敢作敢当 gǎn zuò gǎn dāng
Likes generous, capable, the thought agile, having the courage and wisdom man.
In the field of business, however, this often results in a lack of leaders who are willing to stand out from the crowd, promote themselves and act decisively.
In the field of business, however, this often results in a lack of leaders who are willing to stand out from the crowd, promote themselves and act decisively.
某些人如果一定要把事情彻底搞大,那就搞好了,于我也没什么可怕的。只是善意的提醒一下: 您是否敢作敢当?
If anyone who insists making things bigger, I am not able to forbid you. But I suggest you firstly ask yourself a question: Are you going to take all the consequences for what you are going to do?
He's always had the game, but now that he's implemented a more team-oriented approach to his game and demeanor, it's all but written in stone that 2009 won't be Kobe's last championship.
I am an American, Chicago born, and go at things as I have taught myself, free-style, and will make the record in my own way: first to knock, first admitted.