
捉襟见肘  zhuō jīn jiàn zhǒu








  • 美国在经济上和军事上都捉襟见肘
    The United States is stretched economically and militarily.

  • 不走运的是,罗西似乎在周末比赛时中场的布置上捉襟见肘
    Unfortunately for Rossi, he is likely to have several selection issues in midfield for this weekend's tie with the Rossoblu.

  • 这种军事演习使政府的原则无法自圆其说,也使其预算捉襟见肘
    This military maneuver strained the government's principles as well as their budgets.

  • 而当面对概念更广的恐怖主义分子的时候,军事打击就显得捉襟见肘
    When it comes to terrorist groups more broadly, military might is less useful.

  • 另外,国家财政部可能开始找到应对加利福尼亚财政捉襟见肘的方法了。
    In addition, national exchequers may start to feel some measure of the fiscal strain now hobbling California.

  • 经济上的捉襟见肘将敦促美国选择更加成熟的路线,把全球目标定位于国家利益。
    Economic constraints will oblige America to define its global objectives in terms of a mature concept of the national interest.

  • 注意到了3500焦耳是捉襟见肘,融化100克的巧克力或热的水,一杯咖啡。
    Note that 3500 joules is barely enough to melt 100g of chocolate or heat water for a cup of coffee.

  • 随着托雷斯在伯纳乌的受伤下场,利物浦前锋线的选择已经让贝尼特斯捉襟见肘
    The Liverpool boss's attacking options have been severely rocked by the absence of Fernando Torres following the injury he picked up at the Bernabeu.

  • 许多地方政府财政捉襟见肘,只能把土地出让金这种横财当做满足基本需要的救命钱。
    Many local governments are in such financial dire straits that they simply have to rely on windfalls from land sales as a lifeline to cover basic needs.

  • 我们可以想象非营利组织,个人以及捉襟见肘的小公司可以将其变成一款伟大的工具。
    We can imagine that nonprofits, individuals, and small businesses with small budgets could turn this into a great tool.

  • 他们已经还清了房贷,但不动产税又涨了,除了房屋修缮的费用,那些税让他们捉襟见肘
    They have paid off their house mortgage, but the property taxes have risen again, and they can barely meet these tax payments in addition to the rising maintenance costs for the house.

  • 由于兵力捉襟见肘、策略存在缺陷,因此即便是实现这些难度适中的目标的把握也大打折扣。
    But the chance of achieving even these modest aims is being jeopardised by too few troops and a flawed strategy.

  • 但是,随着城镇化逐步加速,传统的利用土地转让、批租获取建设资金的方式也显得捉襟见肘
    However, with the gradual acceleration of urbanization, the traditional use of land transfer, leasing is the way to obtain construction funds appeared too.

  • 他们表示维护美国强力可以根除“越南症候群”,但这最终导致美国干预外国事务愈加捉襟见肘
    They claimed that the assertion of American power might wipe out "Vietnam syndrome": but it has ended up making America more reluctant to intervene abroad.

  • 现行建立在以环境收费和罚款为主导的环境法制对于建设一个节能型、和谐的社会,已然显得捉襟见肘
    Existing environmental charges and a fine environment for the main building of a legal system for energy-efficient, harmonious society already more pronounced.

  • 乔尼。埃文斯很可能不能参加周二和国米的冠军杯比赛,这让弗格森爵士在选择后卫的问题上捉襟见肘
    Sir Alex will face a serious selection dilemma should Jonny Evans be ruled out of United's Champions League clash with Inter Milan on Tuesday.

  • 他还说,北京努力为登记在案的农民工提供诸如医疗保健等服务,但是北京这方面的资源已是捉襟见肘
    The city tries to provide services such as health care for registered migrant workers, but its resources are overstretched, he said.

  • 那些战争的受害者和原本就捉襟见肘的人如今更是一贫如洗,他们都企盼著能脱离饥寒交迫和疾病缠身的煎熬。
    The victims of war devastation, and hundreds of millions who suffered grinding poverty even in peacetime, longed also for an escape from poverty, hunger, and disease.

  • 香港人的传统向来喜欢风险市场资金,包括,股票,物业,建筑产品。不景气的财政状况让许多城市富人捉襟见肘
    Hong Kongers' legendary appetite for riskier assets, including stocks, property and structured products, left the finances of many of the city's rich in tatters.

  • 竞争理事会的运作所依托的规则已有将近半个世纪的历史,对于支撑理事会如今大幅度提升的作用只能是捉襟见肘
    The rules under which the competition directorate operates, which date back nearly half a century, are grossly inadequate for the hugely enhanced role it plays today.

  • 近年来,国家对公共文化事业的投入大幅增加,但仍有不少经济欠发达地区的图书馆文献资源购置经费依然是捉襟见肘
    In recent years, the state investment in public cultural undertakings substantially increases, but the purchase cost of library document resources in some economically underdeveloped areas stilt lack.

  • 亚洲消费者在经济繁荣时期的储蓄要远多于美国人,因此如果收入出现下降,他们可能也不会感觉自己在经济上捉襟见肘
    Asian consumers tend to save far more than Americans during boom times and thus might not find themselves as deeplystretched, financially, if their incomes fall.

  • 财政上捉襟见肘的公立医院和诊所不得不依靠开更贵的处方,用更贵的治疗流程来畴钱(以及增加医生们少得可怜的薪水)。
    Government hospitals and clinics, starved of funding, had turned to raising money (and boosting ill-paid doctors' salaries) by prescribing ever more expensive treatment and diagnostic procedures.

  • 曼联由于伤病及停赛等原因使主教练弗格森在排兵布阵上捉襟见肘,因为曼联的战绩一路下滑,但皮雷对于曼练仍是非常尊重。
    And he has equal respect for Manchester United whose decline has been rapid as suspensions and injuries have slashed the options for Sir Alex Ferguson at a critical stage of the season.

  • 杰拉德缺阵,贝尼特斯用人并不捉襟见肘。利物浦主帅可以从杰维尔-马斯切拉诺、哈维-阿隆索和穆罕莫德-西索科三人中选择两名中场。
    Benitez is not short of options should he wish to rest Gerrard. The Liverpool manager can perm two central midfielders from Javier Mascherano, Xabi Alonso and Mohamed Sissoko.

  • 传统的企业绩效评价,以股东利益为中心,建立在会计数据之上,注重对有形资产和财务结果的反映,在新经济时代已经显得力不从心捉襟见肘
    The traditional Performance Appraisal almost only focus on the benefit of the shareholder. It establishes on the financial data, pays great attention to the tangible asset and the account result.

  • 如此浪荡的生活使他越发捉襟见肘,于是便接受了咖啡店主赛谬尔提供的一个工作:根据每种咖啡独特的味道,创造出一系列专业的“咖啡语汇”。
    As his allowance dwindles he accepts a job with Samuel Pinker, a coffee merchant, who wants him to create a "vocabulary of coffee" based on its many subtle flavours.

  • 不过值得庆幸的是,目前绝对没有确定这个计划,使人们再次付出巨额的金币才能再次在诺森德飞行器,开放诺森德的天空航班将不会让您在资金上捉襟见肘
    Well there's definitely no current plan to make people pay huge amounts to fly again in Northrend; opening the skies of Northrend to flight won't be the next big money sink.

  • 费舍尔百步穿杨,搅得掘金的防守一塌糊涂。尽管湖人的伤病报告显示,这只球队在用人上已经捉襟见肘,但是今天球员们看上去却一如既往的健康和充满活力。
    Derek Fisher couldn't miss, the Denver Nuggets couldn't defend, and the Lakers looked as healthy and spry as ever, even if their injury report showed otherwise.

  • 云南昆明血液中心(原昆明市中心血站)始建于1978年,时逢“文革”刚结束,国民经济由于“文革”的破坏到了崩溃的边缘,建站经费捉襟见肘,十分困难。
    When the center was founded in 1978, The "Culture Revolution" had just passed and national economy had been destroyed seriously. The funds for founding the blood center were in shortage.

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