
青山绿水  qīng shān lǜ shuǐ








  • 这茶不贵,青山绿水40元/斤。
    Not expensive tea, 40 Yuan per half kilogramme.

  • 我们的学校,迄立在青山绿水的长青邨。
    Our School stands on the ground of the Cheung Ching Estate among greeny hills and waters.

  • 在政治改革之前,中国别想变回青山绿水
    China cannot go green, in other words, without political change.

  • 人们喜欢郊游时新鲜的空气以及青山绿水
    People enjoy the fresh air, clean Water and green hills when they go camping in the suburb .

  • 我们要的是青山绿水,不是沾满化学毒素的现金。
    We want clear water and green hills, not toxic cash.

  • 这里是人间天堂,青山绿水,柔软的细沙伴在脚边。
    This is a paradise on earth, green mountains and blue waters, soft sand with the feet.

  • 苏州太湖700平方公里的青山绿水,蕴涵着长三角的无比商机。
    Suzhou Taihu 700 square kilometres of green hills blue, combined with the unparalleled opportunities triangles.

  • 青山绿水中长大的孩子,纯朴可亲,也是旅途中一路结交的好游伴。
    Children growing up amidst the mountains and forests have evident simplicity and sincerity and make welcome traveling companions.

  • 现在我们并不需要外国钱了,反正我们需要的是我们自己的青山绿水
    What we need is no longer foreign money, but our own green mountains and clean water.

  • 现代都市人渴望回归自然,尽享青山绿水和蓝天白云,呼吸新鲜空气。
    Modern urban people to return to nature and enjoy the blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and blue, breathing fresh air.

  • 青山绿水让他心动,但同时看到的是农村的环境污染正在不断地加剧。
    Green hill green water makes him enchanted, but the environmental pollution that what see at the same time is a country is in ceaselessly aggravate.

  • 新海高中东方分校环境优美,有青山绿水环绕,是个工作学习的好地方。
    Xinhai Senior School Dongfang Branch is surely a wonderful place to study and work in, with green mountains, golden beach around it.

  • 展开想像的翅膀,飞翔在蓝蓝的天上,祖国的青山绿水,是我可爱的家乡。
    Imagine you could fly in the blue sky. You will see your lovely hometown with green hills and blue waters.

  • 清晨,当科曼迪尔的居民们走出家门时,他们看到的已不是熟悉的青山绿水
    Early in the morning, when Kemandier the residents to leave their homes, they have not seen the familiar Qingshanlvshui.

  • 登上大堤的鲤鱼亭眺望,只见四周青山绿水,狮泉二山倒映水中,美不胜收。
    Levee board the view of the Lei Yue-ting, onlyQingshanlvshui four weeks, two mountain lion-churn, Daoying water is enormous.

  • 太阳能光电的科技,可以代替许多传统能源更多的资源,存续了更多的青山绿水
    Solar Energy is a clean energy technology that can substitute the traditional methods of generating the nature resources.

  • 那种青山绿水,清澈的溪流始终让他觉得象徵著台湾人的感觉,一直到现在都难以忘怀。
    Surrounded by this environment with green mountain, water, and clean rivers, these all represent him as Taiwanese and have made a lasting experience for him on this.

  • 这里的青山绿水,这里的清新空气,会让您的身心在紧张的都市生活之余感到轻松和惬意!
    The green mountains and blue waters, where the fresh air, let your mental and physical tension in the city while feeling relaxed and happy!

  • 颐和园的美超过了我的想象,这是传说中的“十七孔桥”,蓝天白云青山绿水,相映成趣。
    The beauty of summer palace is beyond my imagination! , especially the nature sceneries .

  • 锦绣钱塘借助青山湖的青山绿水,主打“绿色房产”,这也将成为今后该板块房产的主基调。
    Beautiful art on the green hills blue Castle Peak Lake, the principal attacking the "green houses", and this will become the future of the property owners plate tone.

  • 柳色仍清新,带朝烟。一片青山绿水,道路旁长满了红艳艳的花欲迷人眼,绿油油的草能没马蹄。
    Green is the Willow is still fresh with the DPRK smoke. 1 mountains, beside the road covered with bright red flowers want beautiful eyes, green grass can not horseshoe.

  • 置身这四季如画的青山绿水之间,加上富含矿物质的温泉水,使这里成为一个远离喧嚣的世外桃源
    This exposure to the four seasons between the picturesque mountains, together with the mineral-rich hot spring water, so here to become a paradise far away from the crowd.

  • 乘一叶扁舟,在青山绿水中顺流而下,看两岸风景如画,人在画中,画随人动,两相辉映,相映成趣。
    Take a leaf boat in the green mountains and blue waters in the downstream to see if the two sides picturesque, in painting, drawing people with the move, two-phase embraced the Xiangyingchengqu.

  • 自然选择塑造了人类的大脑被引导朝着增加我们的繁衍生息的大自然方面而发展,如青山绿水和温驯的动物。
    Natural selection shaped the human brain to be drawn toward aspects of nature that enhance our survival and reproduction, like verdant landscapes and docile creatures.

  • 其间路程平坦,公路两旁绿树成荫,时有青山绿水映入眼帘,一尘不染,犹如在氧吧间穿行,令人心旷神异。
    In the meantime distance flat, tree-lined on both sides of the road, when there are green mountains and blue waters eye, spotless, as if through the inter-Oxygen Bar, is open heart Shen Yi.

  • 室外我们强调水莲拥有与自环境融合的九区十八景,让人充分享受都会人难得享有的青山绿水阳光,及纯净的空气。
    Outdoor facilities/Lotus Hill makes a special emphasis on its unique scenery locations where it's residents and visitors can enjoy Mountain Views, fresh air and sunshine.

  • 业大观园占地面积有四平方公里,区内青山绿水、林相、地形、地貌均保持原有生态面孔,绿被物种繁多,层次分明。
    The Grand View Garden covers an area of four square kilometers, the region Qingshanlvshui, Forest, the terrain, all the original ecological landscape faces, the Green By numerous species, structured.

  • 在这里,天空和白云如此接近,阳光和空气无比通透,明丽的青山绿水一如浓妆艳抹,吃那些听熟了的云南小吃,逛那些听熟了的著名景点。
    Here, the sky and white clouds are so close; the sunshine and air is so transparent; hills and water are so blue. I had the famous snacks and visited well-known attractions.

  • 从书本上接触到《珠江竹枝词》,其中的“岸上不如船上乐,青山绿水是儿家”,能背诵得朗朗上口,由此可知,广州一向是与水有密不可分的亲缘的。
    Perhaps, pople in Guangzhou can recite the poem about the Peart River"it is much joyful in than on the banks, and green hills and clear rivers are the homes ."

  • 而满足人类快乐需要的不仅仅是人类创造的国民财富,自然环境中的蓝天白云、青山绿水同样构成人类广义消费的基础内容,成为人类无上快乐的源泉。
    GDP can not satisfy all needs of human hedonic, and the forest, the everglade and the spring also form the base of human consumption and become the source of hedonic.

  • 青山绿水造句相关
