
青红皂白  qīng hóng zào bái







  • 不分青红皂白的屠杀人民;笼统的概括;大规模的毁灭。
    The act or an instance of killing a large number of human beings indiscriminately and cruelly.

  • 家长会在出错的时候,不分青红皂白地批评最大的孩子。
    It's always all too easy for parents to score their eldest children when they make mistakes.

  • 不分青红皂白的屠杀人民;笼统的概括;大规模的毁灭。
    indiscriminate slaughter of a population; sweeping generalizations; wholesale destruction.

  • 家长会在出错的时候,不分青红皂白地批评最大的孩子。
    Parents will be all too eazy to blame the oldiest children when there are something wrong happened.

  • 一些维族人打砸抢烧,并不分青红皂白的攻击民众,其中多为汉族人。
    Gangs of Uighurs torched buildings and vehicles and launched indiscriminate attacks on mostly Han Chinese.

  • 士兵们不分青红皂白地向街上的人群关枪扫射,甚至驾驶着坦克辗毙人民。
    The army shot and killed thousands of innocent students and citizen, even crushed the human to die using tanks.

  • 否则,不问青红皂白一刀切,就会把一些地方刚刚萌芽的房地产业打下去。
    Otherwise, do not ask the indiscriminate white uniform will be just some parts of the real estate curb them.

  • 那些从不需要搬家的人,不分青红皂白地收藏了一些只能说是杂七杂八的东西。
    Those who never have to change house become indiscriminate collectors of what can only be described as clutter.

  • 不分青红皂白的恐慌抛售出现在亚洲,日经指数目前濒临崩溃,下滑了11。40 %。
    The indiscriminate, panic like selling carried over into Asia, with the Nikkei currently crashing -11. 40%.

  • 如果不分青红皂白地使用这个概念,这可能导致误解,因而,我们不能盲目地接纳这个概念。
    Used indiscriminately, it can lead to misconceptions and therefore should not be accepted blindly.

  • 但这些好处的前提是君子之争,决不是不分青红皂白的肆意诽谤,更不是流氓小人的动手打人。
    However, these benefits on the premise that a man of struggle, is by no means indiscriminate wanton defamation, but not the hands of rogue bad beating.

  • 三是1904点,是极限位,破了这个点,笔者不问青红皂白坚决清仓,也可以说反弹已经结束。
    Third, 1904, is the limit, breaking the Point, I do not indiscriminate clearing firm, it can be said that the rebound over.

  • 但目击者描述恶性显然不分青红皂白地攻击汉族人,但大量的维吾尔族和其他少数民族也受了伤。
    But witnesses described vicious and apparently indiscriminate attacks on Han Chinese people, although substantial numbers of Uighurs and other ethnic minorities were also injured.

  • 只有到了20世纪,精神病学家才变得较有自律,并开始避免这样的不分青红皂白的概括性评价。
    It was only in the 20th century that psychiatrists became more self-critical and began to avoid such indiscriminate summary judgements.

  • 我们在生活中也要注意不要犯同样的错误,凡事要调查清楚再说,不要不分青红皂白就随便责怪别人。
    We should pay attention to in the life is not to make the same mistake again, everything should investigate clearly, don't just blame others reckoning.

  • 不赞成军队的事情无论出于什么原因,那种对目前政府的政策不论青红皂白一概不再支持的想法是错误的。
    This idea that somehow you do not support the troops if you do not continue, in a lemming like way, to accept whatever this administration's policy is, that is what is wrong.

  • 在这次俱乐部看来是属于球迷过激反应的事件中,罗马当地警察却不分青红皂白地向曼联球迷们大打出手。
    In what the Club views as a severe over-reaction, local police handed out indiscriminate beatings to United supporters.

  • 地姨妈这个人和有些人一样,对于专卖药,或强身、健体等之类的保健药品,不分青红皂白都要先试为快。
    She was one of those people who are infatuated with patent medicines and all new-fangled methods of producing health or mending it.

  • 如果私营领域的投资者或公司认为政府的规定会不分青红皂白地朝令夕改,那么他们就不会愿意参与进来。
    If investors or companies in the private sector believe that the rules can change quickly and indiscriminately, they will be unwilling to participate.

  • 在此情况下,若不分青红皂白对此一部分借款人实行“一刀切”式的利率,如何谈得上“风险与收益对称”?
    In this context, it is part of sub-indiscriminate white borrowers a "broad-brush" approach to the interest rate, how we talk about the "risks and benefits symmetry"?

  • 包括地区国会议员、地方领导人和技术主管在内的官员抱怨说,烟农们不分青红皂白地将树砍倒,作为烘烤烟草的柴火。
    The officials, who included area MPs, local leaders and technical staff, complained that tobacco farmers were indiscriminately cutting down trees for firewood to cure their harvested tobacco.

  • 有些人喜欢不分青红皂白地对子文件夹和文件使用递归选项(-R),其实这并没有必要,有时甚至会产生不必要的麻烦。
    Some people tend to use the recursive option (-R) indiscriminately which modifies all child folders and files, but this is not necessary, and may yield other undesirable results.

  • 新加坡的李光耀批评西方人时说得没错,“西方人总是不分青红皂白地将它们的体系硬塞给一些没法用好这套体系的社会”。
    Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew got it right when he blamed Westerners who "foist their system indiscriminately on societies in which it will not work."

  • 对农业的危害很大,它在地下掘洞的时候,如果碰到作物的根部阻碍道路,它不分青红皂白,一律用“牙齿“咬断、切碎并大嚼一通。
    Great harm to agriculture, it dug hole in the ground, if they crop roots impede road, it indiscriminate, uses "teeth" meal, by shredding and size of a hand.

  • 我要说的是,我们不分青红皂白地将这些有毒的、具有强大生物功能的化学制品,交给了那些对这些制品的潜在危害基本上或者完全无知的人去使用。
    I do contend that we have put poisonous and biologically potent chemicals indiscriminately into the hands of perso largely or wholly ignorant of their potentials for harm.

  • 我要说的是,我们不分青红皂白地将这些有毒的、具有强大生物功能的化学制品,交给了那些对这些制品的潜在危害基本上或者完全无知的人去使用。
    I do contend that we have put poisonous and biologically potent chemicals Powerful Adhesive Tape indiscriminately into the hands of persons largely or wholly ignorant of their potentials for harm.

  • 我要说的是,我们不分青红皂白地将这些有毒的、具有强大生物功能的化学制品,交给了那些对这些制品的潜在危害基本上或者完全无知的人去使用。
    I do contend that we have put poisonous and biologically potent chemicals indiscriminately into the hands of persons largely or wholly ignorant of their potentials for harm.

  • 如果听任那些愤世嫉俗者和吹毛求疵的人不分青红皂白,不论事情大小都大做文章,那么我们就看不出美国正确、大气和独有的长处。这样的话,我们就不会前进。
    We cannot move forward if cynics and critics swoop down and pick apart anything that goes wrong to a point where we lose sight of what is right, decent, and uniquely good about America.

  • 如果听任那些愤世嫉俗者和吹毛求疵的人不分青红皂白,不论事情大小都大做文章,那么我们就看不出美国正确、大气和独有的长处。这样的话,我们就不会前进。
    We cannot move forward if cynics and critics 8)swoop down and pick apart anything that goes wrong to a point where we lose sight of what is right, decent, and uniquely good about America.

  • 今年的圣诞节,分析员认为对于非中国制玩具将会有适当幅度的销售上扬-如果人们是欧洲人或美国人,虽然仍有一个隐忧是:人们也许会暂时无论青红皂白般的摒弃不买任何玩具。
    This Christmas, analysts say there could be a modest bounce for toys not made in China - be they European or American - though some worry that people might just spurn toys altogether.

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