
齐家治国  qí jiā zhì guó







  • 仁爱从家中开始。齐家才能治国
    Charity begins at home.

  • 齐家所可能面对的困难,并不亚于治国
    There is little less trouble governing a private family than a whole kingdom.

  • 只有修身,才能齐家,才谈得上治国平天下。
    In fact, only improving yourself, we improve your family, then your country, and last, the world.

  • 我国古代就有“修身齐家治国平天下”的说法。
    Ancient China there is "self-regulating the family running the country across the land" argument.

  • 推崇孔子“修身、齐家治国、平天下”的“中庸之道”。
    Worship "middle way approach" of the Confucius"moral culture, together house, cure a country, even world".

  • 还是从远处看他比较美丽!修身,养狗,齐家治国,平天下。
    He was a lot better looking from a distance!

  • 旨在先尽人道,正心修身,齐家治国;再修天道,积功累德,救世度人;
    First, are aimed at all humanity heart, governing beneficial, Again, repair reactive tired, salvation degrees.

  • 杜绝瞒报,关键是政府要以身作则,先“修身”,然后乃能言“齐家治国”。
    Cover-to stop, the key is that the Government should set an example, the first "self", and then is made to "regulating the family running the country.

  • 《周易》节卦的核心思想是讲节度的,主要表现在修身齐家、为政治国等层面。
    The centrical thought of The Kieh Hexagram is the control of limit on cultivating one's moral character and governing one's family and managing the state.

  • 以“和”安邦、以“和”治国、以“和”齐家、以“和”平天下,乃中国先人从社会实践中总结出来的重要经验。
    Building a country, a family, even a world in a harmonious way is the important experience of Chinese, which are concluded from the practice in society.

  • 15当我们祈求精神世界的护持时,只要诚心够一定有求必应.格物,致知,诚意,正心,修身,齐家治国,平天下。
    If we sincerely pray the spiritual world for help we can get everything. You begin a long journey with one step.

  • 儒家主张修身齐家治国平天下,社会网络应由身边的小圈,往天下的大圈,由里向外推导。如果连身边之人都不爱,如何爱天下之人呢?
    Confucius advocated self-rule Qijia the world, the social network should be around a small circle, to the world the great circle from the field, derived.

  • 中国传统美育的实施,遵循士人“修身、齐家治国、平天下”的成长途径,通过社会、学校与家庭三个环节展开。社会美育、学校美育、家庭美育是美育实施的三个基本途径。
    The realization of traditional aesthetics education in china was implemented by three fundamental ways: social aesthetics education, school aesthetics education and family aesthetics education.

  • 他们以天下为己任,努力“修身”以“齐家治国、平天下”,所以先秦儒家的和谐思想虽然存在一定的阶级、时代局限性,但是对于现代和谐社会的构建仍具有重要的启示意义。
    Therefore pre-qin Confucianism harmonious idea although has certain social class, the time limitation, it still had the important significance on the modern harmonious society's construction.

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