
损兵折将  sǔn bīng zhé jiàng








  • 损兵折将”真是不值。
    "Loss folding soldiers would" not worth it.

  • 然而,数月后,损兵折将万余人残败而归,其原因何在?
    But after the several months , suffer heavy casualties ten thousands of people dilapidated and ruined and return, where is its reason?

  • 去年是演艺界损兵折将的一年,颁奖礼上将会安排悼念仪式。
    As many artists passed away last year, the organization will arrange a ceremony in memory of those artists.

  • 屋漏偏逢连夜雨,生死战在即,尤文却在用人之际再度损兵折将
    The room leaks meets at the same night the rain, the life and death struggle in namely, You Wenque when personnel Thes suffer heavy casualties once again.

  • 损兵折将这么多,能赢已是了不起的壮举,切尔西还赢得如此彻底,让人佩服。
    Thes suffer heavy casualties these many, can win already is the great magnificent feat, Chelsea also wins so thoroughly, lets the human admire.

  • 于是,2000年春节过后,厂方组织了一系列的广告攻势,想趁淡季时抢占市场先机。然而市场岿然不动,反“损兵折将”。
    Then, after the Spring Festival passed 2000, the manufacturer was organized a series of advertisement offensive, want to take the advantage of off-season when market of race to control first machine.

  • 1915年,他作为海军大臣,专心致志地指挥本可缩短血腥的世界大战进程的达达尼尔海峡战役,但他没能完成使命,损兵折将,伤亡惨重。
    As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he was deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war.

  • 如果说这一指称是无中生有的话,那么巴军不愿意在一场没有多少巴基斯坦人民支持的战争中损兵折将,或者造成大量的牺牲,是很明显不过了。
    If there is little evidence for this claim, the army is clearly reluctant to lose many men or inflict great casualties in a war that few Pakistanis support.

  • 1915年,他作为海军大臣,专心致志地指挥本可缩短血腥的世界大战进程的 达达尼尔海峡 战役,但他没能完成使命,损兵折将,伤亡惨重。
    As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he was deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war.

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