
无可厚非  wú kě hòu fēi








  • 这种引用倒也形象贴切,无可厚非
    This quote is also inverted image appropriate, understandable.

  • 无可厚非,奥巴马被选为总统。
    Above reproach, Obama was elected to be the president.

  • 无可厚非的是北极正在变暖。
    There is no dispute that the Arctic is warming.

  • 男性所主宰的金融业以冒险著称是无可厚非的。
    THAT the risk-taking end of the financial industry is dominated by men is unarguable.

  • 那个小女孩子在晚会中的表现相当完美(无可厚非)。
    The litter girl behaved at the party was above reproach.

  • 作为主帅这无可厚非,但这在以前的勒夫而言是不可思议的。
    As a coach this is not unreasonable, but in the former Loew is incredible.

  • 抄一些设计元素无可厚非,不过照搬全抄就有点令人不齿了。
    Agree. Copying some elements here and there is called learning. Copying the whole product design is called stealing.

  • 长远有序的文化发展规划,求同存异的包容性,眼界无可厚非
    The cultural development planning long-term orderly , seek common ground while reserving differences of tolerance .

  • 凡要结婚,务必要过彩礼关,这是中国的婚嫁风俗,无可厚非
    If one wants to get married, he can not avoid it, which is China's wedding customs, there is nothing to be said against it.

  • 如果仅从那些衡量商业活动积极与否的调查中看,这个结论是无可厚非的。
    That is certainly the story being told by business surveys that measure the pulse of activity.

  • 依我愚见,这样做亦无可厚非,本是天性:我们必须接纳本性的好坏对错。
    For all I know we are right to do this; they are part of us and we must accept the good and bad in ourselves together.

  • 在如今还活跃在篮球场上的球员中,他的“技术组合”无可厚非是非常卓越的。
    Among the rest of the basketball players playing basketball in the NBA today, his "skill set" is arguably unsurpassed.

  • 他很快发现美国的公司城是一种随着国家的发展自然而然出现的无可厚非的现象。
    He saw at once that the American company town was a natural innocent phenomenon connected with the nation's growth.

  • 做到最好和马虎应付都只在我们的一念之间,意识状态就扮演着无可厚非的作用。
    For Doing best and only perfunctory meeting are a study between us, the state of awareness plays the understandable role.

  • 无可厚非,本文的中心并不是我们所读到的文章的表层意思,而是隐藏在文章深处。
    Arguably the most important demand that appears in the article, however is not something that we found --- but what we did not.

  • 虽然大多数时候我们都是一个人来面对这个世界,但无可厚非有了朋友你的心就会平静很多。
    Above reproach, after you have friends in your life you will feel more calm although a large number of time in your life you are lonely.

  • 若以外行人身份而言,这样做倒无可厚非;但作为临床医师,这样的评论往往会产生负面影响。
    Although this may be appropriate in nonprofessional relationships, in your role as a clinician, such comments are usually counterproductive.

  • 以市场基准为原则调整价格是无可厚非的,但是对此的方法并不是固定的,可以进行灵活地调整。
    Steps toward more market-based pricing are welcome, but the formula, which has not been published, is still being applied flexibly.

  • 所以我现在觉得那些谩骂、用词比较极端的指责都无可厚非,我觉得发出不同的声音也是可以理解的。
    Therefore, I feel that those abuses to the wording extreme accusations are all beyond reproach, I think a different voice is understandable.

  • 值得注意的是,企业具有扩张的雄心是好事,疯狂抢占资源也无可厚非,但在扩张的同时应该保持一份戒心。
    It is worth noting that companies have ambitious expansion is a good thing, to seize resources beyond crazy, but at the same time the expansion should keep a wary eye.

  • 从谷歌角度看,这种质量控制手段本无可厚非,因为注重广告质量,正是谷歌取得市场成功的关键因素之一。
    Google from the point of view, this means the quality control of the blame, because pay attention to the quality of ads, Google is the key to the success of the market made one of the factors.

  • 如果保守党赢得春季竞选成为下届政府的执政党,就应无可厚非地重温这桩交易,如有必要,解除两银行联姻合约。
    The Conservatives, who are likely to form the next government after an election in the spring, should have no compunction about revisiting this deal and, if necessary, unwinding it (see article).

  • 如果抗议者上周能够去达沃斯世界经济论坛,对着那些齐聚阿尔卑斯山的全球领导人们喊出同样的话,那也无可厚非
    If protesters had been able to get near the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, they could justifiably have aimed the same chant at the world leaders who assembled in the Alps.

  • 无可厚非的作为全美最具影响力的警察,布拉顿被广泛称道于减少了犯罪率和改变了丑闻笼罩的洛杉矶警察局的形象。
    Arguably America's most influential cop, Mr Bratton is credited with reducing crime rates and reforming the scandal-plagued LAPD.

  • 由于科技或环境条件的变迁,致使既有规范有所不备,因而进行修法甚至是扩张权利保护范畴,以作为因应,本是无可厚非
    It is acceptable to modify laws, even to expand the scope of protection, to deal with the regulations made inadequate by the transitions of technology or environment.

  • 他的说法无可厚非,一旦建成,一个核能发电厂能实现二氧化碳零排放,这种人造温室气体与最近的全球气候变暖现象紧密相关。
    He's right that, once built, a nuclear power plant emits no carbon dioxide, the main human-generated greenhouse gas linked to recent warming of the global climate.

  • 年青时有这种想法是可以理解的。年青人害怕阵亡疆场,而且一想到人生最美好的一切就这么被葬送了,恐惧的心情会更加严重。这种恐惧无可厚非
    Yong men who hxdye reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they hxdye been cheated of the best things that life has to offer.

  • 这样做无可厚非,要是心理学者将测验作业带到田野里实施,因为那里有无数刺激竞争实验对象的注意,牠们也许永远不会发现有个问题正等著牠们解决。
    Indeed, if the lab psychologist's puzzle were presented under natural conditions, where myriad stimuli compete for attention, the subject might never realize that a problem was waiting to be solved.

  • 本赛季上半程比赛,詹姆斯凭借自己全面发挥和出色的数据,带领球队打出高强度的防守,获得了东部第一的战绩,他理应获得上半程的MVP,这个无可厚非
    For the first half of the season, Lebron James was clearly the MVP. He was playing at a high level statistically, improved his defense and had the Cavs sitting at the top of the Eastern Conference.

  • 不过从一个方面的数据显示,詹姆斯均场的篮板和助攻都比科比多,这个无可厚非,因为詹姆斯的体型和位置都比科比有优势,所以助攻和篮板比科比自然来的多一些和容易一些。
    But LeBron averages more assists and is able to get more rebounds. Of course, James has an advantage because of his size and position. He is able to rebound better than Bryant as a result.

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