
风雨飘摇  fēng yǔ piāo yáo








  • 风雨飘摇的日子,风暴将窃取我的痛苦。
    In the stormy days, storms will steal my pain.

  • 正是反传统的浪潮造就了风雨飘摇的传统。
    It is anti-traditional created a wave of precarious tradition.

  • 让我在夜间手握你的灯盏穿过风雨飘摇的道路吧。
    In the evening let me carry thy lamp through the stormy path.

  • 在黄昏时候,让我拿着您的灯走过风雨飘摇的道路吧。
    In the evening let me carry thy lamp through the stormy path.

  • 该判决为共和党本来就风雨飘摇的连任带来了更多不确定性。
    The verdict throws more uncertainty into the Republican rocky re-election bid.

  • 快乐悲伤在风雨飘摇的股票大起大落的呐喊声中画上一个句号。
    The happy sorrow draws previous period in the rains and winds float shake of the stock fluctuate of the battle cry voice.

  • 身处宏观调控的“风雨飘摇”之际,房地产行业上市公司境况如何?
    In a macro-control "precarious" occasion, the situation of the real estate industry listed companies?

  • 只愿那份早已明了的心音,伴你风雨飘摇披荆斩棘,蓝天白云会照亮你的旅程。
    May the determined rhythm of your heart accompany you in all difficulties , and the blue sky and white clouds light up your journey.

  • 拉脱维亚政府债券拍卖失败使得人们对风雨飘摇的波罗的海沿岸国家经济更加忧虑。
    The failure of a government-bond auction in Latvia caused more concern about the struggling Baltic economies.

  • 中国现在虽已走出临风雨飘摇朝不保夕的屈辱年代,但是绝对不是可以高枕无忧了。
    China now although went out near the humiliation age which precariously is in a precarious state, but absolutely was not may have no more worries.

  • 我已经唱过了您的白天的歌。 在黄昏的时候,让我拿着您的灯走过风雨飘摇的道路吧。
    I have sung the songs of thy day. In the evening let me carry thy lamp through the stormy path.

  • 无论如何,纳税人必须为风雨飘摇的银行提供更多的支持,以使它们来支撑信贷紧缩的商业。
    One way or another taxpayers will have to provide more support to still-wobbly banks, in order for them to support credit-crunched businesses.

  • 265我已经唱过了您的白天的歌。在黄昏的时候,让我拿着您的灯走过风雨飘摇的道路吧。
    I have sung the songs of thy day. In the evening let me carry thy lamp through the stormy path.

  • 我们马上就能看到,失业率的上升,商业活动风雨飘摇,而报刊头版还将继续一片愁云惨雾。
    In the near term, unemployment will rise, business activity will falter and headlines will continue to be scary.

  • 狂风怒吼,猛烈地摇着院子里的树,闪电撕裂长空,雷声轰轰隆隆,寒雨倾盆而下,小岛风雨飘摇
    The wind howled, tearing at the trees. Lightning split the sky and thunder pealed as the heaens opened, battering the island with freezing rain.

  • 麦晋桁磋商了与三菱UFJ的交易,在摩根士丹利未来依然风雨飘摇之际说服这家日本银行结成了合作关系。
    Mr. Mack negotiated the Mitsubishi UFJ deal, convincing the Japanese bank to move ahead with the partnership even as Morgan's future looked shaky.

  • 只有高层建筑会摇摆(每秒两波) ,感觉就像轮船行驶在一个风雨飘摇的大海,整个船舶震动了一段时间。
    Only the high buildings shake slowly (two waves per second or so), feels like the ferry making a turn in a stormy sea, making the whole ship vibrate for a while.

  • 这个三个孩子的父亲在结束了他那风雨飘摇的家具生意之后,不得不在去年卖掉了房子,搬进了租来的房子。
    And the father of three had to sell his home last year and move his family to rented accommodation after closing his struggling furniture business .

  • 而就在大摩“风雨飘摇”之际,关于高盛是否会成为倒下的下一张“多米诺骨牌”的猜想又被传得沸沸扬扬。
    And on Mount Tai in "precarious", on the Goldman Sachs will become a fallen under a "domino" of the suspect also sent a lot of heated discussions.

  • 艳羡巴菲特财富的中资机构需要巴菲特的投资名言去医治,在资本风雨飘摇之时,把握风险,也就是把握了机会。
    Admired that the Buffett wealth the China capital organization needs Buffett's investment famous saying to treat, when the capital is precarious, grasps the risk, also has grasped the opportunity.

  • 如同今日的台湾,法国于200年前藉由大革命企图寻求新的理想制度之时,也是内忧外患,在风雨飘摇中进行。
    Like Taiwan today, France, when attempting to find a new ideal system through the Revolution some 200 years ago, was in the midst of precarious times with domestic strife and external aggression.

  • 十一月二十三日,在一片风雨飘摇中,委内瑞拉公民将投下选票,选举该国22州,338座城市的州长及市长。
    At stake is the selection of governors for each of the country's 22 states, as well as mayors for 338 of the largest cities.

  • 这是因为比以往任何时候,我们更需要你的声音,以确保2009年这么风雨飘摇的一年里,我们经受住了气候挑战!
    This is because more than ever, we need your voice to make sure 2009 goes down in history as the year we stood up to the climate challenge!

  • 其实,当恶劣天气来临时,还有一个隐患为我们所忽视,那就是由于支架“超龄”而处于风雨飘摇境况的空调外挂机。
    In fact, when inclement weather arrived, there is a hidden danger for us to ignore that as a result of supporting the "over" and in precarious circumstances AC extrapolated machines.

  • 据报道到去年底为止,即使各种危机已经风雨飘摇,2007年华尔街的奖金池也达到了令人惊愕的2600亿美元。
    Reportedly the Wall Street bonus pool in 2007 was a staggering $26 bln and by the end of that year the various crises where already in full swing.

  • 现在的电器行业利润率下降到5%-10%,加上行业先提货后付款的方式,其实很多企业集团的主业已‘风雨飘摇’。
    Now the electrical industry profitability declined 5%-10%. coupled with the industry after the first payment of withdrawals, many enterprises have been the main groups' existence '.

  • 现在的电器行业利润率下降到5%-10%,加上行业先提货后付款的方式,其实很多企业集团的主业已‘风雨飘摇’。
    Now the electrical industry profitability declined 5%-10%, coupled with the industry after the first payment of withdrawals, In fact, many enterprises have been the main groups' existence '.

  • 据悉阿联酋方面已经开始催促两位美国老板尽快能到中东就此事磋商,以便能更快地通过资金注入的方式帮助风雨飘摇中的利物浦。
    They are believed to want the two Americans to fly to the Middle East as soon as possible in order to sort out a deal that could bring a massive cash boost into Anfield.

  • 莫吉在自己的专栏里写到“现在米兰的状况显得风雨飘摇,每个人都感觉前途渺茫,加图索说喜欢切尔西要走,皮尔洛也是,似乎每个人都要离开。”
    "The situation seems unreal at Milan. Gattuso says he likes Chelsea, Pirlo also. It looks like everyone wants to escape, " Moggi wrote in his column for Libero as reported by Milannews. it.

  • 总统的宣誓有时面对的是国家的和平繁荣(通常是在国家日益繁荣昌盛,四海晏然的时期),有时面临的是狂风骤雨的紧张形势(偶尔却是在时局动荡、风雨飘摇中)。
    The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms.

  • 风雨飘摇造句相关
