
顾虑重重  gù lǜ chóng chóng






  • 他干活很慢,因为他总是顾虑重重
    He's very slow at this work because he's always straining at a gnat.

  • 在车站,政治家对声明雕像的身世顾虑重重
    At the station the statesman hesitates to state the status of the statue.

  • 这是充满信仰的时代,也是顾虑重重的时代;
    it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity;

  • 已加入欧元区国家如希腊和意大利也顾虑重重
    its existing ones, such as Greece and Italy, are worry enough.

  • 也许众多的展览公司让你眼花缭乱,顾虑重重,无从选择!
    Perhaps a large number of exhibition companies let you dazzled, hesitates to do so, no choice!

  • 于是放松、投篮,出手之后一切就成定局,所以又何必顾虑重重
    So relax, shots, shots on a foregone conclusion after all, and why hesitates to do so.

  • 老年人对年青人的鲁莽十分气恼,年轻人瞧不起老年人的顾虑重重
    Age looks with anger on the temerity of youth, and youth with contempt on the scrupulosity of age.

  • 这充分表现了人们对房屋置换交易的潜在需求,但同时又对此顾虑重重
    This has fully demonstrated the potential demand for housing replacement transactions, but at the same time, this All Kinds of Worries.

  • 一些高血压患者因担心药物副作用,往往对同时服用几种药物顾虑重重
    Some patients with elevated blood pressure because of the worry medicine side effect, often to simultaneously take several medicines to have many misgivings.

  • 九月份美国新房年度销售率意外下降,人们对房地产市场的恢复顾虑重重
    The annual rate of US new home sales fell unexpectedly in September, raising doubts about the strength of the housing sector's recovery.

  • 如果文森特夫人欠债累累而离开这个地方,她无疑会顾虑重重地隐瞒她的行踪。
    If Mrs. Vincent had left the place in debt, she had no doubt scrupulously concealed her whereabouts.

  • 这场戏向观众揭示出了人们内心深处的思想斗争;既想履行责任,但又顾虑重重
    The play represents to those watching it, the inner struggle in a man's mind between duty and doubt.

  • 这场戏向观众揭示出了人们内心深处的思想斗争;既想履行责任,但又顾虑重重
    watching it the inner struggle in a man's mind between duty and doubt.

  • 当然,仍有一些消费者顾虑重重,原打算买奶的郝大妈就在女儿的劝阻下改买了果汁。
    Certainly, still had some consumers to have many misgivings, planned originally buys the milk under Aunt Hao in the daughter advised against changes has bought the fruit juice.

  • 安吉尔·克莱使他的父亲十分失望,先是他不信奉国教的观点,后来又顾虑重重,不愿意当牧师。
    Angel Clare had sadly disappointed his father, first by nonconformist views and then by sincere scruples against taking orders.

  • 但是地方干部、各类企业的领导人和职工仍然顾虑重重,认为中央主持改革的部门、地方领导和理论…
    But the leader of local cadre, of all kinds enterprise and worker still full of worries, think leader of the central department that manages innovation, place and theory…

  • 启发回家过年但因为其女友(徐子珊饰)作风洋化难过父亲关而顾虑重重,便想雇个情人回家试探霍父。
    Home visits but because its inspiration girlfriend XuZiShan (lathan) YangHua sad father close and style, want to hire scruples HuoFu tempt a valentine's home.

  • 直接导致被调查者放弃回答,或者答不完整,甚至采取应付态度,资料的真实性受到影响。2、顾虑重重
    Bring about informant to abandon replying directly, perhaps answer not complete, adopt even deal with a manner, the authenticity of the data is affected. 2, full of worries.

  • 这两个词被拿来打发那些顾虑重重的中产家长很有必要,他们总是担心自己的孩子不够德智体美劳全面发展。
    The terms are necessary as a sop to middle-class parents concerned that their children are not being stretched enough.

  • 昨日,可口可乐公司对汇源果汁公司的出价引发顾虑重重,人们担心长此以往国内品牌都将被国外企业所接管。
    Coca-Cola's offer yesterday for Huiyuan Juice has caused worry at national brands being taken over by foreign firms.

  • 所以,如果你顾虑重重,感到有点儿害怕,不妨像桑德斯上校对待自己的“小鸡”那样去做:“油炸”这只小鸡。
    So when you're in doubt and feeling a little afraid, just do what Col. Sanders did to his little chicken. He fried it.

  • 不过,在低起价、高折扣的吸引下,长假里不少楼盘的看房人,虽然较平时增加一倍以上,但对出手依然顾虑重重
    However, starting in the low and high discounts to attract, long showings in a number of properties for sale, although more than double than usual, but still hesitates to do anything.

  • 于是,投资者开始(重新)投资贵金属因其更加保值,尤其是当利率低迷以及人们对美元作为货币存储顾虑重重之时。
    Investors are turning to the metal (again) as a safer alternative to other assets amid low interest rates and worries about the dollar's status as a currency reserve.

  • 你硬着头皮(要)给她一个晚安之吻却随即,表现的顾虑重重,最终像达成一笔生意那样相互握手,这多么令人难堪。
    How embarrassing to steel yourself for a goodnight kiss and then, betrayed by endless doubt, end up shaking hands as if concluding a business transaction.

  • 可是我只是想做我自己想做的事情,过我想要的生活而已,我无所谓其他人是不是觉得我做的事情怎么样,我不要再顾虑重重
    I won't care what other people think. I'm gonna live my life to the fullest possible. I'm gonna pursue my happiness and live the life I want.

  • 等到他不妨放胆去追求的时候,他却迟疑不定,顾虑重重。至于一般堕入情网的人那种常有的提心吊胆的心理,那就更是难免的了。
    When he might well have acted with boldness, he found himself filled with doubts, scruples and equivocations, in addition to the ordinary fears of a lower.

  • 等到他不妨放胆去追求的时候,他却迟疑不定,顾虑重重。至于一般堕入情网的人那种种常有的提心吊胆的心理,那就更是难免的了。
    When he might well have acted with boldness, he found himself filled with doubts, scruples and equivocations, in addition to the ordinary fears of a lover.

  • 上述所有条件到目前为止都是事实。尽管外界对油价上涨将引发美国经济衰退仍是顾虑重重,但皆大欢喜的局面是有可能维持下去的。
    All of this has happened so far. The happy confluence may continue, though fears remain strong that high energy prices will tip the U. S. into recession.

  • 我承认,要编写我们国家的历史,追溯到罗马建立伊始,这一任务让我顾虑重重。即使我对这项工作的价值充满信心,要这么说还是犹豫再三。
    The task of writing a history of our nation from Romes earliest days fills me, I confess, with some misgiving, and even were I confident in the value of my work, I should hesitate to say so.

  • 我承认,要编写我们国家的历史,追溯到罗马建立伊始,这一任务让我顾虑重重。即使我对这项工作的价值充满信心,要这么说还是犹豫再三。
    The task of writing a history of our nation from Rome's earliest days fills me, I confess, with some misgiving, and even were I confident in the value of my work, I should hesitate to say so.

  • 顾虑重重造句相关
