
明白了当  míng bái liǎo dàng






  • 直接了当明白清楚地说明自己的目的是很重要的。
    It is important to speak directly and clearly about your subject.

  • 明白了当你心怀悲哀时,幸福就会停靠在别的港湾。
    I've learned that when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

  • 明白了当你心怀悲苦时,幸福就会停靠在别的港湾。
    I've learned that when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

  • 你坐下,听我用几句我想是直接了当的话把事情给你讲明白
    Sit down, and listen while I tell you all about it in a few, but, I hope, pretty vigourous sentences.

  • 其后,他们明白了当用奥运会来大做文章感动世界的同时教训其西藏人民,是件不明智的事。
    Since then they have learnt that beating up their Tibetan citizens may not be wise just as they are trying to impress the world with an Olympic extravaganza.

  • 但是我们到死也不明白是上了当,我们还理想死后有个天堂,在那里——谢上帝,也有这一天!
    Even when we are dying we do not realize we have been deceived , but still believe there is a heaven for us to go after our death, where we can enjoy eternal happiness —Thank god!

  • 他们会给你冲咖啡,然后你应该尽快说明来意。直截了当明白清楚的说明自己的目的是很重要的。
    You may be offered coffee and then you should immediately announce the reason for your visit. it is important to speak directly and clearly about your subject.

  • 这就是我们找房子的经历, 它让我明白了当人们友善的时候, 就不再是陌生人, 只是我们未曾相遇的朋友。
    That is how we found our home and how I learned that when people are kind, they are not strangers. Only friends we haven't yet met.

  • 并且是那么地直截了当明白无误,力图将赤裸的现实呈现,去确定“性”是如何积极地产生性权力以及性的众多实效。
    And we do all this by formulating the matter in the most explicit terms, by trying to reveal it in its most naked reality, by affirming it in the positivity of its power and its effects.

  • 因为我明白了当某某人在世时得要好好珍惜一切良缘和别白白把生命浪费掉,以便能够让自己和其他人一齐好好的活下去。
    The main reason is I understood when each people was still alive suppose appreciated all the surrounding goodness and avoid to wasting the life, so that from that moment we can living with gleefully.

  • 其后,他们明白了当用奥运会来大做文章感动世界的同时教训其西藏人民(没有教训,通过逻辑也能看出),是件不明智的事。
    Since then they have learnt that beating up their Tibetan citizens may not be wise just as they are trying to impress the world with an Olympic extravaganza.

  • 看了地产商们在各类论坛和媒体直截了当或躲躲闪闪的发言,我总算明白了他们的意思:不管是调利率还是加税,房价仍旧要上涨。
    Read in various forums and the developers have received or media straightforward statement, I finally understand their meaning : whether the transfer tax rates or house prices to continue rising.

  • 一生孩子,一年就有半年不能去木材厂,现在我算明白了,木材厂我一天不去都不行,我要直截了当告诉弗兰克,我不再要孩子了。
    Good Lord, that would mean six months out of the year when I'd have to be away from the mills! And I see now I can't afford to be away from them even one day.

  • 明白了当造句相关
