
魂飞魄散  hún fēi pò sàn








  • 当我与老虎面对面时,我被吓得魂飞魄散
    I was frightened out of my wits when I met the tiger face to face.

  • 也好,至少老猫还会一直陪伴他到魂飞魄散
    All right, the at least old cat is able to always accompany him to almost swooning with fright.

  • 我的目标就是把他的魂飞魄散,然后拿下比赛。
    My objective is to take his soul and win the game.

  • 乘坐公园里那辆新的滑行铁道车吓得我魂飞魄散
    The new roller coaster ride at the amusement park frightened the pants off me.

  • 另边厢,乐民儿子离奇死亡,死因怪异,妻子更吓至魂飞魄散
    On the other hand, Rockman's wife broke down after their son died mysteriously.

  • 他能主宰我们应付不了的局面,甚至能驱跑令人魂飞魄散的恐惊。
    He can control things that are beyond our control, even the most crippling fear.

  • 他能主宰我们应付不了的局面,甚至能驱跑令人魂飞魄散的惧怕。
    He can control things that are beyond our control, even the most crippling fear.

  • 真一设下诡计,将嘉儿吓得魂飞魄散,嘉儿竟抵受不了剌激被吓致变成痴呆。
    Shito Shiichi then set the trap and Ka Yee is being scared nearly to death. Out of their expectation, Ka Yee becomes a dummy.

  • 巴勒斯坦的自杀炸弹少了,使人魂飞魄散,雨点般落下的火箭弹更是几乎绝迹。
    Palestinian suicide-bombings are very rare, and the morale-sapping showers of rockets have all but stopped.

  • 您要真是一仙女我也接不住,没期待您长得跟画报封面一样看一眼就魂飞魄散
    You must really be a female celestial I also cannot meet, had not anticipated that you are long equally with the pictorial title page looked is frightened out of one's wits.

  • 您要真是一仙女我也接不住,没期待您长得跟画报封面一样看一眼就魂飞魄散
    Even if you were goddess, I couldn't handle you. I am no expecting a cover-girl, to blow me away with your beauty.

  • 您要真是一仙女我也接不住,没期待您长得更画报封面一样看一眼就魂飞魄散
    Even if you were an angle, I wouldn't be able to handle you—I don't expect you looks like a cover girl, who makes men have a crush on at the first sight.

  • 您要真是一仙女我也接不住,没期待您长得跟画报封面一样看一眼就魂飞魄散
    You want to really take a fairy I do not, do not look forward to growing with you as pictorial look at the cover on the panic.

  • 我定睛观看,随即发现他手里好像拿着一把长长的匕首,当时我被吓得魂飞魄散
    I looked closer and fear swept over me as I saw what looked like a long knife in his hand.

  • 当我看到从雾中窜出、向我们直面扑来的那个形状可怕的怪物时,我便吓得魂飞魄散了。
    When I saw the awful shape that was coming towards us out of the fog, my blood turned cold.

  • 但没过几天,变成老虎的老鼠又来找法师了,这次令它魂飞魄散的是一个手持猎枪的猎人。
    However, a few days later, the mice also become a tiger came to Master, and the panic it is a hunter holding a shotgun.

  • 您要真是天上掉下来的仙女,我也接不住,没期待您长得跟画报封面一样看一眼就魂飞魄散
    I wouldn't be able to catch you, if you are an fallen angle and I never expect you to look drop-dead gorgeous like cover girls.

  • 手炮兵远距射击不甚精准,但近距威力极大,其发射时的弥漫硝烟和恐怖巨响令敌军魂飞魄散
    missile infantry Somewhat inaccurate but capable of firing a powerful shot, the noise and smoke from these handguns can demoralise enemy troops.

  • 手炮兵远距射击不甚精准,但近距威力极大,其发射时的弥漫硝烟和恐怖巨响令敌军魂飞魄散
    Somewhat inaccurate but capable of firing a powerful shot, the noise and smoke from these handguns can demoralise enemy troops.

  • 这种武器对敌军的心理震撼远甚于其实际杀伤,主要通过发射时的弥漫硝烟和恐怖巨响令敌军魂飞魄散
    These weapons caused more panic than actual damage to enemy troops who were shaken by the noise and smoke made when firing.

  • 当然我也没做诺丁山的梦,你要真是一仙女我也接不住,没期待您长得跟画报封面一样,看一眼就魂飞魄散
    Sure I am not a dreamer of Notting Hill either, I can't catch a fairy maiden from the sky and haven't expect you have a pictorial cover lady's appearance.

  • 人们也许会想叶公看见真龙时会有多高兴。实际上,当叶公看见那条真龙时,顿时吓得魂飞魄散,赶紧逃走。
    you might think lord ye would have been very happy to see a real dragon. but, in fact, at the sight of the creature, he was scared out of his wits and ran away as fast as he could.

  • 我转过身去,又一排巨浪迎头向我们扑过来,我以为这一下子多半要给淹死了,不由魂飞魄散地瞅着那可怕的大浪。
    I turned; a second huge wave was overtaking us, winch I half hoped would drown me. With a curious fascination I watched its awful advent.

  • 这是超人首次出现在漫画书中。杂志封面上的超人身披红色斗篷,正猛摔一辆绿色汽车,把围观人群吓得魂飞魄散
    The comic's cover marked Superman's debut. Wearing his red cape, he is pictured hurling a green car past terrified onlookers.

  • 2000年8月,哥斯达黎加北部的阿雷纳尔火山突然喷出滚烫的气体和火山灰,令当地居民和游客猝不及防,魂飞魄散
    The Arenal Volcano in northern Costa Rica terrified local inhabitants and tourists in August 2000 when it spouted hot and ash.

  • 你要真是一仙女我也接不住,没期待您长得跟画报封面一样,看一眼就魂飞魄散,外表时尚,内心保守,身心都健康的一般人就行。
    Even if you were a goddess, I couldn't handle you. I'm not expecting a cover-girl to blow me away with your beauty. Just a sane, healthy woman. Modern on the outside, traditional on the inside.

  • 尤其是一些老版本的视窗系统的用户,他们看到不祥的蓝屏上意外地显示出“致命的系统错误”之类的信息时,往往会吓得魂飞魄散
    In particular, some older versions of the Windows system, user, they see the ominous blue screen unexpectedly showed a "fatal system error" and other similar information, often in panic.

  • 我总是感觉在人类的本性中对于那些把我们吓得魂飞魄散的事情有一种原始的强大吸引力,只不过有人突出一些,有人不太突出而已。
    I have always felt there was a primordial tug in human nature, prominent in some people, less so in others, toward things that scared the bejabbers out of us.

  • 他在对阵西雅图雷霆的处子秀中用一个进球和一记助攻技惊四座,又在加州将国际米兰打得魂飞魄散,还差点在迎战墨西哥人时有所斩获。
    He impressed against Seattle Sounders with a debut goal and assist, unnerved Internazionale at times in California and should have added to his tally against the Mexicans.

  • 当我看到从雾中窜出、向我们直面扑来的那个形状可怕的怪物时,我便吓得魂飞魄散了。左轮手枪几乎要从手中跌落了,而我的整个身体也因害怕而发僵了。
    When I saw the awful shape that was coming towards us out of the fog, my blood turned cold. the revolver nearly fell from my hands, and my whole body froze with fear.

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