
有口难言  yǒu kǒu nán yán








  • 我想要告诉她, 只是有口难言
    He finally spotted just the shirt he want ed.

  • 告诉我你的想法--是否你有口难言?
    Can you tell what this is by feeling it?

  • 他已经历了有口难言的烦恼。
    He has already gone through unutterable agonies.

  • 告诉我你的想法--是否你有口难言
    Tell me what you think or have you lost your tongue?

  • 告诉我你的想法--是否你有口难言?
    I think we've just about exhausted that subject.

  • 楚使有口难言,只得空手回来报告楚王。这一来,可把怀王气昏了。
    The envoy was forced to return home empty-handed, and King Huai realized he had been tricked.

  • 您从来都唔擅长玩“有口难言” 或者 “即席表演” 之类既游戏。
    I have never been good at games like charades or improvisational acting.

  • 多亏周遭那麽多亲朋好友关爱和支持我,我突破了有口难言的口吃障碍。
    Thanks to the love and support of so many around me, I broke the silence of stuttering.

  • 应该指出,男方此刻毫无快感,取而代之的只能是痛不欲生、有口难言
    Should point out, the man is without pleasure at the moment, replace can be to be overwhelmed with sorrow only, cannot bring oneself to mention sth.

  • 帝桓其实也是有口难言,白玉莲母子其实并不在他手中,他拿什么交给魔桀呢?
    Timor-hwan is also a matter of fact I have to mention, Bai Yulian mother is not in his hands, he jie what to do magic?

  • 对环境保护的忽视使百姓生活日益窘迫。但是他们有口难言,对改变他们未来生活的政策无能为力
    The price for not respecting the environment is now being paid with blighted lives of citizens who had little to say bout the policies that have altered their future.

  • 有口难言到有口能言,当中透过很多技巧、努力和心血,看到小女的进步,实在感激,蔡姑娘,感谢您。
    Sometimes clients need time to feel our effort and need time to express their appreciation. When they show their appreciation, it's really a bonus.

  • 该行业人士认为,华为的“狼性”策略借此次电信重组市场大洗牌,给中兴通讯带来了一次有口难言的重挫。
    In the industry believe that Huawei's "wolf" strategy by the restructuring of telecommunications markets large cards, ZTE to bring an untold I have lost.

  • 我乖乖地听着——穷人总是毕恭毕敬的,穷人总是在听别人说,苦况却有口难言,他们也不说自己没钱买补铁药,没钱改善饮食、没钱买肠虫药。
    I listened politely—the poor are always polite. The poor always listen. They don't say that there is no money for iron pills, or better food, or worm medicine.

  • 有口难言造句相关
