
顾影自怜  gù yǐng zì lián








  • 他就决不会顾影自怜,投身水底。
    Self-love had never drowned him in the flood.

  • 这就是顾影自怜怎么运作的。
    This is how the self-pity works.

  • 如果孩子生活在遗憾中,则学会顾影自怜
    If children live with ridicule, they learns to be shy.

  • 我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜
    I have a busy life and I don't have time to sit around feeling sorry for myself.

  • 哈里路过每个反光的表面,都会顾影自怜一把。
    Harry looked at his reflection in every shiny surface.

  • 顾影自怜的镜子?
    The mirror is perfect?

  • 何必因为自己的眼疾而顾影自怜,无谓的事情当去则去。
    Why have you hurt youself because of your own fault, let the unnecessary thing goes by.

  • 从某种程度上说,即使是最简单的心智,也一定会顾影自怜
    To some extent a mind, even a primitive mind, must watch itself.

  • 白天,我昂首阔步,意气风发;深夜,我顾影自怜,寒灯冷挂。
    During the day, I proudly striding along, the high-spirited; night, I Guyingzilian, cold winter lights linked.

  • 但是欧文不是那种总是顾影自怜的人,他仅仅是坚持努力向前。
    But Michael is not the sort to feel sorry for himself and just keep going.

  • 喜欢一个人,总是犹犹豫豫,顾影自怜,像极了没人爱的可怜虫。
    Love somebody, always hesitate and see the bad side , just like a slob which has nobody's love.

  • 如果出了麻烦事,就努力想出解决的办法,而不要沉溺于顾影自怜
    When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of wallowing in self pity.

  • 正当它顾影自怜,想入非非之际,一头狮子猛扑上来,一口把它咬死。
    While he was indulging in these proud thoughts, a lion fell upon him, and killed him.

  • 现在的危险非比寻常,因为吉克的伤可能很容易使他变得愤世嫉俗或者顾影自怜
    The danger is singular because Jake's wound might easily tempt him to cynicism or self-pity.

  • 在那些既是顾影自怜而又自命不凡的字眼后面,事情本身的是非曲直是无可争辩的。
    Behind the words, at once self-pitying and vainglorious, the merits of the case were overwhelming.

  • 所谓一门学派,犹如一个人对著自己自说自话一百年,顾影自怜沾沾自喜,你话几傻。
    Every school of thought is like a man who has talked to himself for a hundred years and is delighted with his own mind, however stupid it may be. (J. W.

  • 不过一旦附近出现把妹专家,女人就会抛弃他们,剩下一般男人顾影自怜:为什么我总是把不到妹?
    But when there are PUAs in the vicinity, women leave with them and normal guys are left complaining that they never get laid.

  • 每天在水边顾影自怜,茶饭不思,最后憔悴不堪跳入水中而死,变成了一朵花,后人就称之为水仙花。
    A flower grew up in the place where he died, which was called narcissus after him.

  • 不要顾影自怜,当这种感情袭来的时刻,为那些处境比你更不幸的人作一点好事。帮助别人可以忘却自己的不幸。
    Don't lament yourself lonely, when this feeling comes, do something for those who is in worse situation. Helping others can help to forget self's adversity.

  • 除却不时的冷枪之外,楼市大众也已然失却了往日的热情,唯有自娱自乐的“追梦人”在冰刀上跳舞,顾影自怜
    Beyond the fire from time to time, the property market has already been lost by past public enthusiasm, only Ziyuzile "spark" in ice skates, dance, himself.

  • “这没有什么可羞愧的,”德·佐波说,“眼泪并非表明你顾影自怜,而是你必须得到宣泄的悲伤和情感的表现。”
    "There's no shame in this, " says Del Zoppo. "Tears aren't a sign that you're simply feeling sorry for yourself but are an expression of sadness or emotion that must find an outlet.

  • 看到小潘躲在房间深处,怎样对着镜子,顾影自怜,用人工方法掩盖那一片废墟,你一定会觉得那是一场既精彩又伤心的表演。
    It must have been a grand but melancholy sight to see Pen in the recesses of his apartment, sadly contemplating his ravaged beauty and the artificial means of hiding its ruin.

  • 但在早晨,每当她拿着一把断了的旧梳子去梳她那一头光泽鉴人、细软如丝的头发的那片刻,她还能得到一种顾影自怜的快感。
    Nevertheless, when she combed her beautiful hair in the morning with an old broken comb, and it flowed about her like floss silk, she experienced a moment of happy coquetry.

  • 真正的淑女不是顾影自怜的古板乏味的女人,而是既有足够的意志力去击退男人的进攻,同时又有非凡的魅力去阻止男人的撤退。
    A decent lady is not the one who is self -affected or old-maidish and dull, she is the one with not only the strong will to repel men's court, but also the charisma to prevent men from retreating .

  • 真正的淑女不是顾影自怜的古板乏味的女人,而是既有足够的意志力去击退男人的进攻,同时又有非凡的魅力去阻止男人的撤退。
    A decent lady is not the one who is self -affected or old-maidish and dull, she is the one with not only the strong will to repel men's court, but also the charisma to prevent men's retreat.

  • 一起医疗事故夺去了她的视力,她顿时陷入黑暗之中,内心充满愤怒、沮丧,还有顾影自怜,而她可以依靠的只有她的丈夫马克了。
    As the result of a medical accident she was sightless, suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustrationself-pity. All she had to cling to was her husband Mark.

  • 一起医疗事故夺去了她的视力,她顿时陷入黑暗之中,内心充满愤怒、沮丧,还有顾影自怜,而她可以依靠的只有她的丈夫马克了。
    As the result of a medical accident she was sightless, suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity. All she had to cling to2 was her husband Mark.

  • 做自己的一个冷眼旁观者和批评者,这是一种修养,它可以使我们保持某种清醒,避免落入自命不凡或者顾影自怜的可笑复可悲的境地。
    to be a spectator and commenter of yourself , it is a culture. it can help us keep clearness, and avoid to fall into a funny and poor situation of self-conceit or self-pity !

  • 这是顾影自怜的芙蓉姐姐面对口水压力时的态度,真可谓,“世人笑我太疯癫,我笑世人看不穿”,这是一种坚持,一种洒脱,更是一种忍耐精神。
    "This is probably caught Fu Yung sister face pressure attitude really is, " I too crazy world laugh, I laugh world Kanbuchuan "This is a principle that a free and easy, is a patient spirit.

  • 波许讲起他现在正努力地为三个孩子制造更多的记忆,这就是为什么他不能沉溺在顾影自怜中,感动了在场的所有人。他的三个孩子分别是:6岁的迪安,3岁的洛根以及刚满18个月的克洛伊。
    Pausch speaks movingly of how he is now trying to create memories for his three kids, Dylan, 6, Logan, 3, and Chloe, 18 months, and why he can't allow himself to wallow in self pity.

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