
鸿鹄之志  hóng hú zhī zhì








  • 我没有回答,但心里却想:燕雀焉知鸿鹄之志
    I did not answer, but they would like : Yanque how noble!

  • 李白青少年时代就胸怀鸿鹄之志,明确制定了自己的理想图式。
    It was in his teenage years that Li Bai brought Lofly aspirations in his mind, and clearly set down his own ideal schemes.

  • 你是个有鸿鹄之志的人,不甘平凡,自尊心很强,样样都惟恐输给别人。
    You are an ambitious person there, not extraordinary, strong self-esteem, fear of losing everything others.

  • 纵览古今创伟业做大事的人,无不是指点江山激扬文字,高呼燕雀安知鸿鹄之志的人。
    Overview of ancient and modern people who do great things Albert Chong, non-Jiangshan Jiyangwenzi not pointing and shouting brambling Yasutomo Hongguzhizhi people.

  • 希拉里•克林顿和约翰•爱德华兹,两位怀鸿鹄之志的民主党人,要求冈萨雷斯辞职;
    Hillary Clinton and John Edwards, two Democrats with ambitions, called for Mr Gonzales to resign.

  • 陈胜少时,虽给人佣耕,却怀着自己的鸿鹄之志,与吴广一同发起了“农民起义”,名垂青史;
    Chen Sheng is low, although the domestic farming people, but with their own together with Wu launched the "farmers Uprising, "go down in history;

  • 如果你想获得成功,就要以持之以恒为友,以前车之鉴为镜,以小心谨慎为兄,以鸿鹄之志为哨!
    If you wish to succeed , you should use persistence as your good friend , experience as your reference , prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.

  • 我不要求对方有鸿鹄之志,潘安之貌,却渴望对方是那个可以在我迟归的时候为我点亮门口的那盏廊灯的人。
    I do not ask a Hongguzhizhi, the PAN An old, but the other is the desire that I can Chigui for the time I lit the lamp in front of the gallery lights people.

  • 那青郁的松树,摇曳着我们的学习激情,我们学习的环境如此优雅清静,我们的老师如此孜孜不倦,我们也应该具有鸿鹄之志
    The pine, swaying our passion to learn, we learn of the quiet and elegant environment so that our teachers are working so hard and patient to us students, we should have great aimbition.

  • 我坚信:只要不断地在社会这个大熔炉中学习,用“心”去面对一切,必然能不断战胜自己、超越自己,逐步走向成功!“毛遂自荐求展鸿鹄之志,诸葛尽瘁图报知遇之恩”。
    I firmly believe that: as long as the constant social melting pot in this study, with "Heart" to face all the things that we can beat ourselves, beyond ourselves, and success step by step.

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