
鸿篇巨制  hóng piān jù zhì








  • 《 红楼梦 》是一部鸿篇巨制
    They have read A Dream of Red Mansion .

  • 《红楼梦》 是一部鸿篇巨制
    They are reading A Dream of Red Mansion.

  • 《红楼梦》是一部鸿篇巨制
    "Dream of Red Mansions" is a masterwork.

  • 《红楼梦》是一部鸿篇巨制
    They have read A Dream of Red Mansion .

  • 有的书是鸿篇巨制一字千金,流芳千古。
    some articles book is hung giant system, .

  • 这将是中国石化近5年来改革发展的又一个鸿篇巨制
    This will be another grand that Chinese petrifaction reforms progress nearly 5 years piece gigantic make.

  • 灵魂哟,我们不是那样珍视要渗透到鸿篇巨制的主题里。
    Did we count great, O soul, to penetrate the themes of mighty books.

  • 《红楼梦》是一部鸿篇巨制。《红楼梦》是一部鸿篇巨制
    Dream of Red Mansions" is a masterwork."

  • 它简直就是一本大书,一部内涵丰富博大的浩如烟海的鸿篇巨制
    It is a big book simply, the grand that a connotation abounds the tremendous amount of with big gain piece gigantic make.

  • 说明了埃里森的这部伟大的小说是“一步意识形态小说的鸿篇巨制”。
    It points out that Ellison's Invisible Man is a great ideological novel.

  • 这两本书中,帕格特写得更为精细,足以称得上欧洲伊斯兰激进主义的鸿篇巨制
    Of the two books, Ms Pargeter's work is the more nuanced and could well become a seminal work on Islamist radicalism in Europe.

  • 孟德斯鸠的学说和思想集中系统地体现在其代表作《论法的精神》这一鸿篇巨制中。
    The doctrine and thoughts of Montesquieu are reflected systematically in his masterpiece The Spirit of the Law.

  • 于是,一块小小的红地毯,虽然没有鸿篇巨制来论及,但却成了普通老百姓嘴里常唠叨的词。
    Thus, a small red carpet, although no system to deal with large-articles, but a regular ordinary people mouth the words away.

  • 在小说中间,最早也最完整地表现人的异化处境的鸿篇巨制,则首推阿普列乌斯的《金驴记》。
    And of the novels, the earliest and wholly showing the man's dissimilating situation is Apuleius' Metamorphoses.

  • 当遍查鸿篇巨制方可找到一处有用的说明,作者明知其必要却因懒惰而不为之,此人去了图书馆;
    someone who takes down for us from library shelves the heavy tomes in which we may find a helpful suggestion, and who persists in continuing to peruse them long after weariness has made us give up;

  • 鲁迅《故事新编》中的八篇小说并非鸿篇巨制,但在中国现、当代历史小说史上产生了极大的影响。
    Though the eight novels in Luxun's Reorganization of the Story are not swan's page made hugely, they have been exerting a fantastic influence to the contemporary historical novels of China.

  • 他倾注毕生心血撰写的《中国科学技术史》,是一部研究中国古代科学技术与文明成就的鸿篇巨制
    He devoted his entire life to the writing of Science and Civilization in China, a monumental work for study on ancient Chinese science and technology and cultural achievements.

  • CCTV正在热播一部鸿篇巨制--《李小龙传奇》。在首播的这几天里立即成为中国的时尚话题。
    CCTV is now broadcasting an epic drama series that is The Legend of Bruce Lee that has immediately become a craze in China since its debut a few days ago.

  • 沧桑变幻,风云激荡,亿万年来的点点滴滴,宛如那丝缕锦线,蝶联交织,编绘成天尊大业鸿篇巨制的磅礴画卷。
    Billions of years, and an intricate weave of events that formed the tapestry of the Grand Plan.

  • 新的史书体裁体例,更多的鸿篇巨制,更多的研究角度纷纷出现,是为中国史学史上继魏晋之后又一个重要的发展时期。
    New genre of historical style, more articles hung giant system, more research point of view have emerged of China's history after the history of the Wei, Jin Ji-an important period of development.

  • 卡文。斯达在其鸿篇巨制系列书籍的第8册《美国梦和加州梦》中描绘了截然不同一个时代,当时的加州梦最具说服力。
    By contrast Kevin Starr's eighth offering in his epic series, "Americans and the California Dream", covers a period when the dream was at its most persuasive.

  • 在波兰作家TeresaToranska基于对共产主义者的采访而创作的鸿篇巨制中,将其采访对象称作“他们”。
    Teresa Toranska, a Polish author, wrote a magnificent book called "Them", based on interviews with dinosaur communists.

  • 这部斥资数千万的鸿篇巨制将接过中国传统动画名作的旗帜,推动民族动画产业的前行,成为新时期中国原创卡通作品的里程碑。
    The voluminous cartoon movies will improve the development of china cartoon industry and became the marker of china creative cartoon industry in new time.

  • 中国的剧作人正在试图将《资本论》这部政治经济学的鸿篇巨制,改编成一部通俗的带有易于流行的曲调和俏皮舞步的戏剧表演秀。
    Chinese producers are attempting to transform Das Kapital from a hefty treatise on political economy into a popular stage show, complete with catchy tunes and nifty footwork.

  • 中国的剧作人正在试图将《资本论》这部政治经济学的鸿篇巨制改编成一部通俗的带有易于流行的曲调和俏皮舞步的戏剧表演秀,。
    Chinese producers are attempting to transform Das Kapital from a hefty treatise on political economy into a popular stage show, complete with catchy tunes and nifty footwork.

  • 于是作者决定做更全面系统和细致深入的研究,通过对比研究,完成此文,力求进一步探求和拓展两部鸿篇巨制的历史内涵和时代启迪。
    Therefore, applying the certain framework theories of comparative literary criticism, this thesis aims to explore the historical connotations and time inspirations of the two great works.

  • 中国的剧作人正在试图将《资本论》这部政治经济学的鸿篇巨制改编成一部通俗的戏剧表演秀,包括易于流行的曲调和俏皮的对话脚本。
    Chinese producers are attempting to transform Das Kapital from a hefty treatise on political economy into a popular stage show, complete with catchy tunes and nifty footwork.

  • [“(2)+(2)=1”释义]上市公司振业集团在地产领域内的鸿篇巨制―――星海名城是一个热点迭现、焦点不断的巨无霸大盘。
    [ "(2) + (2) =1" Interpretation] listed companies -- industry groups in the field of real estate-Chapter Xinghai city is a huge system -- are hot again, the perception of constant decline.

  • 《武林外传》的出现不可能代替那些鸿篇巨制,但它的存在在新形式下有着特殊的意义,能够及时地为我们提供新的观察角度和思考路向。
    《My Own Swordsman》 could not be a substitute to those articles with deep content , but its presence has a special significance for us to provide new perspectives and thoughts timely in the new time.

  • 全知视角模式是迄今为止,人类文学史上使用得最多、发展得最成熟的一种叙事方式,在鸿篇巨制中,全知视角能够支撑起宏大的叙事结构。
    The complete point of view is the narration mode that has been used for the most times and perfectly developed up to now. In great works, it can set up a grand narration structure.

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