
春寒料峭  chūn hán liào qiào








  • 去往烟花三月,春寒料峭
    Go going to firework in March, spring chill chilly.

  • 一月的贵阳,春寒料峭
    The Guiyang January, spring chill chilly.

  • 是所谓的“春寒料峭”吧,天气还是很冷。
    Is the so-called "cold chilly" it, or very cold weather.

  • 一九九七年初春的龙山,春寒料峭,冷风袭人。
    1997 the Long Shan early spring, spring chill chilly, air cooling raids a person.

  • 这两个朋友,沃纳和科百隆,都在春寒料峭中颤抖。
    The two friends, Werner and Kebel, each shivered in the chilly spring air.

  • 春天已经来临,可春寒料峭,我丝毫没有感到春的暖意。
    Spring has arrived, can be chilly cold, I did not feel the spring warmth.

  • 躲过寒冬的生命新绿,却往往被扼杀在这料峭春寒之中。
    Escaped the life of the new winter green, is often stifled in this chilly in the cold.

  • 春寒料峭,春风吹拂着人的脸,凉凉的感觉,却也不是寒冷。
    The spring is full of chill. Of course it is not cold.

  • 即使春寒料峭,乍暖还寒时分,她也不会因为外界的风雨无情而飘摇。
    Even Chunhanliaoqiao, Zhanuanhaihan after midnight, she will not be because of the wind and rain outside ruthless and Piaoyao.

  • 一片柳林,枝头刚刚泛出嫩绿,使人感到虽是春寒料峭,却已大地回春。
    Everywhere Liulin, the branch just spilled over light green, make the person to feel although is the chill in the air in early spring, actually already greatly rejuvenation.

  • 尽管春寒料峭,可附中人的爱心与春天一道,给需要的人以莫大的温暖和抚慰。
    Although chill in the air in early spring, but the attached middle school person's compassion and the spring together, for needs the human and comforts by greatest warming.

  • 即使是在冬季和春寒料峭的初春,没有寒风寒流相逼,仍然温适如画,翠色生烟。
    Even in the chill of winter and early spring night, no wind, bitter cold weather is still warm fitness picturesque, NATURE smoke.

  • 灰蒙蒙的天,尤其是窗外那潮湿的夜色,我单薄衣衫却怎么也挡不住料峭春寒
    On dusky day, especially that moist dim light of night outside the window, my thin dress but can't block the chilly cold spell in spring really.

  • 夏暖花开闻蝶舞,春寒料峭见梅香——试论《故土》中叶倩如、袁静雅的形象塑造。
    Butterfly Dance in Flowering Summer, Plum blossom in Chill Spring—On Image-Building of Ye Qianru and Yuan Jingya in《 Native Land》

  • 3月底,还是春寒料峭,京贸门前的草坪就披上了绿色,与许多小区初春又黄又秃的草坪形成鲜明对比。
    3 end, or there is a chill in the air, on the lawn in front of Beijing trade covered with a green and yellow are also many small spring near the lawn are in sharp contrast.

  • 然然在春寒料峭的雨季里转了三次公共汽车,辗转了两个多小时,来到了“爱心吧”,与她未来的老板谋面。
    However, ran cold in the chilly, rainy season to three buses travel more than two hours, came to "love it", and met her future boss.

  • 这里夏秋清凉,为避署休闲度假的胜地;即使是在冬季和春寒料峭的初春,没有寒风寒流相逼,仍然温适如画,翠色生烟。
    Here cool summer, the ele leisure resorts; Even in the chill of winter and early spring night, no wind, bitter cold weather is still warm fitness picturesque, NATURE smoke.

  • 春寒料峭的一天,菲比病了,并且很快就离开了人世。亨利深深陷入巨大的痛苦与悲伤之中,眼睁睁地看着人们把菲比埋在冰冷的地下。
    One day in the early spring Phoebe became sick and died, Old Henry—in a fog of sorrow and pain—watch them put her body in the earth.

  • 在地表大量铺设铺盖物有助保持土壤中的水分,也能在那些春寒料峭的夜晚为土地留住更多热量,还能在气温升高时保持植株根部凉爽。
    A generous layer of mulch helps retain moisture and heat during cool spring nights. It also keeps roots cool when temperatures rise.

  • 春寒料峭造句相关
