
木已成舟  mù yǐ chéng zhōu







  • 嗨,无论如何,反正木已成舟了。
    Hey, anyway, it's done now.

  • 我们签了合同。现在木已成舟。房子是我们的了!
    We signed the papers and it's a done deal . We own a house now!

  • 现在木已成舟,将军就算要改变战术也已经太迟了。
    It was too late for the general to change tactics; the die had been cast.

  • 先好好想想再回答,因为你一决定,就木已成舟了。
    Think before you answer, for it shall be done as you decide.

  • 木已成舟,好也罢,坏也罢,我们现在已无法改变了。
    It's been done, and for better or worse, we can't change it now.

  • 好了,我知道这只是个意外,但是,木已成舟啊。耶。
    OK, I know we didn't plan this, but I'm on board. Yeah.

  • 华南虎真相他们不能做任何改变。木已成舟覆水难收
    There's nothing they can do about the truth of Huanan tiger. What's done is done.

  • 现在木已成舟,不过我仍然要说,他们太年轻了还不该结婚。
    The die is cast now, but I still say they were too young to get married.

  • 现在合同已签了。真是木已成舟,生米煮成熟饭,只好如此了。
    As the contract has been signed, what's done is done and can't be undone.

  • 别烦恼,这件事情木已成舟,只要注意不再犯同样的错误就行了。
    Don't worry about it. It's water over the dam. Just be sure you don't make the same mistake again.

  • 但现在木已成舟,人民党政客笨拙的重写法律成为了最大的风险。
    But now the mistakes have been made, the biggest risk is that populist politicians rewrite the rules hamfistedly.

  • 木已成舟后,体会到丈夫良苦用心的刘祖兰,只好接受了这个安排。
    After the fait accompli, realized husband good Liu Zu attentively is painstakingly blue, had to accept this arrangement.

  • 在最后一刻,他们对已选定的那个女孩作代表还有疑虑,但木已成舟
    They had last minute doubts about the girl they had chosen as their representative, but the die was cast.

  • 可是,木已成舟的事实已摆在眼前,盖拉德认为欧足联不会更改处罚决定。
    However, the facts clearly see what a done deal, Gaillard that UEFA will not change the penalty decision.

  • (无法改变的事,木已成舟的事,早已过去的事)是一个关于过往事情的词语。
    Water over the dam is an expression about a past event.

  • 的细节正在保持沉默,直到当地工会批准,但预计将是木已成舟了下周晚些时候。
    The details of the deal are being kept quiet until the local unions ratify, but it's expected to be a done deal by late next week.

  • 不管怎麽样,拖下去有什麽好处呢?反正木已成舟,今天说穿和明天说穿还不是一样。
    At all events, what use was there in delaying? the die is cast (thrown) and now or tomorrow the issue must be the same.

  • 不管怎么样,拖下去有什么好处呢?反正木已成舟,今天说穿和明天说穿还不是一样。
    At all events, what use was there in delaying? the die is cast(thrown) and now or tomorrow the i ue must be the same.

  • 不管怎么样,拖下去有什么好处呢?反正木已成舟,今天说穿和明天说穿还不是一样。
    At all events, what use was there in delaying? the die was cast(thrown) and now or tomorrow the issue must be the same.

  • 他唆使侄女与王臣德睡觉,说什么,“只要他跟你睡了觉,木已成舟,不娶你也不行。”
    " At the same time, he persuaded his niece to go to bed with the tenant, saying, "Even if he doesn't want you, he'll have to marry you after sleeping with you.

  • 否则“木已成舟”难以挽回,切记不要惊动对方。否则:调查难度的加大会让你受的伤害更深。
    Please don't tell your better part about it, or the investigating difficulty will increase and make you get more suffer.

  • 但是,问题是,很多时候木已成舟,就像中国的例子,鱼不鱼的没人关心,反正又不是吃不到鱼。
    However, the problem is that what is done is done. As for China's example, people don't care whether or not there are any fish, and people no longer eat fish.

  • 木已成舟,不管我们怎样努力想改变过去,都做不到,因此让过去的过去吧,原谅自己,也原谅他人。
    What's done is done. No matter how much we want to change the past, we can't…so let bygone be by bygone; forgive people and yourself.

  • 小爱德·布卢姆:人有需要去奋战的时刻,也有必须接受现实的时刻,木已成舟,只有傻子才会继续。
    Young Ed Bloom: There's a time when a man needs to fight and a time when he needs to accept that his destiny's lost, the ship has sailed and that only a fool will continue.

  • 他提了几个关于广告的建议,我们也采纳了他的建议,但是正像他所预言的那样:杯水车薪木已成舟
    He made a couple of suggestions for ads, which we followed, but as he predicted, it was too little, too late.

  • 安吉拉:哦,那就不好了,不过就像我爸说的,木已成舟,覆水难收。目前重要的是你该如何处理这事件。
    Angela: Oh. That isn't good. But as my dad used to say, what's done is done. The important thing is how you handle it from here.

  • 但似乎木已成舟。意大利曾是欧洲受保护最厉害的银行业市场,如今可能已成为欧洲最为开放的银行业市场之一。
    But the die already seems to be cast. Italy, once one of Europe's most protected banking markets, has become probably one of Europe's most open banking markets.

  • 我又不能从现在起假装突然耳聋,莉莉崇拜她女儿实在是个耻辱,我不想再忍受和他们的这种友谊但木已成舟!!!
    It's a shame really because Lily just adores her daughter. I don't want to stand in the way of their friendship but Oi Vey already! ! !

  • 更为重要的是,与其等待一切都已木已成舟时再来修改,不如趁着分析阶段的时候找出问题所在及时修补来得更加及时和经济。
    What's more, it's usually much quicker and cheaper to fix a problem or misunderstanding at the analysis stage than it is when the "finished product" is delivered.

  • 一开始对方称有的地方不是质量问题,而有的地方属小问题,且因工序上的衔接关系要到最后再改,可是直至木已成舟也没有动过。
    Some other places are not as a quality start, and some places are small, and because of the convergence process would be the last to change, but until the grain is fame.

  • 木已成舟造句相关
