
无依无靠  wú yī wú kào







  • 总之,我想你可以说,我和妈妈无依无靠
    Anyway, I guess you could say me and Mama was on our own.

  • 我们应该和无依无靠的哥哥和姐姐结伴同行。
    We must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters; Walk with God.

  • 因为我援助了呼救的穷人,和无依无靠的孤儿。
    for I rescued the poor who cried for help, the fatherless and the unassisted.

  • 这孩子无依无靠的感觉是由于他母亲早死所造成的。
    ild's feeling of insecurity was caused by his mother's early death .

  • 海洛因能消除吸食者的恐惧、紧张或无依无靠的感觉。
    The heroin can dispel inhalers fear, tense and unsupported feeling.

  • 他孤独地无依无靠地站在大街上,不知道在哪里过夜。
    As he stood in the street, alone and friendless, with no place to stay for the night.

  • 一组雕塑的门无依无靠,创造出关于漂泊的情感空间;
    A set of sculpted doors that lead nowhere creates an entirely mental space of movement.

  • 斯佳丽:你真该羞死!把我孤零零丢在这里,无依无靠的!
    Scarlett: You should die of shame to leave me here alone and helpless!

  • 他们就像无依无靠的孤儿,在任何一个角落都找不到帮助。
    They seem to be orphans who can look nowhere for help.

  • 无依无靠独居的寡妇,她们仰望神,昼夜不住地祈求祷告。
    Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusted in God, and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day.

  • 当暴风雨封锁了机场的时候,无依无靠的旅行者们就住宿在当地的学校里。
    When the blizzard closed the airport, stranded travelers were put up in local schools.

  • 气愤的郝思嘉说:「你留我在这里孤伶伶地、无依无靠,你应该感到羞愧。」
    The angry Scarlett responds, "You should die of shame to leave me here alone and helpless."

  • 漏泽园是北宋末期国家为安葬无依无靠的平民而在全国各地设置的共同墓地。
    Lou Ze Yuan is a kind of cemetery for homeless people set up by local authorities to observe the state decree in the late period of the Northern Song Dynasty.

  • 因为主是我们的,我们总不至落到上无片瓦,下无寸土,无依无靠的可怜地步。
    Since the LORD is ours, we cannot be left without a friend, a treasure, and a dwelling place.

  • 无依无靠的女性老年人,不分种族、宗教,提供住宿,医药等等的服务设备;
    To provide shelter and care to female aged destitutes regardless of race and religion.

  • 不幸在他三岁的时候,父亲去世了,母子无依无靠,处境更加艰难。怎么办呢?
    In his 3-year-old, unfortunately, his father's die contributed to their difficulty, mother and child nowhere to belong. what could they do?

  • 取而代之的是,病毒在血液里四处漂流,无依无靠,等着被人体的免疫系统发现。
    Instead, they float helplessly around in our blood waiting to be discovered by the body's immune system .

  • 本来为一个人闯荡外地--无依无靠--将要过自己的第一个生日而伤感郁闷呢!
    A person work in the strange field, no friends in there, the first birthday which I gruduated from university to LUOYANG let me sad!

  • 我们在士毛月的新场地能够容纳200位需要照顾的孩童及50位无依无靠的老人。
    Our new premises in Semenyih able to accommodate 200 needy children & 50 destitute senior citizens.

  • 按照罗兰德上尉所云,“只有卡夫卡才能真正描写出补充系统令人无依无靠之感觉。”
    According to Captain Roland, "only a Kafka could truly describe the depersonalizing effects of the replacement system."

  • 三个无依无靠在俄勒冈州山上的暴风雪中失踪的登山者中有一个人的手机处于开,关的状态。
    One of the three stranded climbers lost on an Oregon mountain in billowing snow has been turning his cell phone on and off.

  • 这些人越穷、越是没有身份、越是无依无靠,就越有可能遭到他们一直遭受的这种残酷欺 凌。
    The poorer, the more insignificant, the more helpless the band, the more certain the cruelty and outrage to which they have been subjected.

  • 有时只有法律能够完全维护我们的价值观,特别是当社会中无依无靠的民众的权利和机遇危在旦夕时。
    Sometimes only the law can fully vindicate our values, particularly when the rights and opportunities of the powerless in our society are at stake.

  • 因此,从茫茫宇宙的角度看,我们每一个人的确都是无依无靠的孤儿,偶然地来到世上,又必然地离去。
    Therefore, in the eyes of the boundless universe, we each are indeed helpless orphans, accidentally arriving in the world and also departing from it inevitably.

  • 主要成分是一种面对庞大的,阴险的、非人格化的官僚机构而产生的使人迷惘的、无依无靠的梦魇般的感受。
    The essential ingredient is a nightmarish sense of bewildered helplessness against a vast sinister , impersonal bureaucracy.

  • 他死去之后,萨拉瓦南和兄弟们无依无靠,只能听任债主的摆布。由于没有上过学,他们对管理农场无能为力
    When he died, Saravanan and his siblings were left helpless, at the mercy of loan sharks and, unschooled, incapable of managing the farm.

  • 即使这样,批评者还是认为:达赖喇嘛获得了国际大都市的公民身份,却都是以他那些无依无靠的子民为代价的。
    Even so, his critics may have a point: the Dalai Lama's citizenship in the global cosmopolis seems to come at a cost to his dispossessed people.

  • 我们肩靠肩地卧倒,然后开始因疼痛而尖叫,因喊卫生兵而尖叫。那种歇斯底里无依无靠的尖叫声使我的胃一阵痉挛。
    Men I had just lain shoulder to shoulder with began screaming in pain, screaming for help, hysterical helpless screams that made my stomach tighten.

  • 卓别林扮演的这个小流浪汉是一个爱捅漏子而又无依无靠的人,总是遇到麻烦但又能摆脱困难,但其自尊心又不受伤害。
    Chaplin acted the part of his tramp as an insecure fellow, always running in trouble but coming out of each situation with pride unhurt.

  • 书籍是孤独者的朋友,是被遗弃者的伴侣,是郁郁寡欢者的喜悦,是绝望者的希望,是沮丧者的欢畅,是无依无靠者的相助,是梦想者的曙光。
    The book is a lonely friend, who was abandoned partner, who is unhappy joy, despair is the hope, frustration is the Huan Chang, is to help the dispossessed, who is the dream of dawn.

  • 无依无靠造句相关
