
捶胸顿足  chuí xiōng dùn zú








  • 这个老妇人伤心地捶胸顿足地哭着、号着。
    The old woman beat her breast and cried in anguish.

  • 变得聪明的蚊子却在一边捶胸顿足
    The mosquito that becomes clever however aside in deep sorrow.

  • 马克捶胸顿足,痛不欲生。
    Mark beat his breast in agony.

  • 阿拉斯加发现黄金后,俄国人开始捶胸顿足
    After gold was discovered there, it began kicking itself.

  • 大海且战且退,翻卷着波涛哭泣着,在绝望中捶胸顿足
    the ocean receding step by step, heaving and sobbing and beating its breast in despair.

  • 面对无法改变的现实,潸然泪下、捶胸顿足都不足为奇。
    Face the reality that can't change, it is not at all surprising to shed silent tears, beat breast and stamp feet.

  • 贪婪的商人甲无计可施,都快气炸了,站在岸边捶胸顿足
    Seeing that he could do nothing, the greedy salesman exploded with rage. He jumped up and down, beating his chest.

  • 男人的国家和奥林匹克队的对象轻蔑,羞耻和多手捶胸顿足
    The men's national and Olympic teams are the objects of scorn, shame and much hand-wringing.

  • 奇才可能捶胸顿足地说他们要留下他,但现在没有人会相信他们。
    The Wizards may pound their chest and say they intend to keep him, but no one will believe them now.

  • 我真为自己在有机会的时候没有买下那辆车而(后悔得)捶胸顿足
    I could kick myself for not buying that car when I had the chance.

  • 她想捶胸顿足,大喊大叫,但最后还是把冒起的这股歇斯底里压了下去。
    She wanted to beat her breast and scream but fought down the rising wave of hysteria.

  • 希瑟。米尔丝则因为每次保罗洗发时她没有清理水槽而用她的病腿捶胸顿足
    And Heather Mills is kicking herself with her prosthetic leg for not cleaning the drains every time Paul washed his hair.

  • 只听那小孩兀自在捶胸顿足,放声号啕,一面叫道:“老兄,你怎么忽然死了?
    The boy was still beating his breast, stamping his feet, and howling pitifully: 'Dear brother, why have you gone and left me like this?

  • 这男人很悲凄的捶胸顿足,长嚎不已,嘴边不断哭喊:"你为什么这么早死啊?
    The man was in deep sorrow , endlessly wept and wailed, muttered and cried:"Why did you die so early?"

  • 不要再捶胸顿足了。不管事情多么糟糕,肯定有人比你更差,你还可以帮助他们。
    Enough of this breast-beating. No matter how bad things are with you, there is someone who is worse off , and you can help him.

  • 跑到动物园的大猩猩笼跟前,捶胸顿足,放声大骂:“你这个没良心的东西!!”
    Run to the big gorilla cage of zoo front of, beat breast and stamp feet, put a voice to lambaste:"You this conscienceless thing! ! ""

  • 这男人很悲凄地捶胸顿足,长嚎不己,嘴边不断地喃喃哭喊:“你为什么要这么早死呀?
    The man was in deep sorrow, endlessly wept and wailed, muttered and cried:"Why did you die so early?"

  • 向东走的年轻人来到了一座大城市,他发现这里的人们都站在门口,捶胸顿足,痛哭不已。
    The youth who took the path that ran eastwards arrived presently at a large city, where he found everybody standing at the doors, wringing their hands and weeping bitterly.

  • “现在是我们必须依赖自己的经验了,确保自己不要再因为失败捶胸顿足。”弗格森爵士说。
    "At this moment in time we have to rely on our experience and make sure we do not get carried away with a knee-jerk reaction to it all, " said Ferguson.

  • 有个年青人突然说他们仍在山洞里,撒切尔夫人当即晕了过去,波莉姨妈捶胸顿足地放声大哭。
    One young man finally blurted out his fear that they were still in the cave! Mrs. Thatcher swooned away. Aunt Polly fell to crying and wringing her hands.

  • 开始上下跳动,在空中挥舞你的拳头,用尽平生的力量去嘶喊,捶胸顿足,你的思想自然就会跟着一起来。
    Pump your fist in the air. Shout at the top of your lungs. Beat your chest and flex your arms. Your mind will naturally follow.

  • 人类(懊恼地):唉!我太自私了,都是我的错,我不再做那些事了,我保证。你们愿当我的朋友吗?(捶胸顿足
    Oh! I'm too selfish. It's my fault. I'll never do that again, I promise. Would you all be my friends?

  • 而英国最大的服装零售商玛莎百货(Marks&Spencer)也为对胸部丰满的女性加收额外费用而捶胸顿足
    Meanwhile Marks & Spencer, Britain's leading clothing retailer, has beaten its breast for overcharging women with large ones.

  • 樊于期听了,便裸露出一条臂膀,紧握住手腕走上前说:“这正是我日夜咬牙切齿捶胸顿足的事啊,今天才听到(您的)指教!”
    " Fan Yuqi favors grasps the wrists but enters said that, "This feudal official the cutting tooth claps the heart day and night also, is now heard teaches.

  • 虽然我告诉自己既然是长期投资,就不应该如此激动,但我就是控制不住自己,稍有赢利就会欢喜雀跃,稍有损失就会捶胸顿足
    Although I told myself I should not be so emotional since I invested for the long term, I could not help myself jumping at the small percent age of gain and stomping21 at the loss.

  • 对于上周末的结果,也许你会捶胸顿足,也许你会撕心裂肺,不过我们的专栏作家吉尔。史密斯却号召切尔西球迷不必为此过于伤心,重要的是我们要能透过现象看本质。
    There may be grumbles and gripes after the weekend's result but columnist Giles Smith calls upon his fellow Chelsea fans to remember what is important.

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