
昏头昏脑  hūn tóu hūn nǎo







  • 他也昏头昏脑随着前面的思路走。
    he also Huntouhunnao with the idea of taking in front.

  • 他被复杂的问题弄得昏头昏脑
    he was buffalo ed by the complexity of problem . .

  • 这位经理整天忙得昏头昏脑
    The manager busied himself all day and got addle brained.

  • 我喝了两杯威士忌,就昏头昏脑的了。
    After a couple of whisky my head feel all muzzy.

  • 德维说,如果你一贯昏头昏脑,那么记性不好也没什么奇怪的;
    If youve always been a ditz, its not so unusual if you cant remember well, says Dr.

  • 春的舞姿是灵动的,是多姿多彩也是可以令你昏头昏脑迷恋的。
    The dancing of spring is a soul of, is versatile also can make you faint a dizziness brain in love.

  • 我自己昏头昏脑,也问不了许多,插上了门,向四下里望着想找张床。
    Too stupefied to be curious myself, I fastened my door and glanced round for the bed.

  • 我们对奥巴马的主要疑虑与昏头昏脑的民主党国会如何应对经济形势有关。
    Our main doubts about Mr Obama have to do with the damage a muddle-headed Democratic Congress might try to do to the economy.

  • 这名还在现场留下一把燃烧的喷枪的窃贼,预料已严重灼伤、「怒发冲冠」、昏头昏脑
    The thief, who also left a lit blow torch at the scene, is expected to be badly charred, spiky haired and not exactly the brightest bulb in the socket.

  • 但在同时,我们看见科学家们被嘲弄为昏头昏脑的书呆子或者冰冷无情、没有激情的怪物制造者。
    Yet at the same time, we see scientists derided as fuzzy-brained eggheads or as coldly ruthless, emotionless makers of monsters.

  • 他独自一人时我不放心让他做任何事,因为他总是忧虑重重,哪怕是最小的事情都弄得昏头昏脑的。
    I can't trust him to do anything when he is alone because he worries and gets his knickers in a twist about the smallest thing.

  • 除了那两条杂种狗,其他狗都被身处的陌生而恶劣的环境及所受到的虐待弄得昏头昏脑,不知所措。
    With the exception of the two mongrels, they were bewildered and spirit-broken by the strange savage environment in which they found themselves and by the ill treatment they had received.

  • 正是他们昏头昏脑地坚持进行一个不合理的、无希望的、毁灭性的战争,才把国家弄成现在这般田地。
    a hopeless, a ruinous in war which had brought the nation to its present pass.

  • 正是他们昏头昏脑地坚持进行一个不合理的、无希望的、毁灭性的战争,才把国家弄成现在这般田地。
    It was their infatuated perseverance in an unjustifiable, a hopeless, a ruinous in war which had brought the nation to its present pass.

  • 他独自一人时我不放心让他做任何事,因为他总是忧虑重重,哪怕是最小的事情都弄得昏头昏脑的 。
    I cannot trust him to do anything when he is alone because he worries and gets his knickers in a twist about the smallest thing.

  • 他独自一人时我不放心让他做任何事,因为他总是忧虑重重,哪怕是最小的事情都弄得昏头昏脑的 。
    I can't trust him to do anything when he is alone because he worries and gets his knickers in a twist about the smallest thing.

  • 从声音听他本人也有些昏头昏脑,心烦意乱,“我得请你帮个忙,我刚刚接到美国一位颇有影响的主教的电话。
    I have a favor to ask of you. I just received a call from an influential American bishop.

  • 库卓对人们认为真实的她和菲比一样昏头昏脑感到厌烦,她披露说:“人们总是慢慢和我说话,好像我只有十岁。”
    Kudrow gets fed up with being considered in real life to be as dippy as her on-screen character, Phoebe. "People talk slower to me, as if I were a ten year old", she reveals.

  • 正如影片所仿效的那种类型一样,该片中有昏头昏脑的女强人,有性情古怪的犯罪头目,有一些想成为硬汉的家伙,还有一个高深莫测的“百事通”。
    True to the genre that inspired it, the movie has tough and dippy dames, an eccentric crime kingpin, some would-be tough s and an enigmatic know-it-all.

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