
救亡图存  jiù wáng tú cún







  • 日本被迫开国以后,为救亡图存,走上了维新之路。
    After Japan was obliged to open its door to westerners, it was forced to reform in order to survive.

  • 在此危难时刻,中国知识分子肩负起救亡图存的重任。
    In this time of crisis, the Chinese intellectuals shoulder the responsibility of survival and salvation.

  • 有识之士莫不心焦如焚,极力探索救亡图存的真正出路。
    Insightful people who did not anxious Rufen, vigorously explore the true way to salvation.

  • 抗战文学以宣扬抗战为旗帜,其成就在于以文学救亡图存
    The literature people to fight against Japanese and its achievements lie in saving the nation through literature.

  • 在当时救亡图存的迫切需要下,他把科学视为解决问题的利器。
    In that save-demand needing time, he regarded science as the sharp tool to save China.

  • 构成现代社会的魂魄,应该是救亡图存、反抗侵略的民族精神。
    Constitute the soul of modern society, it should be national salvation against the aggression of the national spirit.

  • 这在当时对唤醒民众投身救亡图存斗争之中,无疑起了积极作用。
    His views played an important part in calling on the people to plunge themselves into the straggle of saving their country from perishing from the world.

  • 谈判结果所成立的国防政府,应该作为救亡图存的临时领导机关。
    The national defence government emerging out of these negotiations should be a provisional organ of leadership for saving the nation from subjugation and ensuring its survival.

  • 社论说,1949年,中华人民共和国的成立,实现了中华民族的救亡图存
    The editorial said that in 1949, the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese nation to achieve salvation;

  • 只有培育具有“自由之意志,独立之人格”的现代人,才能从根本上救亡图存
    Only if we train the modern people with the personality of "free wills, independent personality ", could save our country fundamentally.

  • 而近代中国救亡图存、复兴民族的时代主题是其民众教育思想形成的社会背景;
    Meanwhile, the Theme of saving country and regenerating the Chinese Nation in modern China dominated the background of the thought's shaping.

  • 梁启超奉行经世致用的思想,他用进化论宣传生存竞争的道理,希望借此达到救亡图存的目的。
    Liang Qichao pursued Using ideology. He publicized the idea of survival competition by the Evolution Theory. And he wanted to save the nation from extinction.

  • 救亡图存,振奋国人的爱国思想成为时代主题是五四前后陈独秀报刊编辑思想形成的社会大背景。
    Patriotic thought that has been becoming the theme of the times was the background about the formation of the thought.

  • 救亡图存的背景下,一切制度的移植,都必须贴上“国利民福”的标签,否则就没有生存的空间。
    Under the background of saving the nation from extinction, any system transplanting must be attached a label as national interest and civil welfare; or else, it can't exist.

  • 这一思潮的发展脉络和近代中国救亡图存的主题相一致,又终因其改良性质和革命潮流相扞格而消退。
    This thoughts was consistent with the theme of later-day China to save the nation from extinction, and vanished finally because of the disaccord with the mainstream of saving the nation by revolution.

  • 这一思潮的发展脉络和近代中国救亡图存的主题相一致,又终因其改良性质和革命潮流相扌干格而消退。
    This thoughts was consistent with the theme of later-day China to save the nation from extinction, and vanished finally because of the disaccord with the mainstream of saving the nation by revolution.

  • 对民众进行通俗形式的鼓吹,目的是将救亡图存的思想更有效地传播给广大的民众,既诉之于理,更诉之于情。
    The aim of advocate to the people in a popular form was to spread the idea of national salvation and survival more effectively, reasonably and emotionally.

  • 在他看来,“中国梦”,在鸦片战争之后,直到到人民共和国成立后的很长一段时间,是救亡图存的“求存梦”;
    In his opinion, "Chinese dream", after the Opium War, after arriving at the people's republic was established very long period of time, is saves the nation from subjugation "asks to save the dream";

  • 在晚清救亡图存的召唤和教会女学的刺激下,包括女子中学在内的女子学校应运而生,开始了艰难而缓慢的发展历程。
    Stimulated by the national salvation and girls' missionary school, Chinese native girls' schools arose in late Qing Dynasty, and developed slowly in hard circumstances.

  • 近代知识分子的民族主义思想既是知识分子近代启蒙思想的一部分,同时也是知识分子在近代救亡图存的社会实践活动。
    So the Intellect"s enlightenment in modern times, but the Intellect"s social practice of saving our nation and country from the perish.

  • 四位书院山长的教育宗旨均为实现救亡图存培养有用之才,在教育内容上亦都改变了惟科举是务的取向,增加了实学的比重;
    Their aims are all to save the nation and to train the useful talented persons. Their education contents are to change the exams aim and they increase the weight of shixue in their academics.

  • 中国实用理性的务实传统和鸦片战争以来救亡图存的期望给具有中国文化特色的科学主义的诞生提供了内在文化依据和直接文化动因。
    The expectation which saved the nation from subjugation since the Opium War and the Chinese tradition of practical nous are the immediate cultural motive and the intrinsic basis of Chinese scientism.

  • 在音乐的实用性与社会功能方面,从黄友棣身上可以看出前辈音乐家致力于民族化乐曲创作的努力,以及试图以音乐完成民族救亡图存的社会责任心。
    From Mr. Hwang Yau-Tai we can see the effort of a senior musician in keeping national style and in trying to save the nation by music education.

  • 失去了东南亚和台湾市场的昔日“东方好莱坞”香港电影工业正在救亡图存,而刚刚走向复兴的内地电影产业也是玄机莫测,两者的合作无疑更耐人寻味。
    Meanwhile, under the attack of Hollywood films, HK film almost collapsed in the markets of South-east Asia and Taiwan. However, with the prosperity of Chinese economy, film industry is sprouting.

  • 在近代中国,由于救亡图存和人的精神进化的需要,陋俗文化发生了渐次演化,它集中反映在婚姻文化、家庭文化、妇女文化、性伦文化诸方面的嬗变上。
    In modern China, with the need of spiritual evolution, vulgar culture underwent gradual transformation in the areas of marriage, family, female culture, sexual ethics, etc.

  • 二十世纪初,饱受列强欺凌的中华优秀儿女都在苦苦探索中国救亡图存的新道路,留法勤工俭学的兴起为先进知识分子投身这一伟大的运动提供了新的舞台和机会。
    At the beginning of the 21st Century, the outstanding members of Chinese were trying hard lo explore a new way to save their motherland from the invaders" hands."

  • 他一生致力于科学救国思想的宣传和实践,主张以科学观念更新人们的思想,以科学精神作为指导人们行动的准则,强调科学在救亡图存中的决定作用,并身体力行地参与科学救国事业。
    He devoted himself to publicizing and practicing that thought all his life and claimed to use science to renovate people's ideas and take the spirit of science as the rule of action.

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