
改过自新  gǎi guò zì xīn








  • “囚犯”被判往劳工营改过自新
    The prisoner was sent to a labor camp for correction.

  • 那个懒惰的学生许诺改过自新
    The lazy student promised to reform.

  • 如不改过自新,你是没有好前途的。
    If you do not mend(amend)your ways, you'll never have a bright future.

  • 重生的信徒;改过自新的罪人。
    a born-again Christian; a converted sinner.

  • 他答应改过自新,重新做人。
    He promised to mend his ways.

  • 凡有益改过自新者,必须首先改革社会。
    He who will reform himself must first reform society.

  • 明性只教育他一通,劝他改过自新了事。
    Education out of his only pass, advised him to just turn over a new leaf.

  • 注意,研究表明罪犯不会真正改过自新的。
    Listen, studies show that criminals are never really rehabilitated.

  • 罪犯表示愿意改过自新,所以被假释出狱了。
    The criminal promised to reform himself, so he was released on parole .

  • 他保证他将改过自新
    He pledged that he would mend his ways.

  • 她一经改过自新,便对过去的生活毫不留恋。
    Having turned over a new leaf, she did not yearn for the past in the least.

  • 你需要藉著耶稣得蒙赦免,你需要改过自新
    You need forgiveness through Jesus. You need to clean up your walk.

  • 学校为此成立了一个特别小组,以帮助她改过自新
    A special group has been set up in the school to help her.

  • 我们中的大部分人在改过自新的时候总是意志薄弱。
    Most of us use weak threads when we mend our ways.

  • 好吧,我希望你得到一个教训而且改过自新,小姐。
    Well, I hope you've learned a lesson and reformed your ways, young lady.

  • 欺骗我的人我不会杀他,我会给他一个改过自新的机会。
    I won't kill who cheats me. I will give him a new chance to mend his new way.

  • 你想啊,翻过来就是一片新叶子了,还不叫改过自新么?
    ex: I have turned over a new leaf. I'm a changed man.

  • 善后辅导的主要目的,在于帮助释囚改过自新并重返社会。
    After-care services aim at facilitating the ex-offenders' rehabilitation and reintegration into the society.

  • 这孩子的第一个冲动的念头就是谢天谢地,准备改过自新
    The boy's first impulse was to be grateful, and reform .

  • 这样很容易让人联想到改过自新,就好像是一个春季联盟。
    So it is easy to imagine this idiom, which indicates renewal, as having a springtime association.

  • 对父母的指责,我要顺从承受,并且还要努力地改过自新
    When my parents reproach me , I will obey and accept their scolding. I will try hard to change and improve myself, to start anew.

  • 哈利已经完全改过[是个改过自新]的人,他已经不吸毒了。
    Harry has completely reformed/is a completely reformed character now. He's stopped taking drugs.

  • 花在驱逐这些性侵犯者身上的钱并不能用在帮他们改过自新上。
    Money spent on evicting sex offenders cannot be spent on treating them.

  • 事实上他并不想改过自新,这使对赌徒的心理治疗几乎不可能进行。
    The fact that he does not wish to be cured makes psychological treatment of the gambling addict almost impossible.

  • 他们刑满出狱后改过自新、变得理智、重新做人的可能性是微乎其微的。
    There is little chance of them emerging from imprisonment as better and wiser individuals.

  • 在该案件的少年者,程序应如会顾及他们的年龄和是否可取,促进他们改过自新
    In the case of juvenile persons, the procedure shall be such as will take account of their age and the desirability of promoting their rehabilitation.

  • 魔法师使用法术将〔布莱福得〕带进三个梦幻奇境,让他深受教训后,改过自新成为一个好孩子。
    The magician use white magic to bring "Blackford" to three wonderlands where he was taught by lessons deeply and reformed himself to become a good boy.

  • 其目的是修复因犯罪人的犯罪行为而破坏的加害者和被害者的和睦关系,并使罪犯因此而改过自新、复归社会。
    The purpose is to repair the broken relation of offender and the victim because of the criminal offence, and, therefore, make the criminal return to the society.

  • “我们对待体内的微生物的方式是可怕的,”他不开玩笑地说,“人们仍然认为只有好的细菌是改过自新的。”
    "It's awful the way we treat our microbes, " he says, not intending a joke; "people still think the only good microbe is a dead one.

  • “诚心诚意地忏悔你的罪业并改过自新。”潘舍卡法师说:“把贪、瞋从自心中连根拔除,并且让心中充满对众生的慈悲。”
    "Sincerely repent of your offenses and reform, " Panthaka said. "Root out the greed and hatred from your heart, and fill it instead with thoughts of kindness for all beings. "

  • 改过自新造句相关
