
星星之火  xīng xīng zhī huǒ








  • 尽管是星星之火,却是希望之星。
    Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill.

  • 星星之火使整个森林燃烧起来。
    A spark set the woods on fire.

  • 星星之火会引起毁灭性的林区大火。
    A little spark can kindle a devastating bushfire.

  • 信仰:星星之火,可以燎原。
    Beliefs: A single spark can start a prairie fire.

  • 你给的星星之火,已经把我的心房点燃…
    The tiny spark you give, Also set my heart aflame…

  • 理想是石,敲出星星之火
    The ideal is stone , knocks out sparks of fire;

  • 星星之火一定可以燎原。
    A single spark can start a prairie fire must.

  • 救火员:“我们不能让星星之火酿成燎原之势。”
    The fireman: Never has a spark been allowed to devepinto a conflagration.

  • 星星之火一旦燎原,江河之水难扑灭。(莎士比亚)
    A fire is quickly trodden out, which, being suffered, rivers cannot quench. (Shakespare.

  • 肯定是,星星之火还要燎原好多年,历史将会改写。
    Sure is that a spark would also like to start a prairie fire for many years, history will be rewritten.

  • 起先,那只是闪现在石板路上的灰黄色的星星之火
    At first it was but a lurid spark upon the stone pavement.

  • 星星之火容易踏息,一旦被波及,则江河之水亦难扑。
    A little fire is quickly trodden out, which being suffer'd rivers cannot quench.

  • 有的时候,愤怒是我们活着的证明,虽然是星星之火,但至少还在闪烁。
    Sometimes, anger is the indication that we are alive, although it is only tiny sparks, but at least it flickers.

  • 星星之火容易踏息,而一旦燎原,则江河之水难扑灭。----莎士比亚。
    A little fire is quickly trodden out , which being suffered rivers cannot quench. ----Shakespeare.

  • 柔柔晚风为我送来黑暗中的星星之火,那是你镶嵌在我生命中的爱在闪耀着。
    The tender wind that carried me , a light in the dark shinning your love into my life.

  • 再没有什么比两个灵魂在交换这一星星之火时给予对方的强烈震动更真实的了。
    Nothing is more real than these great shocks which two souls convey to each other by the exchange of that spark.

  • 目前,阅读终端集中在PC上,细分到手机终端上的阅读有星星之火的燎原之势。
    Current, read terminal to be centered on PC, fractionize arrives the situation of the reads the fire that has tiny spot set the prairie ablaze on mobile phone terminal.

  • 只要市场热点能够延续,做多热情就不会熄灭,仅以星星之火就可以燃起强劲的反弹!
    As long as the market Hot spots continue to do more enthusiasm would not have put out, only a single spark can ignite a strong rebound!

  • 亚流不过是亚历山大城的星星之火,但由于没有立即把它扑灭,一场大火使整个世界遭到浩劫。
    Arius was but one spark in Alexandria, but as that spark was not at once put out, the whole earth was laid waste by its flame.

  • 创造性思想,虽是星星之火,但可以燎原。我们要驾驭思想的野马奔驰,创造美好世界的明天…
    Creative thought that although is fire of the star, but may set the prairie afire. We must control the thought the wild horse runs quickly, creation happy world tomorrow…

  • 而金富春在丝绸领域的创新也仿佛为丝绸人点亮了一支火种,愿这星星之火,能燃成燎原之势。
    And Jin Fuchun also asked if to illume for silk person in the innovation of silk domain a kindling, wish the fire of this star, can light the situation of set the prairie ablaze.

  • 星星之火,可以燎原。我们应趁现在全球暖化火种刚开始燃烧时把握时机,合力阻延气候变化加剧。
    Small changes may snowball into major catastrophes. It is time we tried to put out the single spark which may start a prairie fire.

  • 车站里,几位男士将未完全熄灭的烟头扔进草丛中,对“星星之火,也有燎原之势”的标语视若无睹;
    station, several men will not fully extinguish the cigarette butts into the bushes in the "spark, but also turn a blind eye to the slogan;"

  • 灿烂燃烧的篝火是由无数火苗融合而成的,而您就如同其中的一簇,经过星星之火而快乐跳跃的火苗。
    An effulgence flame is made by millions of sparks, and you are one of them. Your life style is always optimism and leisureliness.

  • 从你的眼睛-这星星之火,当你的微笑(只为我) … …你的鼻子-我想我可以蹭我的鼻子表示反对;
    from your eyes - that sparkle when you smile (just for me)… to your nose - that I wish I could rub my nose against;

  • 苏、浙、沪等地的民间士绅首先点燃了私塾改良的星星之火,并在沿海一些地方开展了轰轰烈烈的改良运动。
    The gentry in Jiang Su, Zhe Jiang and Shang Hai began the reform and then put it ahead in other places of coastal region.

  • 当前位置: 首页 >> 房产资讯 >> 新闻热点 >> 房谈:业主当物业公司老板星星之火能否燎原?
    Housing Tan : When the owners of the property company bosses a spark can start a prairie fire?

  • 星星之火,可以燎原。关注下一代的健康成长是我们每一位成人的义务。为了我们的明天更好,让我们一起努力吧!
    A single spark can start a prairie fire. It is each adult's duty to care the growing of our successors. Let's work together to make a better future!

  • 小水一滴,不断滴落,可穿透磐石,更可润泽大地;星星之火,接续蔓延,可燎烧原野,更可温暖人间;小小种子,灌溉栽培,可长成大树,更可遮荫避雨。
    Water that breaks rocks softly nurtures crops. Fire that burns crops gently warms homes. Tiny seeds become trees to shade passersby.

  • 星星之火造句相关
