
风雪交加  fēng xuě jiāo jiā







  • 这是个风雪交加的一天。
    It was a wintry day.

  • 这是个风雪交加的一天。
    I imagine it was part of a dinosaur.

  • 风雪交加,给整个田野铺上一条白色的地毯。
    A howling snowstorm blanketed the whole field with white.

  • 第二天早晨还是风雪交加,报上说将有一场暴风雪
    In the morning it was still coming down with a high wind, and the papers announced a blizzard.

  • 那天我们被留得很晚,我和同学们听着课,风雪交加
    We were left very late that day, I and my classmates listened to lessons hit by snow storms.

  • 周三,五大湖区将会遭遇风雪天气,有时会风雨交加
    Wind and snow for the Great Lake possibly on Wednesday, wind-rain mix.

  • 老婆婆点了一盏灯笼后就跟著男子走进风雪交加的夜晚。
    The old lady lit a lantern and the two set out together into the stormy night.

  • 我们到的那天正是华盛顿的诞辰,风雪交加,天气极冷。
    We arrived on Washington's Birthday, a freezing, blowy , snowy day.

  • 我叫刘年,单眼皮女生,面色苍白,出生在风雪交加的冬天。
    I call Liu Nian, single-edged eyelid schoolgirl, complexion is cadaverous, be born in the winter that wind snow accompanies each other.

  • 也许没有了风雪交加,但生活却走进了另外一个篇章 ——平凡。
    Cross may not have the snow, but life has entered another chapter - ordinary.

  • 如果人生也是一朵梅花,我想我会选择风雪交加,而不是和煦春成。
    If life is a plum, I think I would choose snow Cross, rather than into a warm spring.

  • 1827年3月26日,贝多芬在风雪交加的日子咽下了最后的一口气。
    March 26, 1827, Beethoven Cross in the snow swallow the final days of the breath.

  • 每一天都是一份新的礼物,不论是阳光明媚或是风雪交加,它都是我们的。
    Whether it comes in the form of a bright sunny day or a snowy day, it is ours.

  • 每一天都是一份新的礼物,不论是阳光明媚或是风雪交加,它都是我们的。
    Each new day we receive it again . Whether it comes in the form of a bright sunny day or a snowy day, it is ours.

  • 这一回,我记得我是躺在那个橡木的套间里。我清清楚楚地听见风雪交加
    This time, I remembered I was lying in the oak closet, and I heard distinctly the gusty wind, and the driving of the snow;

  • 在美国东部的一个风雪交加的夜晚,推销员克雷斯的汽车坏在了冰天雪地的山区。
    In the United States east of the Cross of the night a blizzard, the car salesman kreis bad world of ice and snow in the mountains.

  • 第二天下午,果然天气骤变,风雪交加,坚持晚走的年轻人这才领悟长者的睿智。
    It was not until the next afternoon that the young man caught up on the wisdom of the old man when the weather suddenly changed, with cold winds blowing and a snowstorm raging.

  • 在一个风雪交加的东夜,面包房的老板正在关店门,这时候,一个男人进来要买两个甜面包卷。
    The owner of a bakery was closing the shop on a stormy winter's night when a man came in and asked for two sweet rolls.

  • 此时,正值严冬季节,天寒地冻,风雪交加,数万金兵屯集城下,粮草不济,兵无斗志,只好下令撤军。
    At this point, when the winter season, cold, wind and snow Cross, tens of thousands of Golden Citybing tun set, the food is of no use and soldiers without fighting, had ordered the withdrawal.

  • 在一个风雪交加的圣诞夜,这对完美夫妻开着他们完美的汽车迎着狂风行驶在路上,他们注意到路边有人遇险了。
    There stood Santa Claus with a huge bundle of toys. Not wanting to disappoint any children on the eve of Christmas, the perfect couple loaded Santa and his toys into their vehicle.

  • 一个风雪交加的平安夜,他的妻子带着孩子们要去参加所在农场社区的平安夜的活动,妻子如同往年一样,要他一道前往,他拒绝了。
    One snowy Christmas Eve, his wife was taking their children to a Christmas Eve service in the farm community in which they lived. She asked him, as always to come, but he refused.

  • 他们的生活,当然,也是完美的。在一个风雪交加的圣诞夜,这对完美夫妻开着他们完美的汽车迎着狂风行驶在路上,他们注意到路边有人遇险了。
    One snowy, stormy Christmas Eve, this perfect couple was driving their perfect car along a winding road, when they noticed someone at the side of the road in distress.

  • 令人诧异的是,在天寒地冻,风雪交加的小乡村里孤独的度过了艰苦的第一天后,我发现在这样一个近几年最寒冷,雪最大的天气下我仍然能快乐的工作。
    Strangely enough, after the first painful day alone in the cold, snowy suburbs, I found myself doing the work quite happily in what turned out to be the coldest and snowiest weather for several years.

  • 面对突如其来的“隆冬”,16岁的塔妮亚起初还犹犹豫豫地不敢出笼,但不久便满心欢喜地在皑皑白雪中玩耍起来。而此时,“风雪交加”的熊舍外的气温为摄氏20度。
    After some initial reluctance 16-year-old Tania gleefully frolicked in the snow, while the temperature outside her personal blizzard hovered at 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Farenheit).

  • 面对突如其来的“隆冬”,16岁的塔妮亚起初还犹犹豫豫地不敢出笼,但不久便满心欢喜地在皑皑白雪中玩耍起来。而此时,“风雪交加”的熊舍外的气温为摄氏20度。
    After some initial reluctance 16-year-old Tania gleefully frolicked in the ow, while the temperature outside her personal blizzard hovered at 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Farenheit).

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