝实在是本性难移呀。
    So the malicious shoemaker betook himself for the fourth time to the King, and said, "Lord King, the tailor has not given up his arrogance."

  • 一本书今天的样子就像他过去样,将来也还是(这个样子)不会改变。寓意:本性难移
    A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change.

  • 毫无疑问,都有不好的习惯。正如俗话所说:本性难移,认真的努力要改掉它却总以失败告终。
    It's no doubt that we all have bad habits. As the saying goes, "old habits die hard", our earnest attempts to break those habits often end in frustration.

  • 人类依旧本性难移、依然残忍、暴力、有侵略性、贪心、喜好竞争,并且以这种天性构建了社会。
    He is still brutal, violent, aggressive, acquisitive, competitive-and he has built a society along these lines.

  • 毫无疑问,我们都有不好的习惯。正如俗话所说:本性难移,我们认真的努力要改掉它却总以失败告终。
    It's no doubt that we all hedge bad habits. As the saying goes, "old habits die hard", our earnest attempts to break those habits often end in frustration.

  • 奥巴马议员有着美国议会中最为慷慨的投票记录(注:指奥巴马花钱大手大脚)。江山易改,本性难移啊。
    Senator Obama has the most liberal voting record in the United States Senate. It's hard to reach across the aisle from that far to the left.

  • 随着社会不断朝着不同与过去那种进化环境的方向发展,造成这些本性难移的患者的经济和社会的环境可能变得日益重要。
    As society continues to diverge from that evolutionary past, the economic and social consequences of being such a misfit may become increasingly important.

  • 俗话说江山易改,本性难移,这句俗话常用形容那些改不了旧习的人们。貌似简单的一句话,英语表达却有好多种,比中文有趣得多。-。
    It's easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person's nature; it is hard to change man's natural disposition than to change rivers and mountains.

  • 本性难移造句相关
