
青云直上  qīng yún zhí shàng








  • 可谓是突飞猛进,青云直上
    It is by leaps and bounds, Albatron straight!

  • 好人总是受气遭殃,坏人往往青云直上
    Often the good suffer, and often the wicked prosper.

  • 他在公司中青云直上,现在已经是经理了。
    He really moved up in the company, now he is the manager.

  • 几年下来,公司赚钱,个人成功,事业如青云直上,多好。
    In few years, the company makes money and you succeed in your career by moving into the fast lane. How nice!

  • 如果你想青云直上,首先应该牢记的事情之一就是不要制造纠纷。
    One of the first things you have to learn if you want to be a successful bureaucrat is not to make waves.

  • 青云直上时,待人要好一点,因为你走下坡路时,还会碰到他们。
    Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down.

  • 为此也失去了许多,看着许多不如自己的人,青云直上,自己仍然守着三尺讲台。
    To this end also lose a lot, seen many better than themselves, Albatron straight, he is still guarding three feet of the podium.

  • 你也许不会获得那些我们这个社会所看重的直接回报:青云直上,高薪厚禄,如此等等。
    You may not gain the kind of immediate rewards on which our society places value: fast promotions, high salaries, and so on.

  • 对一个德国出生的犹太人来说,这样青云直上,又有实权又有盛名,即使是在一个霍雷肖·阿尔杰比比皆是的国家里,也是无与伦比的。
    For a German-born Jew, it was a unique rise to power and fame even in a country where Horatio Algers abound.

  • 在抗战期间,这个家伙与几个美国军官拉扯上了一点关系,就凭借着这点关系,再加上他会讲几句英语,很快青云直上,成了国民党统治集团的要人。
    During the war, this man obtained an influence with some American Army officers, and because of this and because he could speak English, he rose in the Kuomintang hierarchy.

  • 他和贝蒂似乎要在田园牧歌般的欧扎克山区迈向永久的幸福生活。然而几年后,他青云直上的势头显然突然受阻:新州长荷马。爱德金斯撤换了他,原因是他母亲犀利的批评社论。
    But after a couple of years, his apparently effortless rise to prominence was abruptly interrupted when the new governor, Homer Adkins, fired him because of his mother's sharply critical editorials.

  • 青云直上造句相关
