
高耸入云  gāo sǒng rù yún







  • 珠穆朗玛峰顶高耸入云
    Mount Chomolungma lifts its cone into the clouds.

  • 高耸入云的世界级高炉钢水奔流,蔚为壮观。
    Soaring world-class racing current blast furnace steel, become a spectacular.

  • 幢幢新旅馆高耸入云
    New hotels pierce the skyline.

  • 该摩天大楼高耸入云
    The skyscraper towers into the sky.

  • 那座山峰高耸入云
    The peak towers up into the clouds.

  • 宏伟高耸入云的泰高活山脉呈现一片优美和宁静。
    Tanglewood Mountain raises its grandiose peaks to the heavens in majestic beauty and tranquility.

  • 群山高耸入云,山顶白雪皑皑,脚下深草成茵,覆盖大地。
    snow-capped mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth.

  • 高耸入云的大山一言不发,可谁不带着敬佩的神情仰首静观?
    SilenceNot a word does the cloud-kissing mountain say , yet everyone looks up at her in admiration .

  • 就像大树的美丽,是展现在它负势向上高耸入云的蓬勃生机中;
    as beautiful trees, is to show a negative trend in its lined up in the vigor;

  • 我用蘑菇搭建高耸入云的梯子,去找寻遗失的美丽和散落在高处的灵魂。
    I use mushroom build towering ladder, to find the beauty and lost in high spirit.

  • 碎石大街和曾经高耸入云的大厦,现在空无人影,直冒着可怕的地狱之火。
    Rubble litters the streets and the buildings that once stood proud in the skyline are now vacant, shadowed hulks burning with eternal hellfire.

  • 教堂哥特式的尖顶高耸入云,顶上金色的圣米歇尔雕像手持利剑直指苍穹。
    The Gothic fastigium reaches to the clouds, the golden status of Archangel Michael was holding a sword aloft.

  • 曼哈顿霄的双塔还是这个城市令人难以忘怀的景观,是高耸入云的地标。
    That soaring absence of the twin towers on the skyline of Manhattan remains this city's most haunting presence. A landmark of air.

  • 两旁昔日的小水杉树如今已枝繁叶茂,高耸入云,它们是这条路沧桑变化的最好见证者。
    Small water on both sides of the past has been un-fir, towering, they are the best road vicissitudes witnesses.

  • 在那里一英亩见方的地面中间,立着一尊雕像,高耸入云——这是个一千英尺高的巨像。
    There, in the middle of an acres-wide floor, stood a statue that reared up and up-a colossus a thousand feet high.

  • 高耸入云的太空舱建在350米处,内有观光层、会议厅和咖啡座,典雅豪华、得天独厚。
    Reaches to the sky the outer space cabin constructs in 350 meters place, in has view , the assembly hall and the coffee place, elegant luxurious, is advantageous.

  • 从我在华盛顿特区所住的白宫往窗外眺望,我们首任总统乔治•华盛顿的纪念碑高耸入云
    From the windows of the White House, where I live in Washington, D. C. , the monument to our first President, George Washington, dominates the skyline. It is a very tall obelisk.

  • 高耸入云的太空舱建在350米处,内有观光层、会议厅和咖啡座,典雅豪华、得天独厚。
    Amongst the capsule built in 350 meters, within a layer sightseeing, meeting rooms and a coffee shop, an elegant luxury, unique.

  • 智利相异巨大,美丽无比,从安第斯山脉高耸入云的火山顶峰到湖区的古老森林,处处引人胜。
    Chile is a country of startling contrasts and extreme beauty, with attractions ranging from the towering volcanic peaks of the Andes to the ancient forests of the Lake District.

  • 迈阿密市区是国际商务和金融中心,高耸入云的写字楼和超现代的公寓楼坐落在布瑞肯大道两旁。
    Downtown Miami is a hub for international business and finance, with soaring office towers and ultra-modern condominiums lining Brickell Avenue.

  • 20世纪30年代是第五大道上摩天大楼建设的鼎盛时期,无数座高耸入云的建筑物沿着大道耸立起来。
    The 1930s saw the peak of skyscraper construction on Fifth Avenue, with numerous high-rise buildings erected along its length.

  • 在这个未来风格的椭圆形体育场中,震天的鼓声仿佛急速的心跳声,在体育场高耸入云的玻璃侧翼下回荡。
    Drums thundering out the sound of a racing heartbeat reverberated under the soaring glass wings of a futuristic oval arena.

  • 河水清晰,流经三峡,悬崖和山峰高耸入云。你乘坐一小船沿河而下就可以欣赏这些非常壮观的自然景色了。
    With clear water flowing fast through the gorges, and precipices and peaks towering to the sky , you can take a small junk to enjoy these extremely marvellous spectacles of nature.

  • 根据官方解释,更名“哈利路亚”的真正原因是“此景区高耸入云、陡峭的山峰,是影片中漂浮山头的原型”。
    The officials who renamed the peak explain that the "striking tall and craggy formations in the area served as the inspiration for the floating mountains seen in the film."

  • 这时,天上乌密布,下起了大雨。小矮人们追着皇后来到了一座高耸入云的大山上。他们拼命地一直追到山顶。
    They saw the Queen sneaking off, and they ran after her. As storm clouds gathered and rain began to fall, the Dwarfs chased the Queen up a high.

  • 在这里,在上海,我们看到的增长已经引起了世界的关注——高耸入云的摩天大楼,熙熙攘攘的街道和创业活动。
    Here, in Shanghai, we see the growth that has caught the attention of the world -- the soaring skyscrapers, the bustling streets and entrepreneurial activity.

  • 到最后几章,老上海变成了污秽的大都市,曲径通幽的弄堂,都被笼罩在了高耸入云但是丑陋不堪的新建筑的阴影之下。
    By the final chapters, old Shanghai has become a polluted modern metropolis, the maze of its long tang shadowed by high-rises and hideous new construction.

  • 圣地项目矗立在耶路撒冷市西边山坡上,那四幢一排的高楼大厦划破天际,高耸入云,大多数耶路撒冷人每当举目眺望这道风景都觉得痛心疾首
    Many Jerusalemites feel affronted each time they look up at the Holyland Project, a string of four high-rise buildings tearing through the skyline on the western hilltops edging the city.

  • 从平房式牧场,到有7万个座位的体育馆,到高耸入云的摩天大楼,美铝的建筑解决方案为全球的建筑师、业主、工程商带来了他们追寻的益处。
    From a one-story rancher, to 70, 000-seat sports stadiums, to soaring office towers across the globe, Alcoa building solutions provide the benefits that architects, homeowners, and contractors seek.

  • 沿大盐湖北行,只见辽阔的草原,驰骋的牛羊,游览在著名的杰克森牛仔城,沿著蛇河谷,进大提顿国家公园,高耸入云的山颠覆盖著千年的冰河,山连山,峰连峰,犹胜富士雪山。
    Morning depart and head north along the Great Salt Lake. Lunch at little western town Jackson. Travel through Grand Teton national park and arrive Yellowstone National Park in late afternoon.

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