
风风火火  fēng fēng huǒ huǒ







  • 遇事容易急燥,风风火火,不能冷静沉着;
    be fussy for the urgent case, can't be calm;

  • 风风火火地干这干那,要把一切事情做完。
    I would rush around trying to get everything done.

  • 什么国际鼻烟壶协会、研究会等等,闹得风风火火
    Association of crock of what international snuff, seminar is waited a moment, make ammunition of the wind that get wind.

  • 或许你已经离开校园,在工作岗位上干得风风火火
    Probably you have already left the campus, stem in work post breeze breeze fire fire;

  • 她说话不喋喋不休,做事不风风火火,待人不大大咧咧。
    She doesn't talk endlessly, act rushly and treat people carelessly.

  • 正跑着,一个朋友瞧见他,不问他风风火火地去干什么。
    As he ran, he passed one of his friends, who asked him where he was going.

  • 我认为,他的气质和风风火火的打法都适合拉美人的口味。
    I think he has a personality and an all-action style to be to the Latino world.

  • 今年,没了以往的轰轰烈烈风风火火,各种选秀活动低调地开选了。
    This year, has not had former imposing and hurriedly, each kind of competition activity low key opened elects.

  • 不再打打杀杀,风风火火闯九州,万事无激情,对不起,你已经老了。
    No longer the dozen dozen kill, the breeze breeze fire fire rush nine states, ten thousand matter have no intense emotion, sorry, you already old.

  • 在国内风头正劲的“人肉搜索”在英国的华人社区中也进行的风风火火
    Fengtouzhengjin in the country's "human search" in the Chinese community in Britain is also the Fengfenghuohuo.

  • 而平日里风风火火、粗声大嗓的孙凤霞却显得怯生生的,红着脸缩在炕角。
    And ferial fire of li of wind wind fire, raucous the Sun Fengxia of big voice appears self-conscious however unripe, red face shrinks in kang horn.

  • 多少个风风火火的日子,多少次风风雨雨的磨练,多少个日日夜夜的等待。
    Fengfenghuohuo how many days, how many ups and downs of temper, how many days and nights of waiting.

  • 多少个风风火火的日子,多少次风风雨雨的磨练,多少个日日夜夜的等待。
    Fengfenghuohuo how many days, how many times the stormy waters, the number of days and nights of waiting.

  • 时至今日,产权酒店仍然呈现“风风火火闯九州”的架式,在许多地方风行。
    Today, the property remains a hotel "Fengfenghuohuo new Kyushu, " saying that in many places shows.

  • 记者观察到,虽然网页游戏表面上的发展风风火火,却并未获得投资商的青睐。
    The reporter observes, although webpage game fire of apparently development wind wind, did not gain the favour that invests business however.

  • 在八十年代沿海开放城市房地产开发风风火火的年代,内地还没有房地产市场。
    Coastal open cities in the 1980s real estate development Fengfenghuohuo years, the mainland has not been the real estate market.

  • 吃“海”成为这个村的一项主导富民产业,农民们风风火火过了一把“海货”瘾。
    Eat " the sea " a dominant that becomes this village enriches the people industry, farmer people fire of wind wind fire crossed " marine products " addiction.

  • 当“小户型”热潮还在一浪高过一浪的时候,银座9号适中的“大户型”同样卖得风风火火
    When "small Huxing" fever also is advancing wave upon wave when Ginza 9th moderate "big Huxing" Similarly sell Fengfenghuohuo;

  • 一般来说,重庆女孩比较喜欢听话的男生,因为她们生来比较辣,做事风风火火,不会输给男人。
    In general, Chongqing obedient girls prefer boys because they are born relatively hot, Fengfenghuohuo do not lose a man.

  • 过了一刻钟,你看到一个在街头疾走的姑娘,风风火火闯进一家书店,拎起一本厚如砖头的书就走。
    After a quarter, you see a girl walking fast in street , are rash and too much in haste bursting in one bookshop , carry one as thick as brick fragment book in self's hand up being going to walk.

  • 岁末将至,风风火火了一年的北京楼市渐渐进入了一个平淡的状态中,缺了点儿热点,缺了点儿亮点。
    Year is around the corner, a year Fengfenghuohuo Beijing's property market has entered a state of dull, lacking a little hot, a little bright spot missing.

  • 不管你是白领还是蓝领,待字闺中也好,初为人妻也罢,作为女人的你:永远不要大大咧咧,风风火火
    First, no matter you are 白领 or the blue collar, is stillunbetrothed also well, initially the manner wife, takes the woman you:Never must be careless, hurriedly.

  • 《爱呼2》正在影院风风火火的热播着,对于片中提到当今社会种种在沸点网络电视做了蛮多类型的分类。
    "Love Call 2" is the theater Fengfenghuohuo hit, the film referred to the boiling point in today's society for various TVnetworks have done a Manduo types of classification.

  • 她一点也没有迟疑,一点也没有计较,而是风风火火地报了到、上了班,接受了艰巨的任务——“土地整理”。
    She also did not hesitate, there also was not dispute, however the ground signed up for fire of wind wind fire to arrive, went up class, accepted formidable job -- " land is arranged " .

  • 韦德也许会风风火火地登场,因为奥运金牌的激励而充满能量,他也许会在场上摔倒七次但是有六次都会爬起来。
    He might come out of the gate on fire, energized by that gold, he might go down seven times and get up six.

  • 我开始意识到,平时经常遇到的那些熟悉的陌生人构成了我们日常生活的重要部分:每人下午3点看到的那个走路风风火火的家伙;
    I began to realize that a significant part of our daily life consists of such encounters with familiar strangers: the power walker you see every, afternoon at three o'clock.

  • 鲍尔默有着风风火火的个人风格。他不知疲倦地为他的公司做宣传,每年转着圈地在全世界参加各种会议和活动,进行几十场演讲。
    He has a blustery personal style and campaigns tirelessly for his company, speaking at dozens of conferences and events each year all over the world.

  • 从奶制品到高架桥,法国总是迫不及待地表现自己的民族主义本性,风风火火地保护处于外国“掠夺者”威胁之下的“冠军企业”。
    From yoghurt to viaducts, France has always been quick to show its nationalistic instincts and rush to protect its corporate champions under threat from foreign predators.

  • 「亚洲金融风暴」的危机处理,证明中共是机会主义者,务实的国家,该出手时就出手,把握机会博取东盟或第三世界的好感,风风火火展情义。
    The crisis management of Asian financial crisis proves that China is a pragmatic and opportunistic country. China seizes its opportunity to win the partnership of ASEAN and third world countries.

  • 我们的课余生活是丰富多彩的:不必说足球场上的激烈拼杀,也不必说乒乓球台上的风风火火,单是篮球筐下传球投篮的精妙配合,就充满着无限乐趣。
    our life is colorful: don't say football, also don't say up competitive tennis FengFengHuoHuo stage, sheet is basketball basket ball with the exquisite shots, filled with infinite pleasures.

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