
非我族类  fēi wǒ zú lèi








  • 非我族类,有什么必要对它们讲究公平。
    The race, what I need to pay them justice.

  • 单人或跟队友杀死非我族类的怪物是不好的。
    Killing things that are new and different is bad, alone or with another ODST.

  • 最少,美国人想开了一点,愿意投票给「非我族类」。
    But at least Americans were lightening up, demonstrating a willingness to vote for someone who was not exactly like them.

  • 绝不仇恨任何人,今天,「非我族类」之心态与憎恨心到处可见。
    Never hate anybody. Today, feelings of difference and hatred are widespread.

  • 汝不得向非我族类揭示血族身世,违此诫律者当驱离血族,断其血缘。
    Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.

  • 但是相信们掌握一个新的语言是为了有效地和非我族类的人们沟通和交流。
    But I believe we acquire a new language in order to effectively communicate with people not of our country and culture.

  • 组织机构的运作,不应该将那些「异议分子」及不依常规的非我族类排拒在外。
    it's important in building our organizational machines not to exclude the dissenter, the 'outsider, 'the non-conformist.

  • 们组织机构的运作,不应该将那些「异议分子」及不依常规的非我族类排拒在外。
    It's important in building our organizational machines not to exclude the dissenter, the 'Outsider, 'the non-conformist.

  • 们组织机构的运作,不应该将那些“异议分子”和不依常规的非我族类排拒在外。
    It's important in building our organizational machines not to exclude the dissenter, the"Outsider", the non-conformist.

  • 第一,在文化上,“华”文明有礼,而“夷”野蛮不知信义,“非我族类,其心必异”。
    First, in the culture, "China" civilized and polite, and "Yi" barbaric faith I do not know, "not my race, were aliens.

  • 求主挪去们对「非我族类」根深蒂固的偏见,停止把他们看为次等,贫穷,甚至是「懒惰」的。
    We, too, pray for the deep-rooted prejudice and bias we all have toward those who we consider inferior, poor and "lazy."

  • 由用材/器型看非我族类的可能性很大,不管如何是件宝贝,很久坛子上没有这么令人费脑的东西了。
    From stuff and ware style it's possibly not the thing in my clan. Anyway, it's a precious that makes people confused on the forum for a long time.

  • 米莉娅对这一切并不在意,她像猛虎一样为人类和哨兵战斗。你能说那样是“非我族类”吗?如果是的话,那把也算上。
    Miriya overlooked all that, and fought like a tiger on behalf of the Human race and the Sentinels. And you're telling me that's alien? Then so am I.

  • 当然了,听到过那些关于“非我族类”的闲话。要感谢太太,她明白对于身处战争的人来说这是什么含义,她并没有把它放在心上。
    Of course I heard all those cracks about "aliens, " and to her great credit, my wife let them pass, knowing what it was like for people fighting a war.

  • 非我族类造句相关
