
高出一筹  gāo chū yī chóu







  • 他的敏锐的理性意识使他比别人高出一筹
    His acute sense of reason puts him a level above everyone else.

  • 这样一来,月租金往往会比同类物业高出一筹
    As a result, the monthly rental is often higher than similar properties of a chip.

  • 诚品建筑的品质如果不高出一筹,就没有优势可言。
    Chengpinjianzhu higher quality without a chip, there is no advantage to speak of.

  • 两款发动机与同级对手相比,动力表现绝对要高出一筹
    Both engines at the same level with competitors, the performance of the absolute power to more than one chip.

  • 梅西甚至比卡卡更高出一筹……多想看到他在利物浦踢球啊!
    Messi is on a different level with Kaka… It would be a dream to see him at Liverpool!

  • 你现在读中学时用在学习上的时间会使你在大学里高出他人一筹
    The time you spend studying when you are in school will put you ahead of the game in college.

  • 两人的表现果然高出一筹,无论是技术,还是意识,都令人眼前一亮。
    As soon as two person of performance are really higher than plan, regardless of being the technology, realizes, make human eye preceding bright.

  • 你不仅要在身体上压倒对手,在思想也要上高出一筹;甚至还得看穿对手。
    If your opponent picks up on this frustration, you are at a disadvantage.

  • 用户普遍认为,其质量档次比日本同类产品高出一筹,且印刷成本大为降低。
    The user thinks generally, its quality class prepares than tower above of Japanese congener product, and presswork cost is reduced greatly.

  • 但当同一家银行连续数年比同行的业绩都高出一筹的话,就应该对其仔细打量了。
    When the same bank has produced higher-than-average returns on equity compared with its peers for a number of years, it deserves a closer look.

  • 有了傲气的人,往往会自命不凡,认为自己能干,比别人高出一筹,从而目中无人。
    With the arrogance of people, often pretentious, consider themselves capable than others above a chip, and thus arrogant.

  • 无论是相互间的配合还是整体实力,谢中博/张亚雯均高出对手一筹,过关在情理之中。
    Both with each other or the overall strength of China Xie Bo / Zhang Yawen are higher than a rival chip, and reasonable clearance.

  • 拉莫斯的事情还在争论中,而球员们则在比赛中尽其所能。但阿森纳的实力毕竟高出一筹
    Since the Ramos controversy his players have given him everything and against Arsenal they simply came up against a superior side.

  • 由于身兼记者与主持人的双重职责,因而,就素质而言,也许比单纯的主持人还要高出一筹
    As moderator, who is a reporter with the dual responsibility, and therefore on the quality, perhaps more than simply raising a higher than hosts.

  • 我这一辈子看到过不少很花哨的向承销商介绍新产品的活动,这一次的确是别出心裁,高出一筹
    I've seen some pretty fancy dealer introductions in my time, but this one really took the cake.

  • 迈阿密热队:是的,这支球队本赛季可能实现反弹,从纸面上讲他们的表现也会比去年高出一筹
    Miami hot team: Yes, this team this season possibly realizes bounces, as soon as will speak their performance from the paper surface to be also higher than compared to last year plans.

  • 反之 ,坐在教室右侧的学生,在那些形象化和整体性能力起作用的课程中,学习成绩高出一筹
    In contrast, the right of sitting in the classroom, students who have the ability and integrity that the role of visualization in the curriculum, academic performance than a chip.

  • 然而,休斯非常高兴在下半场初期落后球队的回应,这时候他们才表现出高出主队一筹的努力和实力。
    Nevertheless, Hughes can be pleased at both his side's reaction to falling behind early in the second half, and the way in which they more than matched their hosts in terms of endeavour and quality.

  • 出售赝品的商店排在阳光斑点洒落的街道两旁,多诺弗拉夫人的画作比这些店中的大多数都要高出一筹
    Donofre's work was a clear notch above that sold in most of the kitschy shops that lined the sun-dappled streets.

  • 与另一场陈金与李昱的半决赛相比,鲍春来与索尼的比赛,不管从知名度、水平和观赏程度上都高出一筹
    Compares with another Chen Jin and the Li sunshine's semi-final, Bao Chunlai and Sony's competition, as soon as no matter from the popularity, the level and the ornamental degree is higher than plans.

  • 做客维拉利尔苦战90分钟没占到任何便宜,还直接导致一张红牌的代价,不过球队的实力明显要整体高出一筹
    guest Villa Superior鑻《垬90 minutes did not account for any cheaper, but also directly led to a red card price, but clearly the strength of the team to a higher overall chip.

  • 挪威海水温度低,海洋生物丰富,无污染,鳕鱼生长在北极圈深海中,得天独厚的自然环境使这种鱼的营养价值高出一筹
    Norway sea water is cold and clean and rich of halobios. Norway cod lives in deep ocean in the Arctic Circle. The Norway cod nutrition is better for the excellent natural environment.

  • 在过去的十几年内,湖人队和马刺队凭借着他们在西部高出其他一筹的实力和统治力几乎包办了西部季后赛最后决赛的名额。
    As powerful and competitive as the Western Conference has been for the past few years, the Los Angeles Lakers or San Antonio Spurs have almost always been the last team standing.

  • 情商高的人,情绪控制力要高于常人,因此在关键时,智商也就相应高出一筹。所以情商较高的人总是能够在人际和事业博弈中胜出。
    A man with a high EQ can control himself better than normal one, so at the critical moment, he will have a high IQ correspondingly.

  • 但由于我们关注于剩下的27场左右的比赛中,你不得不承认韦伯对于他新东家的价值在和多伦多也叫克里斯的波什的评选中要高出一筹
    But since we're focused on this specific chunk of 27 (or so) games, you'd have to say Webber's value to his new team stands out in a close call over Toronto's Chris Bosh.

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