
鱼鱼雅雅  yú yú yǎ yǎ







  • 常有比他们亲戚更小的鳞。
    Charr often have smaller scales than their relatives.

  • ,早就闻名遐迩,不过这还是第一次吃到。
    Ya fish, has long been known, but this is the first time to eat.

  • 在山涧河流的下游,喜玛拉马西亚正在聚集。
    In the lower reaches of the mountain river, Himalayan mahseer are gathering.

  • 与相似的鳟相区别的是的亮,而不是黑色及斑点;
    Brook Charr distinguished from the similar trout by light, rather than black, spots;

  • 听着朋友的介绍,看到热气腾腾的沙锅,我的食欲大增。
    listening to friends, see ya steaming fish casserole, my appetite increased.

  • 少年人问天使说"阿匝黎兄!的心肝和胆可作什么药材?
    The boy asked the angel this question: "Brother Azariah, what medicinal value is there in the fish's heart, liver, and gall?"

  • 舌头虽然没有被吞下,却把一沙锅带汤打扫得干干净净。
    Although not swallow his tongue, but a fish casserole Ya even fish soup with a clean sweep.

  • 鉴别的最好方法,就是看头中是否有一枚酷似宝剑的骨刺。
    Blair to identify the best way to fish is to see whether the head like a sword of the spur.

  • 贝加尔与准噶尔种间序列同源性最低,变异程度最大。
    The sequence similarity is high and the variation is low between L.

  • 酒宴上,吃的是美味佳肴,喝的是国酒茅台,当然少不了这里特产的
    Drinking, eating delicious food, drinking Maotai wine country is, of course, the specialty here ya fish.

  • 生性腼腆的施薇在派对上觉得自己就像离了水的一般,完全不知所措。
    Shy Sylvia felt like a fish out of water at the party.

  • 体形与高体颇相似,但头较短小;体较低,体长为体高的3。7-4。7倍;
    Shape and fish quite similar, but the shorter small lower body, body length of 3. 7-4. 7 times higher;

  • 在草地边上有榆树,在微风中颤动,远处有一条小溪,有在柳树下的绿水潭中游泳。
    At the edge of the field were the elm trees, faintly stirring, and somewhere beyond that was the stream where the dace lay in the green pools under the willows.

  • 主要生产各种“牌”手抛网、旅游休闲运动网及线、绳索、渔网、养渔网箱等系列网具。
    The mainly productions are the "Finefish "cast net, the tour recreation sport net , the fish line, the rope, the fish net, and the net box which keep the fish , etc.

  • 一般人到这里是很难吃到的,不过,今天能吃上,也是诸位的口福,是宾馆老板的恩赐啊!
    Most people here are very difficult for all-you-can-ya fish, but today I can eat fish on ya, you are also the tasting, the hotel is a gift from the boss ah!

  • 赤眼鳟属鲤形目,鲤科,亚科,赤眼鳟属。俗称:红眼棒、野草、醉角眼、红眼鳟、红眼鲮。
    Squaliobarbus an Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae, Leuciscus subfamily, an Squaliobarbus. Known as: red-eye rod, wild fish, drunken angle eyes, red-eye trout, red-eye mud.

  • 朋友说:安青衣江中特有的类,传说这种是女娲补天时,不慎将一宝剑坠入江中所化而成。
    Friends said: Ya Ya Qingyi Jiang fish is in the unique fish, the fish is a legend that the Sky Nu Wa, accidentally crashed into the River will be a sword in the form of.

  • 3种之间的序列差异在6。39%~9。89%之间,贝加尔与高体种间序列同源性高,变异程度小;
    DNA divergence ranged from 6. 39%~9. 89% among the three fish species in the genius of Leuciscus cuvier.

  • 将15万粒瓦氏受精卵移植到呼和浩特市“2814”项目区的盐碱池塘,以研究其在盐碱池塘环境下的养殖技术与生长速度。
    To test the raising technology and productivity of raising Leuciscus waleckii (Dybowski) in 2814" saline-alkali pond in Huhhot, 150000 larvae from Dali lake were taken to the pond."

  • 鱼鱼雅雅造句相关
