
有口皆碑  yǒu kǒu jiē bēi







  • 服务质量在广大客户中有口皆碑
    The service quality enjoys great popularity in the customers.

  • 尤其在港、澳、珠三角更是有口皆碑
    Especially in Hong Kong, Macao and the Pearl River Delta is reputation.

  • 在张槎针织城我们厂的质量和服务是有口皆碑的。
    We Zhangcha knitting factory in the city of quality and service are legendary.

  • 电子商务方面,欧美日这几国的信用一向有口皆碑
    Respect of electronic business affairs, euramerican day the credence of this a few countries all along win universal praise.

  • 瑞爱船用家具造形大气,细节精致,在业内有口皆碑
    Ruiai's marine furniture is with grandiosity sculpt, delicacy detail, andwiagoodpublic praise.

  • 作为小型车市场的佼佼者,飞度在省油方面是有口皆碑的。
    As the small vehicle market's outstanding person, flying wins universal praise in the province oil aspect.

  • 冠生园生产的食品都是金字招牌,顾客有口皆碑历久不衰。
    The food that the coronal gives birth to to be produced field is gold-lettered signboard, client win universal praise is long lasting.

  • 尽管她有不足之处,但她一贯大方与无私却是有口皆碑的。
    She had the vices of her virtues but her constant generosity and unselfishness were felt by all around her.

  • 通过多年的服务,因业绩辉煌而成为同行业的巨擘,有口皆碑
    Through years of service, due to the brilliant performance to become the industry's giant, Peter!

  • 在上海的房产中介业,君业房产的“三负责”规范操作是有口皆碑的。
    in Shanghai real estate intermediary industry, the real estate industry you "three for" standards is universally acclaimed.

  • 音乐质量有口皆碑,销量一枝独秀,张敬轩俨然已晋身香港一线男歌手。
    Music quality wins universal praise, the sales volume outshines others, Zhang Jingxuan a just like already Jin body Hong Kong male singer.

  • 因此,切不可忽略老年学员在使学校有口皆碑这方面可以起到的重要作用。
    Hence, ILRs cannot be overlooked as an important link in spreading the good word about the college or university.

  • 蓝电MTV机也承蒙广大客户的支持和厚爱,荣幸成为有口皆碑的知名品牌。
    Blue electric MTV machine also thank our customers for their support and love, honor to become a legendary brand.

  • 长期以来,国航对于飞行安全、维修质量以及一体化所做的贡献是有口皆碑的。
    Long-term since, country the contribution that quality of safe to flying, maintenance and unifinication place make boat is win universal praise.

  • 事后,在本文作者的随机调查中,对两位大法官的精彩演讲有口皆碑、评价甚隆。
    In a random survey of the author, all the students highly appraised the speeches.

  • 可人的容貌、平易的风度,费思·希尔在乡村乐坛一向是个有口皆碑的邻家女孩儿。
    With her beguiling looks and easygoing charm, Faith Hill often comes across as country music's proverbial girl- next- door.

  • 发达的职业教育培育了大批技术人才,南通技术工人的素质和能力在中国制造业界有口皆碑
    The well-developed vocational training has nurtured a large number of technical personnel. And the professional quality and capability have earned very high reputation in China's manufacturing area.

  • 多年来,恒兴盛的售后服务有口皆碑,四小时内到达现场、每月一次检修回访不是一句空话。
    All through those years, the after-sales service of Hengxingsheng has won extensive praise. Arrivals on site within four hours and monthly maintenance visit have been implemented in a solid way.

  • 陆先生为人正直,办事一丝不苟,工作效率高,在我银行担任高级出纳员五年有余,有口皆碑
    A man of integrity, meticulousness, and efficiency, Mr. Lu has worked as a senior teller in my bank for over five years and won public praise among his colleagues.

  • 有些楼盘尽管已建成多年,但房型仍不过时,物业管理也有口皆碑,租金与新建商品房不相上下。
    While some projects have been constructed over the years, but Fangxing is outdated, but also universally acclaimed property management, rentals and new commercial housing].

  • 爱心之花在员工心中盛开□张振清把职工当成亲人,这在台州奥利莱鞋业有限公司是有口皆碑的。
    The flower of love blooms in employee heart □ Zhang Zhenqing regards the worker as family member, this is in stage city line of business of Ao Lilai shoe limited company is win universal praise.

  • 贵公司产品的质量和职工的敬业精神一向是有口皆碑的,因此我很希望有机会为贵公司尽绵薄之力。
    Your organization has a reputation for professionalism and quality work, and I would truly appreciate an opportunity to contribute to your team.

  • 但据聊城无缝管企业相关专家介绍,沙钢一向以灵活多变的经营策略而成为业内有口皆碑的钢铁企业。
    However, according to Liaocheng seamless enterprise-related experts, has been Shagang flexible business strategy to become the industry's legendary iron and steel enterprises.

  • 多年的中西婚礼举办经验,使我们的婚礼品牌服务在深圳有口皆碑,多家婚庆公司也与我们加强合作。
    Year's experiences to sponsor Chinese and western wedding parties enable our wedding party service become well-known in Shenzhen. Many wedding party service companies have cooperation with us.

  • 星火计划实施以来,取得了“有目共睹、有口皆碑”的显著成就,成为依靠科技振兴农村经济的一面旗帜。
    Since spark plans to carry out, obtained " be obvious to all, win universal praise " remarkable success, become support science and technology to revitalize the one side banner of rural economics.

  • 施南生的能干有口皆碑,而《女》片中唐露一角亦是有女人味的女强人,那徐克是否把施南生当成这个人物的原型?
    "Won Shi capable of, and" F "Tang Lu corner of the film there is also a strong woman's feminine, XuShi as to whether or not the prototype of the character?

  • 泉州市金帝鞋服有限公司以客户的利益为泉州市金帝鞋服有限公司的利益且泉州市金帝鞋服有限公司的信誉有口皆碑
    We take the customer's benefits as benefits and our prestiges that I take charge of to enjoy great popularity.

  • 建国30多年来,行动党带领人民把一个贫穷落后、没有任何资源的岛国,建成了世人有口皆碑的富裕、文明的现代化国家。
    For 30 over years, under the PAP leadership, Singapore has grown from a poor country with hardly any resources to an affluent, modern and developed nation.

  • 公司拥有一批经验丰富的管理人才和技术人员,驾驶员都受过专业的礼仪培训,不论形象气质还是外交礼仪方面在业界有口皆碑
    We have experienced management and technical personnel. All drivers were been well trained, have the best professional customer services skills and appearance.

  • 在上海残联系统,只要提起谢晋导演对残疾人的关爱,可谓有口皆碑。“尽管谢导是个大忙人,但是对于残疾人运动会、残疾人文艺协作等,他总是特别关心。
    In the Shanghai FIMITIC system, so long as mentions Director Xie Jin to disabled person's showing loving concern, it may be said that wins universal praise.

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