
指挥若定  zhǐ huī ruò dìng








  • 他手握数百万重兵,指挥若定迫使敌人按他的步子走。
    He had everything under perfect control in commanding millions of troops and compelled the enemy to move according to his will.

  • 鲍勃是天生的领袖人物,他能在紧急情况下指挥若定
    Bob is a natural leader and can take charge in a critical situation.

  • 他手握数百万重兵,指挥若定,逼迫敌人按他的步子走。
    He had everything under perfect control in commanding millions of troops and compelled the enemy to move according to his will.

  • 几个月来,布什的战略迫使自己冒进,而萨达姆却指挥若定
    For months, Mr . Bush's strategy has forced his own hand more than Saddam Hussein's.

  • 郭守文后来还跟随宋太宗攻取晋阳、北伐幽云十六州,被流矢射中而神态依然、指挥若定
    GUO Shou-wen was also follow King Gong Qu Yang Song, the Northern Expedition Youyun 16 states, Liu Shi was shot in the air but still, if the command set.

  • 罗斯福则因扩大政府管理经济的职能赢来赞誉,但对他在战时运筹帷幄指挥若定的一面却似有忽视。
    Franklin D. Roosevelt wins praise for creating a bigger role for the government in managing the market economy but gets less attention for his wartime leadership.

  • 多么安详镇而又足智多谋的少妇啊,而且它发生在一个大家族里。你能想象今天哪个母亲如此指挥若定吗?
    Oh the serenity of a well-staffed household, and the experience that comes from having a large family –can you imagine any mother today taking an announcement of this kind so calmly?

  • 他还能想象得出自己将怎样面对那些国王队的队旗,怎样面对永远激情四射的国王球迷指挥若定,怎样聆听着他的名字在Arco体育馆回响。
    He can imagine himself checking out the banners again, coaching in front of that always-passionate crowd, hearing his name introduced once more in Arco Arena.

  • 恰当的工作岗位使用合适的人选,对企业决策具有信心使形式好转的关键。它给你带来拓展和利润。(或任人唯贤指挥若定使扭亏增盈,大展宏图的关键。
    Putting the right persons in the right jobs and gaining confidence in his business decisions were the keys to a turning around that has brought expansion and profitability.

  • 恰当的工作岗位使用合适的人选,对企业决策具有信心使形式好转的关键。它给你带来拓展和利润。(或任人唯贤,指挥若定使扭亏增盈,大展宏图的关键。)
    Putting the right persons in the right jobsgaining confidence in his business decisions were the keys to a turning around that has brought expansionprofitability.

  • 恰当的工作岗位使用合适的人选,对企业决策具备信心使形式好转的关键。它给你带来拓展和利润。(或任人唯贤,指挥若定使扭亏增盈,大展宏图的关键。)
    Putting the right persons in the right jobs and gaining confidence in his business decisions were the keys to a turning around that has brought expansion and profitability.

  • 恰当的任务任务位置使用合适的人选,对单位决策具有自信使形式好转的关键。它给你带来拓展和利润。(或任人唯贤,指挥若定使扭亏增盈,大展宏图的关键。)
    Putting the left mans in the left jobs or gaining confidence in his trade decisions were the keys to a altering by oneself which has bring expansion or profitability.

  • 指挥若定造句相关
