
晕头转向  yūn tóu zhuàn xiàng






  • 他们接二连三地向她发问, 确实把她搞得有点晕头转向
    They had asked her one question after another, and indeed had knocked her senseless.

  • 他与她沉溺情海,爱得晕头转向
    He is head over-heels in love with her.

  • 他们给弄得晕头转向,走错了好几英里路。
    They got balled up in their directions and walked miles out of the way.

  • 然而,有些游客抱怨在里面感到晕头转向
    Yet some visitors complain of feeling disoriented inside.

  • 他说他这样做是为了不让观众感到晕头转向
    He says he does this so the audience isn't confused.

  • 他有些晕头转向,激动地对着我们挥舞他的枪。
    He became confused and agitated, waving his gun at us.

  • 他与她沉溺情海。爱得晕头转向。)多半指很快落入情海。
    He fell head over heels in love with her.

  • 晕头转向''。'心境'。''的混乱、迷失方向的状态。
    A confused, disoriented state of mind.

  • 他是一个极为多变的老板,经常变来变往把我搞的晕头转向
    He is such a changeable boss. He often messes me around with his change-anytime mind!

  • 陌生人又把那小拖把在眼前晃过来捻过去,弄得哈尼沙克晕头转向
    The stranger twrilled the minature mop around in front of his eyes again, it was makin Miss Huneysuckel plum dizzy.

  • 没想到幸福真的会自己撞上来,撞的你晕头转向的,开心着天旋地转。
    The whole last week was full of surprises, all good ones. I would like to give my thanks to all the people I love and love me.

  • 游戏介绍:转转转,转得你晕头转向,新游戏新玩法,看看是怎么做的吧!
    On the game : the bush, you can turn away, the new game new ways to see how it is done!

  • 年长雇员:“老兄,解雇我吧,我会告你年龄歧视,肯定会搞得你晕头转向。”
    Oldest employee: Fire me, buster, and I'll hit you with an age discrimination suit so fast it'll make your head spin.

  • 那个家伙一被恭维就晕头转向,如果你想求他帮助你,只要去拍拍马屁就行啦。
    That guy is a pushover for flattery. If you want him to help you, all you have to do is polish an apple or two.

  • 当我们习惯于这个客厅及其中闪烁多姿的映像以后又转而去阅读哈代,那我们又会晕头转向
    And if, when we have accustomed ourselves to the drawing-room and its reflections, we turn to hardy, we are once more spun around.

  • 美国部队也被指控用很大的敲击音乐和电视主题曲来让关押在伊拉克和关塔那摩囚犯晕头转向
    America's armed forces are also accused of using loud rap music and television theme tunes to disorient and disturb prisoners both in Iraq and Gunatanamo Bay.

  • 随之总统改变策略,要求取消所有合同并批评哥哥,他认为他的哥哥“被贪欲迷的晕头转向”。
    The president changed course, demanding that the contracts be rescinded, and criticised his brother, whom he said had been "unbalanced by greed".

  • 他坐进一张椅子,头和两肘靠在床边,沉陷在理不清的万千思绪里,只感到晕头转向,不能自持。
    He dropped into a chair, with his head and both elbows on his bed, absorbed in thoughts which he could not grasp, and as though a prey to vertigo.

  • 剪线头有时会忙不过来,因为这里叫你去剪,那里也叫你剪,把我弄得晕头转向,不知先剪哪一个。
    Shear head busy sometimes, because to tell you to cut, where you also known as shear, very confusing to me, I do not know which one to cut.

  • 如果从普通电视转换到高清电视还不足以让人晕头转向,那么看看另一波即将出现的电视技术:3D。
    If switching from standard to high-definition television wasn't confusing enough, there's another wave of TV technology on the horizon: 3D.

  • 这句台词单拎出来并没有多好笑,但一想到是赵丽蓉装傻充愣把侯耀文弄得晕头转向,总是忍俊不禁。
    This lines carry only not funnily, as soon as but thought that is Zhao Lirong feigns Hou Yaowen makes is completely muddled, always cannot help smiling.

  • 海面天气转为恶劣,风浪加大。晕头转向的海盗同意班布里奇号将他们拖到更为风平浪静一点的地方。
    Rising weather whipped up the seas, and the drifting pirates agreed to allow the USS Bainbridge to tow them to calmer waters.

  • 他能够出任不同的位置,我们知道拜恩斯有一个优越的赛季,所以库伊特必须全力以赴才能够让他晕头转向
    He can do different jobs. We knew that Leighton Baines has been having a very good season so Kuyt made sure he worked hard keeping him busy.

  • 有个求职者把面试人员说得晕头转向,这人不断提到一家对手公司的强项,还以为那就是正在面试他的公司呢。
    The candidate got his companies confused and repeatedly mentioned the strengths of a competing firm, thinking that was who he was interviewing with.

  • 限制:不要尝试一天就记住一本字典。限制自己每天(记忆)15个单词,然后你将会获得自信,而不是晕头转向
    Limit: Don't try to memorize the dictionary in a day! Limit yourself to 15 words per day, and you'll gain confidence instead of feeling overwhelmed.

  • 混战中,亚历山大或他的侍卫杀了几个波斯贵族,但亚历山大也被一个叫斯庇特里达的波斯贵族用斧头劈得晕头转向
    In the melee, several Persian nobles were killed by Alexander himself or his bodyguards, but Alexander was stunned by an axe blow from a Persian nobleman named Spithridates.

  • 由于他领导无方,导致改革阵营分崩离析,并被日里诺夫斯基这种总把事情看得太简单的民族主义分子搞得晕头转向
    His lack of leadership allowed the reform forces to fragment and be swamped by such simplistic nationalists as Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

  • 在这一点上,问题一层层解开了,可以说出现了无数的谜,深渊底下又出现深渊,致使马吕斯在俯视冉阿让时不能不晕头转向
    Here questions exfoliated, so to speak, into innumerable enigmas, abysses yawned at the bottoms of abysses, and Marius could no longer bend over Jean Valjean without becoming dizzy.

  • 若他扮演美国人的角色,他会在所有相关的访谈中使用美国口音。他说他这样做是为了不让观众感到晕头转向。(其实效果完全相反吧…哈哈)
    If he plays an American character, he will use an American accent in all the interviews related to the film. He says he does this so the audience isn't confused.

  • 插件特性非常好,但是也有很不好的地方……很快你就会被无数个可用的插件弄得晕头转向,你需要花很多时间去确定哪些插件才和核心库的质量相匹配。
    The plugin feature is great, but there's a downside as well… soon you get drowned by the number of available plugins, spending a lot time checking out which ones match the quality of the core library.

  • 晕头转向造句相关
