
驾轻就熟  jià qīng jiù shú








  • 两者兼备,使操作的更为驾轻就熟
    Both have both, make operate more handy.

  • 他是一位很有技巧、驾轻就熟的操作员。
    He is a skilful and effortless operator.

  • 现在工作驾轻就熟,学习的事情没有开始。
    Now works has a familiar task and handles it with ease, the study matter has not started.

  • 起初她觉得这工作很难,但现在已驾轻就熟了。
    She found the job difficult at first , but now she is really getting into her stride .

  • 起初她觉得这工作很难,但现在已驾轻就熟了。
    She found the job difficult at first, but now she's really get ting into her stride.

  • 对于这样的产品,万科的职业经理人一直就驾轻就熟
    For such products, the professional managers have been spent on almost second nature.

  • 从我本身的背景来看,TMT肯定是我自己比较驾轻就熟的。
    From my own view of the background, TMT is certainly familiar with my own comparison.

  • 面对让人不胜其烦的各种手续,律师也可驾轻就熟地为你办妥。
    This is really annoying people in the face of various procedures, the lawyer can hit the ground running for you complete.

  • 挥出自己的优势,挖掘自己的潜能,成为一个驾轻就熟、本邻超群的富人。
    Lead their own advantages, tap their own potential, to become a familiar, rich Chaoqun the neighborhood.

  • 你很清楚熟能生巧,而且有能力驾轻就熟。付出额外时间,建立优异的印象。
    Practice perfect, as you well know, and perfection is within your grasp. Put in the extra time now, and make an outstanding impression.

  • 尤其使我们惊叹的是他能驾轻就熟适应新概念,并从中引申出所有可能的结论。
    What we marvel at him, above all, is the ease with which he adjusts himself to new conceptions and draws all possible deductions from them.

  • 例证:有必要回想一下,专业人士都对华尔街有关首发上市的询价圈购方式驾轻就熟
    EXAMPLE : It is worth remembering how well Wall Street's version of IPO book building suits the professionals.

  • 如果民主政治充其量就意味着投票的话,那么可以说伊拉克人如今已经对此驾轻就熟了。
    If democratic politics were about nothing more than casting votes, Iraq would have the hang of it by now.

  • 由于在和北京残奥会前几天的比赛中也出现过大雨的天气,这次的应急处理可谓是驾轻就熟
    As the Paralympic Games in Beijing and a few days before the game there were also heavy rain the weather, this is the contingency is familiar.

  • 撒旦可以驾轻就熟地欺骗人的心意,而人却觉察不到;深入地想想这些,会对我们大有裨益。
    It would be well for us to think deeply about the deceptive ways in which Satan can manipulate people's minds without them being aware of it.

  • 希望投资理财不仅能成为每个人理念上的责任,而且成为投资人日常行为中驾轻就熟的一部分。
    Hope that the investment will not only become everyone's idea of responsibility, But has also become a day-to-day behaviour of investors nimble part.

  • 如果你已经写下自己的明确目标,以及达到目标的方法,则你对此一步骤应该就能驾轻就熟了。
    The conductor(you) can take the train to its destination only because all the other members of the train crew recognize and respect his(your) authority.

  • 张惠妹之前在日本演出舞台剧《杜兰朵》,唱起日语歌曲驾轻就熟,抒情的让现场观众听出了耳油。
    Chang Hui-mei in Japan prior to the stage to perform" Turandot ", singing Japanese songs very much at home, so that the lyric audience out of the ear to listen to the oil.

  • 艺术家之所以伟大在于他们对音乐语言驾轻就熟,以致于 可以满怀喜悦地演出写于任何时代的作品。
    Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music that they can enjoy performing works written in any century.

  • 艺术家之所以伟大在于他们对音乐语言驾轻就熟,以致于 可以满怀喜悦地演出写于任何时代的作品。
    and understanding. Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home inthe language of music that they can enjoy performing works written in anycentury.

  • 在维德严厉的教导下,秘密学徒几乎对光剑战斗的精湛艺术驾轻就熟,还学会运用许多可怕的黑暗面技能。
    Under Vader's relentless tutelage, the apprentice all but perfected the fine art of lightsaber combat and learned to wield many fearsome dark side powers.

  • 而在主卧室中,主人驾轻就熟利用一个柜子做休息区与读书区的功能划分,一个柜子转换了空间的合与分。
    In the main bedroom, the master of almost second nature to use a rest area closed to the functional areas and study, the conversion of a closed space with a sub.

  • 不幸的是,许多观察家仍然死抱住陈旧的公式,把它们当作分析当今政治生活和其中种种矛盾的驾轻就熟的方法。
    Unfortunately, a great many observers still cling to the old formulas as a comfortably familiar way of viewing political life AND its conflicts.

  • 补习班当老师,这可是冯洁的新鲜事,她学来驾轻就熟,一点都不费力。只是如果工作得太辛苦,她就要埋怨了。
    Learning how to perform her new task of teaching at a cram school was no sweat for Feng Chieh. But she starts grumbling when her work load gets too heavy.

  • 他坚信,无论危机多么严重,作为中国经济大动脉的长江航运,绝对不会停顿,所以他不会放弃驾轻就熟的船舶运输。
    He firmly believes that, no matter how serious the crisis, as China's economic main artery of the Yangtze River shipping, will definitely not come to a halt, so he will not give up easy task shipping.

  • 伊朗已经驾轻就熟地对哈马斯和真主党给予军事援助,其目的是在以色列的北部和西部边界打造一个用火箭弹武装的力量。
    Iran has deftly used military aid to both Hamas and Hezbollah to create a rocket-armed force on Israel's northern and western borders.

  • 吉尔基教授说,这是因为那些每天都作策略决定的经理在这方面练得多,因此在需要进行类似决策的时候就比较驾轻就熟
    The reason, says Prof Gilkey, is that managers who have to make strategic decisions every day are more practised and so are more adept when the time comes.

  • 打动我的是一种专注,精神上的专注:不能容忍套话,不能容忍空洞,不能容忍驾轻就熟的技能,不能容忍人云亦云的假话。
    What moves me is some sort of dedication - spiritual dedication that allows for no formula, inanition, choosing familiar techniques with ease or falseness.

  • 在简短的讲话里,拉式形容伊拉克战争是一场“莫明其妙的、不能驾轻就熟的战争”,是一场“复杂得人们难以理解的战争”。
    In brief remarks, Rumsfeld described the Iraq conflict as a "little understood, unfamiliar war" that is "complex for people to comprehend.

  • 对于没有工作经验的应届毕业生,如果暂时不能胜任经理职位的,可以从项目助理做起,学到足够的知识、积累足够的经验、培养足够的能力之后,就可以驾轻就熟了。
    I just post it here so you can get a sense what are the expected qualifications if you would like to work in the private sector after graduation.

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