
有始有终  yǒu shǐ yǒu zhōng








  • 有始有终,确保你正确地完成了工作。
    Follow through to make sure that you've done the job right.

  • 这样的和谐是否有始有终,现在还言之过早。
    It is too soon to presume that harmony will prevail.

  • 上个赛季有始有终,以胜利开始以胜利结束!
    The season ended the way it started, with a great success!

  • 如果他开始一个项目,他会有始有终地完成的。
    If he begins a project, he'll go the distance.

  • 做任何事有始有终,能吃苦耐劳,上进心强,有敬业精神。
    Stay the course do anything to the tradition of hard work, strong urge for improvement, professionalism.

  • 你一旦开始学钢琴就得有始有终;你应该明白这是费时间的。
    Once you decide to learn to play the piano, You have to follow through ; you should understand that it will take much time.

  • 你演奏除了自己的快乐幸福,但那是在一架有始有终的钢琴上。
    You played out your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite.

  • 忠实可靠为人做事有始有终,就会得到感谢,反之即会遭人怨恨。
    Being reliable People appreciate those who come through for them, and they quickly begin to resent those who don't.

  • 在竞选的进程中我们一直请求你去做了很多,而你总是有始有终
    We've asked you to do a lot over the course of this campaign, and you've always come through.

  • 历史告诉我们,每个难题都有始有终,任何难题都不会永远存在。
    History teaches us that every problem has a lifespan. No problem is permanent.

  • 这些训练的最终目的就是做一些自律的事情,并有始有终地持续下去。
    Ultimately the point of this exercise is to commit to something, and then follow through on it.

  • 项目管理是一个有始有终的过程,像是废话,但不是废话,仔细想想。
    Project management has a definite beginning and end. It is not a continuous process.

  • 对分配给你的工作做到有始有终,不要等到别人特殊是你的主管来提示你。
    Tie up the loose ends of your assignments. Don't wait to be reminded, particularly by a Supervisor.

  • 对分配给你的工作做到有始有终,不要等到别人特别是你的主管来提醒你。
    Tie up the loose ends of your assignments. Don't wait to be reminded, particularly by a Supervisor.

  • 对分配给你的工作做到有始有终,不要等到别人特别是你的主管来提醒你。
    Tie up the loose ends of your assignments. Don't wait to be reminded, particularly by Supervisor.

  • 持久(有毅力,刻苦发奋):做事有始有终;坚持行为方向,不论障碍险阻。
    Finishing what one starts; persisting in a course of action in spite of obstacles.

  • 那些招聘的人讨厌面试,他们讨厌那些半途退出的人,欣赏那些有始有终的人。
    The person doing the hiring hates interviewing, hates weeding out people and would love to be done with the whole process.

  • 妈妈走过来对我说:“做事情要有始有终,不能半途而废,要动脑筋想办法。”
    " Her mother came to me: "do things to stay the course and can not fall by the wayside, it is necessary to think of ways to use their brains.

  • 如果你能坚持有始有终,你会学到更多的东西,并且你有作品证明你不仅仅是空谈。
    You will learn so much more if you finish the games you start, and you will have something to prove that you are not all talk.

  • 是么?你也是我的初吻哦。我后来也没吻过别人:挺有始有终的。会不会很太怪了?
    Chuck: Yeah? You were my first kiss, too. You were my last kiss: first and last. Is that weird?

  • 然后问自己:“我能指望自己对这个承诺有始有终,100%的遵守吗?我能做到吗?
    Then ask yourself, "Can I count on myself to follow through with this commitment, with 100-percent compliance?Can I count on myself for that?"

  • 不过,既然拿了人家的定金,我就要尽力地去完成,你不是从小教我做事要有始有终吗?
    However, since they took the deposit, I'll make every effort to complete, you are not from an early age taught me you have to have beginnings and ends it?

  • 对分配给你的任务做到有始有终,无所不能等到更多有请致电特别是你的经理来提醒你。
    Tie up the loose ends of owe assignments. Don't wait to be re headed, particularly by a Supervisor.

  • 布莱更喜欢有始有终地完成任务,但一有需要,他还是会顺从地按命令上船前往下一个地方。
    Bly preferred to complete missions that he started, but nonetheless obediently followed orders to ship off elsewhere when needed.

  • 我对工作认真负责,诚恳好学,有较强的进取精神,善于与人沟通,做事有始有终,进求完美。
    I work on a serious and responsible, sincere eager to learn, have a stronger entrepreneurial spirit, and good at communication, work Shanshishanzhong, into seeking perfection.

  • 这是由我们的有声书库中挑选出一本书,一次播放一章,每周播放三次,有始有终地将全本书播完。
    We select a book from our collection and podcast a chapter at a time, three times a week, from start to finish.

  • 主教练陈忠和就此表示,原班人马角逐亚洲杯赛是中国队全体成员希望这一个组队周期能够有始有终
    Head Coach Chen Zhonghe indicated in light of this that the former staff contends the Asian match is the Chinese team all member hoped this forming a team cycle can finish what one starts.

  • 甚至那些在项目计划阶段一直关注建设和平和树立人们信心的地方,能够做到有始有终的仍是聊聊无几。
    Even where initiatives have been designed with peace and confidence-building in mind, there has often been little follow-through.

  • 艰难的岁月不会没完没了,坚韧的人会始终不懈,坚持到底。历史告诉我们,每一个难题都有始有终,任何难题都不会永远存在。
    Tough times never last, but tough people do. Tough people stick it out. History teaches us that every problem has a lifespan.

  • 对我而言,如果我可以增加ㄧ些意见,那会是,对我而言,音乐必须是就像镜子一样反映生活的,无论在任何的型式系统下,如果生命一直是有始有终的,那音乐必须展现这部分。
    To me, if I can add something is that, to me, music has to be a mirror of some sort of life, of whatever system, if life is always a beginning and an end, music has to replicate that.

  • 有始有终造句相关
